Hyperledger Fabric CA User’s Guide——开始(三)
Fabric CA User’s Guide——开始
- 安装Go 1.9+
- 设置正确的GOPATH环境变量
- 安装了libtool和libtdhl-dev包
sudo apt install libtool libltdl-dev
brew install libtool
下面的代码将在$GOPATH/bin中安装fabric-ca-server 和fabric-ca-client二进制文件。
go get -u github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/cmd/...
注意:如果已经克隆了fabric-ca仓库,请确保在运行“go get”命令之前已经在主分支上了。否则,可能会看到以下错误:
<gopath>/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca; git pull --ff-only
There is no tracking information for the current branch.
Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
See git-pull() for details. git pull <remote> <branch> If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with: git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch> tlsdoc package github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-client: exit status
fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw
Go to: https://hub.docker.com/r/hyperledger/fabric-ca/tags/
image: hyperledger/fabric-ca:x86_64-1.0.-beta
container_name: fabric-ca-server
- "7054:7054"
- FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
- "./fabric-ca-server:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server"
command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw'
# docker-compose up -d
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca
make docker
cd docker/server
docker-compose up -d
hyperledger/fabric-ca docker镜像包含了fabric-ca-server 和fabric-ca-client。
# cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca
# FABRIC_CA_DYNAMIC_LINK=true make docker
# cd docker/server
# docker-compose up -d
探索Fabric CA CLI
本节提供一些简单地Fabric CA服务端和客户端便捷使用消息。下面的小节提供了更多的使用信息。
Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority Server Usage:
fabric-ca-server [command] Available Commands:
init Initialize the fabric-ca server
start Start the fabric-ca server
version Prints Fabric CA Server version Flags:
--address string Listening address of fabric-ca-server (default "")
-b, --boot string The user:pass for bootstrap admin which is required to build default config file
--ca.certfile string PEM-encoded CA certificate file (default "ca-cert.pem")
--ca.chainfile string PEM-encoded CA chain file (default "ca-chain.pem")
--ca.keyfile string PEM-encoded CA key file
-n, --ca.name string Certificate Authority name
--cacount int Number of non-default CA instances
--cafiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated CA configuration files
--cfg.affiliations.allowremove Enables removing of affiliations dynamically
--cfg.identities.allowremove Enables removal of identities dynamically
--crl.expiry duration Expiration for the CRL generated by the gencrl request (default 24h0m0s)
--crlsizelimit int Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default )
--csr.cn string The common name field of the certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server
--csr.hosts stringSlice A list of space-separated host names in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server
--csr.serialnumber string The serial number in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server
--db.datasource string Data source which is database specific (default "fabric-ca-server.db")
--db.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem)
--db.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled
--db.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled
--db.type string Type of database; one of: sqlite3, postgres, mysql (default "sqlite3")
-d, --debug Enable debug level logging
-H, --home string Server's home directory (default "/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca")
--intermediate.enrollment.label string Label to use in HSM operations
--intermediate.enrollment.profile string Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate
--intermediate.parentserver.caname string Name of the CA to connect to on fabric-ca-server
-u, --intermediate.parentserver.url string URL of the parent fabric-ca-server (e.g. http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port)
--intermediate.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem)
--intermediate.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled
--intermediate.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled
--ldap.enabled Enable the LDAP client for authentication and attributes
--ldap.groupfilter string The LDAP group filter for a single affiliation group (default "(memberUid=%s)")
--ldap.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem)
--ldap.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled
--ldap.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled
--ldap.url string LDAP client URL of form ldap://adminDN:adminPassword@host[:port]/base
--ldap.userfilter string The LDAP user filter to use when searching for users (default "(uid=%s)")
-p, --port int Listening port of fabric-ca-server (default )
--registry.maxenrollments int Maximum number of enrollments; valid if LDAP not enabled (default -)
--tls.certfile string PEM-encoded TLS certificate file for server's listening port
--tls.clientauth.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem)
--tls.clientauth.type string Policy the server will follow for TLS Client Authentication. (default "noclientcert")
--tls.enabled Enable TLS on the listening port
--tls.keyfile string PEM-encoded TLS key for server's listening port Use "fabric-ca-server [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority Client Usage:
fabric-ca-client [command] Available Commands:
affiliation Manage affiliations
enroll Enroll an identity
gencrl Generate a CRL
gencsr Generate a CSR
getcacert Get CA certificate chain
identity Manage identities
reenroll Reenroll an identity
register Register an identity
revoke Revoke an identity
version Prints Fabric CA Client version Flags:
--caname string Name of CA
--csr.cn string The common name field of the certificate signing request
--csr.hosts stringSlice A list of space-separated host names in a certificate signing request
--csr.names stringSlice A list of comma-separated CSR names of the form <name>=<value> (e.g. C=CA,O=Org1)
--csr.serialnumber string The serial number in a certificate signing request
-d, --debug Enable debug level logging
--enrollment.attrs stringSlice A list of comma-separated attribute requests of the form <name>[:opt] (e.g. foo,bar:opt)
--enrollment.label string Label to use in HSM operations
--enrollment.profile string Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate
-H, --home string Client's home directory (default "$HOME/.fabric-ca-client")
--id.affiliation string The identity's affiliation
--id.attrs stringSlice A list of comma-separated attributes of the form <name>=<value> (e.g. foo=foo1,bar=bar1)
--id.maxenrollments int The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll. (default -)
--id.name string Unique name of the identity
--id.secret string The enrollment secret for the identity being registered
--id.type string Type of identity being registered (e.g. 'peer, app, user') (default "client")
-M, --mspdir string Membership Service Provider directory (default "msp")
-m, --myhost string Hostname to include in the certificate signing request during enrollment (default "$HOSTNAME")
-a, --revoke.aki string AKI (Authority Key Identifier) of the certificate to be revoked
-e, --revoke.name string Identity whose certificates should be revoked
-r, --revoke.reason string Reason for revocation
-s, --revoke.serial string Serial number of the certificate to be revoked
--tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem)
--tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled
--tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled
-u, --url string URL of fabric-ca-server (default "http://localhost:7054") Use "fabric-ca-client [command] --help" for more information about a command.
注意,可以通过指定带有逗号分隔的列表元素的选项或多次指定选项来指定命令行选项(列表),每个选项都有一个组成列表的字符串值。例如,为csr.hosts选项指定host1和host2,可以通过--csr 'host1,host2',或者--csr host1 --csr host2。使用前一种格式时,请确保在逗号前后没有空格。
Hyperledger Fabric CA User’s Guide——开始(三)的更多相关文章
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