现在提供一个外观类,在里面定义操作流程,客户端只需要和外观类进行接口交互即可,不用管 具体的操作流程。
public class DVDPlayer { private static DVDPlayer instance = new DVDPlayer(); public static DVDPlayer getInstanc() { return instance; } public void on() { System.out.println(" dvd on "); } public void off() { System.out.println(" dvd off "); } public void play() { System.out.println(" dvd is playing "); } //.... public void pause() { System.out.println(" dvd pause .."); } }
public class Popcorn { private static Popcorn instance = new Popcorn(); public static Popcorn getInstance() { return instance; } public void on() { System.out.println(" popcorn on "); } public void off() { System.out.println(" popcorn ff "); } public void pop() { System.out.println(" popcorn is poping "); } }
public class Projector { private static Projector instance = new Projector(); public static Projector getInstance() { return instance; } public void on() { System.out.println(" Projector on "); } public void off() { System.out.println(" Projector ff "); } public void focus() { System.out.println(" Projector is Projector "); } //... }
public class Screen { private static Screen instance = new Screen(); public static Screen getInstance() { return instance; } public void up() { System.out.println(" Screen up "); } public void down() { System.out.println(" Screen down "); } }
public class Stereo { private static Stereo instance = new Stereo(); public static Stereo getInstance() { return instance; } public void on() { System.out.println(" Stereo on "); } public void off() { System.out.println(" Screen off "); } public void up() { System.out.println(" Screen up.. "); } //... }
public class TheaterLight { private static TheaterLight instance = new TheaterLight(); public static TheaterLight getInstance() { return instance; } public void on() { System.out.println(" TheaterLight on "); } public void off() { System.out.println(" TheaterLight off "); } public void dim() { System.out.println(" TheaterLight dim.. "); } public void bright() { System.out.println(" TheaterLight bright.. "); } }
public class HomeTheaterFacade { //定义影院系统 各个子系统模块对象 private TheaterLight theaterLight; private Popcorn popcorn; private Stereo stereo; private Projector projector; private Screen screen; private DVDPlayer dVDPlayer; //构造器 public HomeTheaterFacade() { super(); this.theaterLight = TheaterLight.getInstance(); this.popcorn = Popcorn.getInstance(); this.stereo = Stereo.getInstance(); this.projector = Projector.getInstance(); this.screen = Screen.getInstance(); this.dVDPlayer = DVDPlayer.getInstanc(); } //操作分为四部 public void ready() { popcorn.on(); popcorn.pop(); screen.down(); projector.on(); stereo.on(); dVDPlayer.on(); theaterLight.dim(); } public void play() {; } public void pause() { dVDPlayer.pause(); } public void end() {; theaterLight.bright(); screen.up();;;; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { HomeTheaterFacade homeTheaterFacade = new HomeTheaterFacade(); homeTheaterFacade.ready();; homeTheaterFacade.end(); }
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