



function [J, grad] = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, lambda)
%LINEARREGCOSTFUNCTION Compute cost and gradient for regularized linear
%regression with multiple variables
% [J, grad] = LINEARREGCOSTFUNCTION(X, y, theta, lambda) computes the
% cost of using theta as the parameter for linear regression to fit the
% data points in X and y. Returns the cost in J and the gradient in grad % Initialize some useful values
m = length(y); % number of training examples % You need to return the following variables correctly
J = 0;
grad = zeros(size(theta)); % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Compute the cost and gradient of regularized linear
% regression for a particular choice of theta.
% You should set J to the cost and grad to the gradient.
h = X * theta;
J = 1/2/m *((h-y)'*(h-y)) + lambda/2/m*(theta(2:end,:)'*theta(2:end,:));
grad(1,1) = X(:,1)'*(h-y)/m;
grad(2:end,1) = X(:,2:end)'*(h-y)/m +lambda/m * theta(2:end,1);
% =========================================================================
grad = grad(:); end







function [error_train, error_val] = ...
learningCurve(X, y, Xval, yval, lambda)
%LEARNINGCURVE Generates the train and cross validation set errors needed
%to plot a learning curve
% [error_train, error_val] = ...
% LEARNINGCURVE(X, y, Xval, yval, lambda) returns the train and
% cross validation set errors for a learning curve. In particular,
% it returns two vectors of the same length - error_train and
% error_val. Then, error_train(i) contains the training error for
% i examples (and similarly for error_val(i)).
% In this function, you will compute the train and test errors for
% dataset sizes from 1 up to m. In practice, when working with larger
% datasets, you might want to do this in larger intervals.
% % Number of training examples
m = size(X, 1); % You need to return these values correctly
error_train = zeros(m, 1);
error_val = zeros(m, 1); % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Fill in this function to return training errors in
% error_train and the cross validation errors in error_val.
% i.e., error_train(i) and
% error_val(i) should give you the errors
% obtained after training on i examples.
% Note: You should evaluate the training error on the first i training
% examples (i.e., X(1:i, :) and y(1:i)).
% For the cross-validation error, you should instead evaluate on
% the _entire_ cross validation set (Xval and yval).
% Note: If you are using your cost function (linearRegCostFunction)
% to compute the training and cross validation error, you should
% call the function with the lambda argument set to 0.
% Do note that you will still need to use lambda when running
% the training to obtain the theta parameters.
% Hint: You can loop over the examples with the following:
% for i = 1:m
% % Compute train/cross validation errors using training examples
% % X(1:i, :) and y(1:i), storing the result in
% % error_train(i) and error_val(i)
% ....
% end
% % ---------------------- Sample Solution ---------------------- %进行训练的时候,对训练样本i个进行训练得到theta值,再求J for i = 1:m
theta = trainLinearReg(X(1:i,:), y(1:i), lambda);
error_train(i) = linearRegCostFunction(X(1:i,:), y(1:i), theta, 0);
error_val(i) = linearRegCostFunction(Xval, yval,theta,0);
end % ------------------------------------------------------------- % ========================================================================= end



(1) 上面学习曲线可以看出来高偏差,欠拟合。采用增加特性来拟合,即多项式如下:


function [X_poly] = polyFeatures(X, p)
%POLYFEATURES Maps X (1D vector) into the p-th power
% [X_poly] = POLYFEATURES(X, p) takes a data matrix X (size m x 1) and
% maps each example into its polynomial features where
% X_poly(i, :) = [X(i) X(i).^2 X(i).^3 ... X(i).^p];
% % You need to return the following variables correctly.
X_poly = zeros(numel(X), p); % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Given a vector X, return a matrix X_poly where the p-th
% column of X contains the values of X to the p-th power.
for i=1:p
X_poly(:,i) = X.^i;
% ========================================================================= end

(2) 画出学习曲线




function [lambda_vec, error_train, error_val] = ...
validationCurve(X, y, Xval, yval)
%VALIDATIONCURVE Generate the train and validation errors needed to
%plot a validation curve that we can use to select lambda
% [lambda_vec, error_train, error_val] = ...
% VALIDATIONCURVE(X, y, Xval, yval) returns the train
% and validation errors (in error_train, error_val)
% for different values of lambda. You are given the training set (X,
% y) and validation set (Xval, yval).
% % Selected values of lambda (you should not change this)
lambda_vec = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10]'; % You need to return these variables correctly.
error_train = zeros(length(lambda_vec), 1);
error_val = zeros(length(lambda_vec), 1); % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Fill in this function to return training errors in
% error_train and the validation errors in error_val. The
% vector lambda_vec contains the different lambda parameters
% to use for each calculation of the errors, i.e,
% error_train(i), and error_val(i) should give
% you the errors obtained after training with
% lambda = lambda_vec(i)
% Note: You can loop over lambda_vec with the following:
% for i = 1:length(lambda_vec)
% lambda = lambda_vec(i);
% % Compute train / val errors when training linear
% % regression with regularization parameter lambda
% % You should store the result in error_train(i)
% % and error_val(i)
% ....
% end
for i = 1:length(lambda_vec)
lambda = lambda_vec(i);
theta = trainLinearReg(X, y, lambda); %10x1选择最优的theta
error_train(i,1) = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, 0);
error_val(i,1) = linearRegCostFunction(Xval, yval, theta, 0);
end % ========================================================================= end

(3)计算测试集代价误差3.8599,(根据上面得到的最优的λ= 3)


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