


const int Max_N = ;
struct Node{
int v, s, rev;
Node *pre, *ch[];
inline void set(int _v = -, int _s = , Node *p = NULL){
v = _v, s = _s, rev = ;
pre = ch[] = ch[] = p;
inline void push_up(){
s = ch[]->s + ch[]->s + ;
inline void update(){
rev ^= ;
std::swap(ch[], ch[]);
inline void push_down(){
if (rev != ){
rev ^= ;
struct SplayTree{
int N = ;
Node *tail, *root, *null, stack[Max_N];
void init(int n){
N = n, tail = &stack[];
null = tail++;
root = newNode(-);
root->ch[] = newNode(-);
root->ch[]->pre = root;
Node *x = built(, n);
root->ch[]->ch[] = x;
x->pre = root->ch[];
inline Node *newNode(int v){
Node *p = tail++;
p->set(v, , null);
return p;
Node *built(int l, int r){
if (l > r) return null;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
Node *p = newNode(mid);
p->ch[] = built(l, mid - );
if (p->ch[] != null) p->ch[]->pre = p;
p->ch[] = built(mid + , r);
if (p->ch[] != null) p->ch[]->pre = p;
return p;
inline void rotate(Node *x, int c){
Node *y = x->pre;
y->push_down(), x->push_down();
y->ch[!c] = x->ch[c];
x->pre = y->pre;
if (x->ch[c] != null) x->ch[c]->pre = y;
if (y->pre != null) y->pre->ch[y->pre->ch[] != y] = x;
x->ch[c] = y;
y->pre = x;
if (y == root) root = x;
inline void splay(Node *x, Node *f){
if (x == root) return;
for (; x->pre != f; x->push_down()){
if (x->pre->pre == f){
rotate(x, x->pre->ch[] == x);
} else {
Node *y = x->pre, *z = y->pre;
if (z->ch[] == y){
if (y->ch[] == x)
rotate(y, ), rotate(x, );
else rotate(x, ), rotate(x, );
} else {
if (y->ch[] == x)
rotate(y, ), rotate(x, );
else rotate(x, ), rotate(x, );
inline Node *select(Node *x, int k){
for (int t = ; x != null;){
t = x->ch[]->s;
if (t == k) break;
else if (k < t) x = x->ch[];
else k -= t + , x = x->ch[];
return x;
inline Node *get_range(int l, int r){
splay(select(root, l - ), null);
splay(select(root, r + ), root);
return root->ch[]->ch[];
inline Node *reverse(int l, int r){
Node *x = get_range(l, r);
return x;
inline void cut_link(int l, int r){
Node *x = reverse(l, r);
root->ch[]->ch[] = null;
int k = N - r + l - ;
get_range(, k);
splay(select(root, k), null);
splay(select(root, k + ), root);
root->ch[]->ch[] = x;
x->pre = root->ch[];
inline void travle(Node *x){
if (x != null){
printf("%d\n", x->v);
inline void travle(){
get_range(, N);
Node *x = root->ch[]->ch[];
int main(){
#ifdef LOCAL
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
freopen("out.txt", "w+", stdout);
int a, b, n, m;
while (~scanf("%d %d", &n, &m)){
while (m--){
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
Splay.cut_link(a, b);
return ;

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