
1. schema: hfors


ambient_temperature_emd record the ambient temperature hourly: 2019-01-01 00:00:00 to 2019-08-01 01:00:00
heat_sale only 5 records, records the amount sale per month from 2019 Feb to 2019 June. 
make_up_water like heat_sale table, just 5 records.
opex don't know
return_temperature readtime; temperature;  
supply_temperature readtime; temperature;
total_heat_production no data;
unit_heat_production readtime, records per seconds(not stable); amount
Unit_production_cost just 5 records/rows

2. schema: bronderslev

not useful. the data is not about the energy consumption.

Public Data.

Public data website: OpenEI;

SQL examples:

select * from hfors.ambient_temperature_emd where readtime > '2019-07-30 22:00:00'

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