
static final ResourceLeakDetector<ByteBuf> leakDetector = new ResourceLeakDetector<ByteBuf>(ByteBuf.class);

int readerIndex; // 读索引
private int writerIndex; // 写索引
private int markedReaderIndex;//
private int markedWriterIndex;//mark private int maxCapacity;// 最大容量 private SwappedByteBuf swappedBuf;



public ByteBuf readBytes(byte[] dst, int dstIndex, int length) {
getBytes(readerIndex, dst, dstIndex, length);
readerIndex += length;
return this;


* Throws an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} if the current
* {@linkplain #readableBytes() readable bytes} of this buffer is less
* than the specified value.
protected final void checkReadableBytes(int minimumReadableBytes) {
if (minimumReadableBytes < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumReadableBytes: " + minimumReadableBytes + " (expected: >= 0)");
if (readerIndex > writerIndex - minimumReadableBytes) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"readerIndex(%d) + length(%d) exceeds writerIndex(%d): %s",
readerIndex, minimumReadableBytes, writerIndex, this));



* Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at
* the specified absolute {@code index}.
* This method does not modify {@code readerIndex} or {@code writerIndex}
* of this buffer.
* @param dstIndex the first index of the destination
* @param length the number of bytes to transfer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the specified {@code index} is less than {@code 0},
* if the specified {@code dstIndex} is less than {@code 0},
* if {@code index + length} is greater than
* {@code this.capacity}, or
* if {@code dstIndex + length} is greater than
* {@code dst.length}
public abstract ByteBuf getBytes(int index, byte[] dst, int dstIndex, int length);

如果读取成功,需要对读索引进行递增:readIndex +=length.



public ByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int length) {
setBytes(writerIndex, src, srcIndex, length);
writerIndex += length;
return this;

将源字节数组中的从srcIndex 开始,到 srcIndex + length 截至的字节数组写入到当前的 ByteBuf。


public ByteBuf ensureWritable(int minWritableBytes) {
if (minWritableBytes < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"minWritableBytes: %d (expected: >= 0)", minWritableBytes));
} if (minWritableBytes <= writableBytes()) {
return this;
} if (minWritableBytes > maxCapacity - writerIndex) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"writerIndex(%d) + minWritableBytes(%d) exceeds maxCapacity(%d): %s",
writerIndex, minWritableBytes, maxCapacity, this));
} // Normalize the current capacity to the power of 2.
int newCapacity = calculateNewCapacity(writerIndex + minWritableBytes); // Adjust to the new capacity.
return this;

如果写入的字节数组长度小于0,则抛出 IllegalArgumentException 异常;如果写入的字节数组长度小于当前 ByteBuf 可写的字节数,说明可以写入成功,直接返回;如果写入的字节数组长度大于可以动态扩展的最大可写字节数,说明缓冲区无法写入超过其最大容量的字节数组,抛出 IndexOutOfBoundsException 异常。

如果当前写入的字节数组长度虽然大于目前 ByteBuf 的可写字节数,但是同过自身的动态扩展可以满足新的写入请求,则进行动态扩展。


calculateNewCapacity 首先需要重新计算下扩展后的容量,它有一个参数,等于 writerIndex + minWritableBytes ,也就是满足要求的最小容量。

private int calculateNewCapacity(int minNewCapacity) {
final int maxCapacity = this.maxCapacity;
final int threshold = 1048576 * 4; // 4 MiB page if (minNewCapacity == threshold) {
return threshold;
} // If over threshold, do not double but just increase by threshold.
if (minNewCapacity > threshold) {
int newCapacity = minNewCapacity / threshold * threshold;
if (newCapacity > maxCapacity - threshold) {
newCapacity = maxCapacity;
} else {
newCapacity += threshold;
return newCapacity;
} // Not over threshold. Double up to 4 MiB, starting from 64.
int newCapacity = 64;
while (newCapacity < minNewCapacity) {
newCapacity <<= 1;
} return Math.min(newCapacity, maxCapacity);

首先设置门限阈值为4M,当需要的新容量正好等于门限阈值,则使用阈值作为新的缓冲去容量。如果新申请的内存空间大于阈值,不能采用倍增的方式(防止内存膨胀和浪费)扩张内存,采用每次4M的方式进行内存扩张。扩张的时候需要对扩张后的内存和最大内存(maxCapacity) 进行比较,如果大于缓冲区的最大长度,则使用maxCapacity 作为扩容后的缓冲区容量。


采用倍增或者步进算法的原因:如果以 minNewCapacity 作为目标容量,则本次扩容的可写字节数刚好够本次写入使用。写入完成后,它的可写字节数会变为0,下次做写入操作的时候,需要再次动态扩张。这样会形成第一次动态扩张后,每一次写入操作都会进行动态扩张,由于动态扩张需要进行内存复制,频繁的内存复制会导致性能下降。




* Adjusts the capacity of this buffer. If the {@code newCapacity} is less than the current
* capacity, the content of this buffer is truncated. If the {@code newCapacity} is greater
* than the current capacity, the buffer is appended with unspecified data whose length is
* {@code (newCapacity - currentCapacity)}.
public abstract ByteBuf capacity(int newCapacity);



public ByteBuf readerIndex(int readerIndex) {
if (readerIndex < 0 || readerIndex > writerIndex) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"readerIndex: %d (expected: 0 <= readerIndex <= writerIndex(%d))", readerIndex, writerIndex));
this.readerIndex = readerIndex;
return this;

在重新设置读索引之前需要对索引进行合法性判断,如果它小于0或者大于写索引,则抛出IndexOutOfBoundsException 异常,设置失败。校验通过之后,将索引设置为新的值,然后返回当前的ByteBuf对象。


public ByteBuf discardReadBytes() {
if (readerIndex == 0) {
return this;
} if (readerIndex != writerIndex) {
setBytes(0, this, readerIndex, writerIndex - readerIndex);
writerIndex -= readerIndex;
readerIndex = 0;
} else {
writerIndex = readerIndex = 0;
return this;

首先都对读索引进行判断,如果为0则说明没有可重用的缓冲区,直接返回。如果读索引大于0 且读索引不等于写索引,说明缓冲区中既有已经读取过的被丢弃的缓冲区,也有尚未读取的可读缓冲区。调用setBytes(0, this, readerIndex, writerIndex - readerIndex);方法进行字节数组复制。将尚未读取的字节数组复制到缓冲区的起始位置,然后重新设置读写索引,读索引设置为0,写索引设置为之前的写索引减去读索引(重用的缓冲区长度)。

在设置读写索引的同时,需要同时调整 markedReaderIndex 和 markedWriterIndex,调整mark的代码如下

protected final void adjustMarkers(int decrement) {
int markedReaderIndex = this.markedReaderIndex;
if (markedReaderIndex <= decrement) {
this.markedReaderIndex = 0;
int markedWriterIndex = this.markedWriterIndex;
if (markedWriterIndex <= decrement) {
this.markedWriterIndex = 0;
} else {
this.markedWriterIndex = markedWriterIndex - decrement;
} else {
this.markedReaderIndex = markedReaderIndex - decrement;
markedWriterIndex -= decrement;

首先对备份的markedReaderIndex和需要减少的decrement进行判断,如果小于需要的减少的值,则将markedReaderIndex设置为0,注意,无论markedReaderIndex 还是markedWriterIndex ,它的取值都不能小于0。如果markedWriterIndex也小于需要减少的值,则markedWriterIndex 设置为0,否则markedWriterIndex 减去decrement之后的值就是新的markedWriterIndex 。

如果需要减小的值小于 markedReaderIndex,则它也一定也小于markedWriterIndex ,markedReaderIndex 和markedWriterIndex 的新值就是减去decrement之后的取值。


else {
writerIndex = readerIndex = 0;
// 没有可读的字节数组,不需要内存复制



public ByteBuf skipBytes(int length) {
checkReadableBytes(length); int newReaderIndex = readerIndex + length;
if (newReaderIndex > writerIndex) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"length: %d (expected: readerIndex(%d) + length <= writerIndex(%d))",
length, readerIndex, writerIndex));
readerIndex = newReaderIndex;
return this;



* Throws an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} if the current
* {@linkplain #readableBytes() readable bytes} of this buffer is less
* than the specified value.
protected final void checkReadableBytes(int minimumReadableBytes) {
if (minimumReadableBytes < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumReadableBytes: " + minimumReadableBytes + " (expected: >= 0)");
if (readerIndex > writerIndex - minimumReadableBytes) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"readerIndex(%d) + length(%d) exceeds writerIndex(%d): %s",
readerIndex, minimumReadableBytes, writerIndex, this));


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