Groovy解析xml并且注入Project,TestSuite,TestCase级别的custom properties
- import
- import groovy.util.XmlParser
- def groovyUtils = new GroovyUtils( context )
- def xmlFilePath = groovyUtils.getProjectPath()+"\\Properties.xml"
- def testAndBmkEnv = context.expand('${#Project#testAndBmkEnv}').trim()
- String testEnv = testAndBmkEnv.split("vs")[0].trim()
- String bmkEnv = testAndBmkEnv.split("vs")[1].trim()
- //loadProperties(testEnv,bmkEnv,xmlFilePath)
- //loadProperties(testEnv,bmkEnv,xmlFilePath,testSuiteName,testCaseName)
- //******************************All TestSuies and TestCases**********************************
- // Inject custom properties in xml file to Project, all TestSuites or all TestCases.
- def loadProperties(String testEnv, String bmkEnv, String xmlFilePath){
- def xmlParser = new XmlParser().parse(xmlFilePath);
- xmlParser.Env.each{
- if (it.attribute("id")==testEnv){
- setProjectProperties(it, "Test")
- setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(it, "Test")
- }
- if (it.attribute("id")==bmkEnv){
- setProjectProperties(it, "Bmk")
- setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(it, "Bmk")
- }
- }
- }
- def setProjectProperties(Object obj, String env){
- obj.Project.each{
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- }
- }
- // Set custom properties of all TestSuites and TestCases
- def setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(Object obj, String env){
- obj.TestSuite.each{
- String testSuiteName = it.attribute("name")
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(testSuiteName).setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- it.TestCase.each{
- String testCaseName = it.attribute("name")
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(testSuiteName).getTestCaseByName(testCaseName).setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //******************************All TestSuies and All TestCases**********************************
- //******************************One TestSuie and One/All TestCases**********************************
- // Inject custom properties in xml file to Project, one TestSuite or one TestCase.
- def loadProperties(String testEnv, String bmkEnv, String xmlFilePath, String suiteName, String caseName){
- def xmlParser = new XmlParser().parse(xmlFilePath);
- xmlParser.Env.each{
- if (it.attribute("id")==testEnv){
- setProjectProperties(it, "Test")
- setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(it, "Test", suiteName, caseName)
- }
- if (it.attribute("id")==bmkEnv){
- setProjectProperties(it, "Bmk")
- setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(it, "Bmk", suiteName, caseName)
- }
- }
- }
- // Set custom properties of one TestSuite and one TestCase
- def setTestSuiteAndTestCaseProperties(Object obj, String env, String suiteName, String caseName){
- obj.TestSuite.each{
- String testSuiteName = it.attribute("name")
- if (testSuiteName==suiteName){
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(testSuiteName).setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- if(caseName!=""){
- it.TestCase.each{
- String testCaseName = it.attribute("name")
- if (testCaseName==caseName){
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(testSuiteName).getTestCaseByName(testCaseName).setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- return
- }
- }
- }else{
- it.TestCase.each{
- String testCaseName = it.attribute("name")
- it.CusProperty.each{
- String propertyName = it.attribute("name")+env
- String propertyValue = it.attribute("value")
- testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName(testSuiteName).getTestCaseByName(testCaseName).setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue)
- }
- }
- }
- return
- }
- }
- }
- //******************************One TestSuie and One/All TestCases**********************************
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