esriSRProjCS3Type Constants
ArcGIS Developer Help (Geometry) |
esriSRProjCS3Type Constants
More projected coordinate systems.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriSRProjCS_World_Aitoff | 54043 | Aitoff. |
esriSRProjCS_World_CrasterParabolic | 54046 | Craster Parabolic. |
esriSRProjCS_World_FlatPolarQuartic | 54045 | Flat Polar Quartic. |
esriSRProjCS_World_HammerAitoff | 54044 | Hammer-Aitoff. |
esriSRProjCS_World_Times | 54048 | Times. |
esriSRProjCS_World_VerticalPerspective | 54049 | Vertical Near-side Perspective - geosynchronous orbit. |
esriSRProjCS_World_WinkelTripelNGS | 54042 | Winkel Tripel (NGS). |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_Aitoff | 53043 | Aitoff. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_CrasterParabolic | 53046 | Craster Parabolic. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_FlatPolarQuartic | 53045 | Flat Polar Quartic. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_HammerAitoff | 53044 | Hammer-Aitoff. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_Times | 53048 | Times. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_VerticalPerspective | 53049 | Vertical Near-side Perspective - geosynchronous orbit. |
esriSRProjCS_Sphere_WinkelTripelNGS | 53042 | Winkel Tripel (NGS). |
esriSRProjCS_WGS1984_NPoleGnomonic | 102034 | North Pole Gnomonic. |
esriSRProjCS_WGS1984_SPoleGnomonic | 102036 | South Pole Gnomonic. |
esriSRProjCS_WGS1984_NPoleOrthographic | 102035 | North Pole Orthographic. |
esriSRProjCS_WGS1984_SPoleOrthographic | 102037 | South Pole Orthographic. |
esriSRProjCS_TheWorldFromSpace | 102038 | The World from Space. |
Product Availability
This enumeration contains entries for some of the predefined projected coordinate systems. Please see esriSRProjCSType, esriSRProjCS2Type, and esriSRProjCS4Type for other predefined projected coordinate systems. A value corresponds to the factory code used in the Projection Engine library.
See Also
esriSRProjCSType Constants | esriSRProjCS2Type Constants | esriSRProjCS4Type Constants
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