


我选择分成log(n) 个段,并没有什么道理。

这样在查询rangeSum 的时候就复杂了,如果范围在同一个缓存段内就很好,当跨越缓存段的时候,要分别处理两头的两个段,然后还别忘了中间被跨越的那些段。

因为比较菜,实现得非常繁琐。但是终归accpeted 了

* @constructor
* @param {number[]} nums
var NumArray = function(nums) {
this.nums = nums;
this.cache = []; var cacheSize = 0;
var numsLen = nums.length;
while (numsLen > 0) {
numsLen = numsLen >> 1;
} this.cacheSize = cacheSize;
this.segSize = Math.floor(nums.length / cacheSize); var idx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++) {
var cacheStart = idx;
var segSize = this.segSize;
if (i === cacheSize - 1) {
segSize = Math.max(Math.floor(nums.length / cacheSize), nums.length - idx);
var cacheEnd = idx + segSize - 1; var thatCache = [];
var thatAcc = 0;
for (var j = cacheStart; j <= cacheEnd; j++) {
thatAcc += this.nums[j];
idx = cacheEnd + 1;
}; /**
* @param {number} i
* @param {number} val
* @return {void}
NumArray.prototype.update = function(i, val) {
var residual = val - this.nums[i];
var cachePos = Math.min(Math.floor(i / this.segSize), this.cacheSize);
this.nums[i] = val;
var cache = this.cache[cachePos];
var idx = i - cachePos * this.segSize;
for (var j = idx; j < cache.length; j++) {
cache[j] += residual;
}; /**
* @param {number} i
* @param {number} j
* @return {number}
NumArray.prototype.sumRange = function(i, j) {
if (this.cache.length === 0) return 0;
var cachePosi = Math.min(Math.floor(i / this.segSize), this.cacheSize - 1);
var cachePosj = Math.min(Math.floor(j / this.segSize), this.cacheSize - 1);
if (cachePosi === cachePosj) {
var cache = this.cache[cachePosi];
var local_i = i - cachePosi * this.segSize;
var local_j = j - cachePosi * this.segSize;
return cache[local_j] - cache[local_i] + this.nums[i];
} else {
var cache_i = this.cache[cachePosi];
var cache_j = this.cache[cachePosj]; var local_i = i - cachePosi * this.segSize;
var local_j = j - cachePosj * this.segSize; var ret_i = cache_i[cache_i.length - 1] - cache_i[local_i] + this.nums[i];
var ret_j = cache_j[local_j]; var ret = 0;
for (var k = cachePosi + 1; k < cachePosj; k++) {
ret += this.cache[k][this.cache[k].length - 1];
return ret + ret_i + ret_j;

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