目前.NET Core创建Windows Service比较好的一个开源框架:DasMulli.Win32.ServiceUtils
新建一个.NET Core控制台程序,搜索并下载Nuget包:DasMulli.Win32.ServiceUtils
Write a windows service using:
using DasMulli.Win32.ServiceUtils;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks; class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var myService = new MyService(); //检测到--run-as-service命令行参数后,才以windows service方式执行程序
if (args.Contains("--run-as-service"))
var serviceHost = new Win32ServiceHost(myService);
myService.Start(args, () => { });
Console.WriteLine("Running interactively, press enter to stop.");
} class MyService : IWin32Service
public string ServiceName => "Test Service";
protected bool stopFlag = false;
protected Task serviceTask; public void Start(string[] startupArguments, ServiceStoppedCallback serviceStoppedCallback)
// Start coolness and return //注意不要在Start方法中直接用无限循环来执行windows service的处理逻辑,这样会导致启动windows service时,启动永远无法执行完毕。
//正确的做法是像下面一样,使用Task启动另外一个线程来无限循环执行windows service的处理逻辑,保证Start方法不会被卡死。
serviceTask = Task.Run(new Action(ServiceHandler));
} /// <summary>
/// ServiceHandler方法会无限循环来执行windows service的处理逻辑
/// </summary>
public void ServiceHandler()
while (!stopFlag)
//如果stopFlag为false,就无限循环,执行windows service的处理逻辑
} public void Stop()
// shut it down again //当停止windows service时,将stopFlag置为true,即可结束ServiceHandler方法中的无限循环
stopFlag = true; if (serviceTask != null)
You can then register your service via sc.exe (run cmd / powershell as administrator!):
sc.exe create MyService DisplayName= "My Service" binpath= "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe C:\path\to\MyService.dll --run-as-service"
注意上面命令中,C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe为你的计算机上dotnet.exe程序所在的路径地址,C:\path\to\MyService.dll为你的.NET Core控制台项目(Windows Service项目)发布后生成的dll文件地址。
当然,如果你的.NET Core控制台项目(Windows Service项目)是使用Self-contained deployments (SCD)模式发布的,生成的是.exe文件,那么你也可以直接将生成的.exe文件路径地址作为sc.exe的binpath参数,如下所示:
sc.exe create MyService DisplayName= "My Service" binpath= "C:\path\to\MyService.exe --run-as-service"
其中C:\path\to\MyService.exe为你的.NET Core控制台项目(Windows Service项目)发布后生成的.exe文件地址
Then you can change the description of your service with below command:
sc.exe description MyService "This is a testing service"
You can also change the DisplayName of your service with below command:
sc.exe config MyService DisplayName= "My Application Service"
You can change windows service username and password with below command:
sc.exe config "[servicename]" obj= "[.\username]" password= "[password]"
Just keep in mind that:
- The spacing in the above example matters. obj= "foo" is correct; obj="foo" is not.
- '.' is an alias to the local machine, you can specify a domain there (or your local computer name) if you wish.
- Passwords aren't validated until the service is started
- Quote your parameters, as above. You can sometimes get by without quotes
- You must stop windows service before you change its username and password
Here is an example to change username and password of MyService
sc.exe config "MyService" obj= "domain\user" password= "password"
关于用sc.exe更改windows service的用户名和密码,可以参考下面两个提问的帖子:
Using SC.exe to set service credentials password fails
how to set windows service username and password through commandline
Now go the services console / task manager and start your service.
Not that sc will install your service as SYSTEM user which has way to many access rights to run things like web apps. See it's reference for more options.
If you want to get rid of it again, use:
sc.exe delete MyService
You can also create a service that registers itself like the example provided by taking a look at the sample source.
Also take a look at the ASP.NET Core MVC sample, which has additional logic to set the correct working directory. When running it in development and not from the published output, be sure to pass --preserve-working-directory to it when registering so that it will run from the project directory (e.g. run dotnet run --register-service --preserve-working-directory from and administrative command prompt).
你也可以创建一个Windows Service自己就包含了注册服务、卸载服务、运行服务等功能,下面的代码展示了如何对一个叫TestWin32Service的Windows Service进行相关操作:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DasMulli.Win32.ServiceUtils; namespace TestService
public class Program
private const string RunAsServiceFlag = "--run-as-service";
private const string RegisterServiceFlag = "--register-service";
private const string UnregisterServiceFlag = "--unregister-service";
private const string InteractiveFlag = "--interactive"; private const string ServiceName = "DemoService";
private const string ServiceDisplayName = "Demo .NET Core Service";
private const string ServiceDescription = "Demo ASP.NET Core Service running on .NET Core"; public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Contains(RunAsServiceFlag))
else if (args.Contains(RegisterServiceFlag))
else if (args.Contains(UnregisterServiceFlag))
else if (args.Contains(InteractiveFlag))
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error ocurred: {ex.Message}");
} private static void RunAsService(string[] args)
var testService = new TestWin32Service(args.Where(a => a != RunAsServiceFlag).ToArray());
var serviceHost = new Win32ServiceHost(testService);
} private static void RunInteractive(string[] args)
var testService = new TestWin32Service(args.Where(a => a != InteractiveFlag).ToArray());
testService.Start(new string[], () => { });
Console.WriteLine("Running interactively, press enter to stop.");
} private static void RegisterService()
// Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() includes the current DLL from a "dotnet my.dll --register-service" call, which is not passed to Main()
var remainingArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
.Where(arg => arg != RegisterServiceFlag)
.Append(RunAsServiceFlag); var host = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; if (!host.EndsWith("dotnet.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// For self-contained apps, skip the dll path
remainingArgs = remainingArgs.Skip();
} var fullServiceCommand = host + " " + string.Join(" ", remainingArgs); // Do not use LocalSystem in production.. but this is good for demos as LocalSystem will have access to some random git-clone path
// Note that when the service is already registered and running, it will be reconfigured but not restarted
var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinitionBuilder(ServiceName)
//.WithCredentials(new Win32ServiceCredentials("UserName", "Password"))
.Build(); new Win32ServiceManager().CreateOrUpdateService(serviceDefinition, startImmediately: true); Console.WriteLine($@"Successfully registered and started service ""{ServiceDisplayName}"" (""{ServiceDescription}"")");
} private static void UnregisterService()
new Win32ServiceManager()
.DeleteService(ServiceName); Console.WriteLine($@"Successfully unregistered service ""{ServiceDisplayName}"" (""{ServiceDescription}"")");
} private static void DisplayHelp()
Console.WriteLine("This demo application is intened to be run as windows service. Use one of the following options:");
Console.WriteLine(" --register-service Registers and starts this program as a windows service named \"" + ServiceDisplayName + "\"");
Console.WriteLine(" All additional arguments will be passed to ASP.NET Core's WebHostBuilder.");
Console.WriteLine(" --unregister-service Removes the windows service creatd by --register-service.");
Console.WriteLine(" --interactive Runs the underlying asp.net core app. Useful to test arguments.");
} private static string EscapeCommandLineArgument(string arg)
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/6040946/784387
arg = Regex.Replace(arg, @"(\\*)" + "\"", @"$1$1\" + "\"");
arg = "\"" + Regex.Replace(arg, @"(\\+)$", @"$1$1") + "\"";
return arg;
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