Oracle Work in Process - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
*** Checked for relevance on 10-Jul-2013 ***


In Material Requirements Form (WIPMRMDF.fmb) getting the following error:

FRM-40735: POST-QUERY trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-20002



1. Please check if the organization has a valid calendar attached.
2. Check that the calendar has a correct setup (current date is between calendar's start and end date)
Navigation: Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Calendars (alternatively: BOM > Setup > Calender)
3. Rebuild the calendar and retest the issue. (menu > tools > build)

Getting Error "Invalid Argument to LOCATOR.CONTROL: ORG_LOCATOR_CONTROL='' in Material Requirements Form (文档 ID 1072379.1)的更多相关文章


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