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1. Introduction--简介
2. Built-in Functions---内建函数
3. Non-essential Built-in Functions--非核心内建函数
4. Built-in Constants---内建常量
4.1. Constants added by the site module---由站点模块提供的常量
5. Built-in Types----内建类型
5.1. Truth Value Testing---真值判定,就是if关键词后的各种类型怎样判断True or False
5.2. Boolean Operations — and, or, not---布尔值操作
5.3. Comparisons---大小对比以及各种判定
5.4. Numeric Types — int, float, long, complex(复数)---数字类型
5.5. Iterator Types----迭代器类型--遍历序列的工具
5.6. Sequence Types — str, unicode, list, tuple, bytearray, buffer, xrange---序列类型--xrange--范围数组生成器
5.7. Set Types — set, frozenset----集合---frozenset是不可变集合,而是hashable
5.8. Mapping Types — dict---字典---其实就是hashtable
5.9. File Objects----文件对象
5.10. memoryview type---对支持buffer协议的类型提供内存数据查看功能
5.11. Context Manager Types---with语句相关
5.12. Other Built-in Types:

Modules Modules
Classes and Class Instances
Code Objects
Type Objects
The Null Object
The Ellipsis Object
The NotImplemented Object
Boolean Values
Internal Objects
Special Attributes
5.13. Special Attributes---内建的对象属性
6. Built-in Exceptions
6.1. Exception hierarchy
7. String Services----字符串服务

7.1. string — Common string operations----通用字符串操作
7.2. re — Regular expression operations---正则表达式操作
7.3. struct — Interpret strings as packed binary data---把字符串解析为二进制数据包
7.4. difflib — Helpers for computing deltas----字符串对比
7.5. StringIO — Read and write strings as files---对文件中的字符串做读写
7.6. cStringIO — Faster version of StringIO---上面这个库更快的版本
7.7. textwrap — Text wrapping and filling----文本切割去空等处理
7.8. codecs — Codec registry and base classes---字符编码解码处理
7.9. unicodedata — Unicode Database----Unicode字符串处理
7.10. stringprep — Internet String Preparation---做网络访问脚本用得着
7.11. fpformat — Floating point conversions---Deprecated since version 2.6: The fpformat module has been removed in Python 3.
8. Data Types---数据类型
8.1. datetime — Basic date and time types
8.2. calendar — General calendar-related functions
8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes
8.4. heapq — Heap queue algorithm
8.5. bisect — Array bisection algorithm
8.6. array — Efficient arrays of numeric values
8.7. sets — Unordered collections of unique elements
8.8. sched — Event scheduler
8.9. mutex — Mutual exclusion support
8.10. Queue — A synchronized queue class
8.11. weakref — Weak references
8.12. UserDict — Class wrapper for dictionary objects
8.13. UserList — Class wrapper for list objects
8.14. UserString — Class wrapper for string objects
8.15. types — Names for built-in types
8.16. new — Creation of runtime internal objects
8.17. copy — Shallow and deep copy operations
8.18. pprint — Data pretty printer
8.19. repr — Alternate repr() implementation
9. Numeric and Mathematical Modules---数字和数学模块
9.1. numbers — Numeric abstract base classes
9.2. math — Mathematical functions
9.3. cmath — Mathematical functions for complex numbers
9.4. decimal — Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic
9.5. fractions — Rational numbers
9.6. random — Generate pseudo-random numbers
9.7. itertools — Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
9.8. functools — Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects
9.9. operator — Standard operators as functions
10. File and Directory Access-----文件和目录访问
10.1. os.path — Common pathname manipulations
10.2. fileinput — Iterate over lines from multiple input streams
10.3. stat — Interpreting stat() results
10.4. statvfs — Constants used with os.statvfs()
10.5. filecmp — File and Directory Comparisons
10.6. tempfile — Generate temporary files and directories
10.7. glob — Unix style pathname pattern expansion
10.8. fnmatch — Unix filename pattern matching
10.9. linecache — Random access to text lines
10.10. shutil — High-level file operations
10.11. dircache — Cached directory listings
10.12. macpath — Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions
11. Data Persistence---数据持久化
11.1. pickle — Python object serialization
11.2. cPickle — A faster pickle
11.3. copy_reg — Register pickle support functions
11.4. shelve — Python object persistence
11.5. marshal — Internal Python object serialization
11.6. anydbm — Generic access to DBM-style databases
11.7. whichdb — Guess which DBM module created a database
11.8. dbm — Simple “database” interface
11.9. gdbm — GNU’s reinterpretation of dbm
11.10. dbhash — DBM-style interface to the BSD database library
11.11. bsddb — Interface to Berkeley DB library
11.12. dumbdbm — Portable DBM implementation
11.13. sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases
12. Data Compression and Archiving----数据压缩和打包
12.1. zlib — Compression compatible with gzip
12.2. gzip — Support for gzip files
12.3. bz2 — Compression compatible with bzip2
12.4. zipfile — Work with ZIP archives
12.5. tarfile — Read and write tar archive files
13. File Formats---文件格式
13.1. csv — CSV File Reading and Writing
13.2. ConfigParser — Configuration file parser
13.3. robotparser — Parser for robots.txt
13.4. netrc — netrc file processing
13.5. xdrlib — Encode and decode XDR data
13.6. plistlib — Generate and parse Mac OS X .plist files
14. Cryptographic Services---加密服务
14.1. hashlib — Secure hashes and message digests
14.2. hmac — Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
14.3. md5 — MD5 message digest algorithm
14.4. sha — SHA-1 message digest algorithm
15. Generic Operating System Services---通用的操作系统服务
15.1. os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
15.2. io — Core tools for working with streams
15.3. time — Time access and conversions
15.4. argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands
15.5. optparse — Parser for command line options
15.6. getopt — C-style parser for command line options
15.7. logging — Logging facility for Python
15.8. logging.config — Logging configuration
15.9. logging.handlers — Logging handlers
15.10. getpass — Portable password input
15.11. curses — Terminal handling for character-cell displays
15.12. curses.textpad — Text input widget for curses programs
15.13. curses.ascii — Utilities for ASCII characters
15.14. curses.panel — A panel stack extension for curses
15.15. platform — Access to underlying platform’s identifying data
15.16. errno — Standard errno system symbols
15.17. ctypes — A foreign function library for Python
16. Optional Operating System Services---可选的操作系统服务
16.1. select — Waiting for I/O completion
16.2. threading — Higher-level threading interface
16.3. thread — Multiple threads of control
16.4. dummy_threading — Drop-in replacement for the threading module
16.5. dummy_thread — Drop-in replacement for the thread module
16.6. multiprocessing — Process-based “threading” interface
16.7. mmap — Memory-mapped file support
16.8. readline — GNU readline interface
16.9. rlcompleter — Completion function for GNU readline
17. Interprocess Communication and Networking----跨进城通信和网络
17.1. subprocess — Subprocess management
17.2. socket — Low-level networking interface
17.3. ssl — TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
17.4. signal — Set handlers for asynchronous events
17.5. popen2 — Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
17.6. asyncore — Asynchronous socket handler
17.7. asynchat — Asynchronous socket command/response handler
18. Internet Data Handling---互联网数据处理
18.1. email — An email and MIME handling package
18.2. json — JSON encoder and decoder
18.3. mailcap — Mailcap file handling
18.4. mailbox — Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
18.5. mhlib — Access to MH mailboxes
18.6. mimetools — Tools for parsing MIME messages
18.7. mimetypes — Map filenames to MIME types
18.8. MimeWriter — Generic MIME file writer
18.9. mimify — MIME processing of mail messages
18.10. multifile — Support for files containing distinct parts
18.11. rfc822 — Parse RFC 2822 mail headers
18.12. base64 — RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings
18.13. binhex — Encode and decode binhex4 files
18.14. binascii — Convert between binary and ASCII
18.15. quopri — Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data
18.16. uu — Encode and decode uuencode files
19. Structured Markup Processing Tools---结构化标记语言处理
19.1. HTMLParser — Simple HTML and XHTML parser
19.2. sgmllib — Simple SGML parser
19.3. htmllib — A parser for HTML documents
19.4. htmlentitydefs — Definitions of HTML general entities
19.5. XML Processing Modules
19.6. XML vulnerabilities
19.7. xml.etree.ElementTree — The ElementTree XML API
19.8. xml.dom — The Document Object Model API
19.9. xml.dom.minidom — Minimal DOM implementation
19.10. xml.dom.pulldom — Support for building partial DOM trees
19.11. xml.sax — Support for SAX2 parsers
19.12. xml.sax.handler — Base classes for SAX handlers
19.13. xml.sax.saxutils — SAX Utilities
19.14. xml.sax.xmlreader — Interface for XML parsers
19.15. xml.parsers.expat — Fast XML parsing using Expat
20. Internet Protocols and Support---互联网协议与支持
20.1. webbrowser — Convenient Web-browser controller
20.2. cgi — Common Gateway Interface support
20.3. cgitb — Traceback manager for CGI scripts
20.4. wsgiref — WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation
20.5. urllib — Open arbitrary resources by URL
20.6. urllib2 — extensible library for opening URLs
20.7. httplib — HTTP protocol client
20.8. ftplib — FTP protocol client
20.9. poplib — POP3 protocol client
20.10. imaplib — IMAP4 protocol client
20.11. nntplib — NNTP protocol client
20.12. smtplib — SMTP protocol client
20.13. smtpd — SMTP Server
20.14. telnetlib — Telnet client
20.15. uuid — UUID objects according to RFC 4122
20.16. urlparse — Parse URLs into components
20.17. SocketServer — A framework for network servers
20.18. BaseHTTPServer — Basic HTTP server
20.19. SimpleHTTPServer — Simple HTTP request handler
20.20. CGIHTTPServer — CGI-capable HTTP request handler
20.21. cookielib — Cookie handling for HTTP clients
20.22. Cookie — HTTP state management
20.23. xmlrpclib — XML-RPC client access
20.24. SimpleXMLRPCServer — Basic XML-RPC server
20.25. DocXMLRPCServer — Self-documenting XML-RPC server
21. Multimedia Services----多媒体服务
21.1. audioop — Manipulate raw audio data
21.2. imageop — Manipulate raw image data
21.3. aifc — Read and write AIFF and AIFC files
21.4. sunau — Read and write Sun AU files
21.5. wave — Read and write WAV files
21.6. chunk — Read IFF chunked data
21.7. colorsys — Conversions between color systems
21.8. imghdr — Determine the type of an image
21.9. sndhdr — Determine type of sound file
21.10. ossaudiodev — Access to OSS-compatible audio devices
22. Internationalization----语言本地化
22.1. gettext — Multilingual internationalization services
22.2. locale — Internationalization services
23. Program Frameworks---程序框架
23.1. cmd — Support for line-oriented command interpreters
23.2. shlex — Simple lexical analysis
24. Graphical User Interfaces with Tk---基于TK的图形界面
24.1. Tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk
24.2. ttk — Tk themed widgets
24.3. Tix — Extension widgets for Tk
24.4. ScrolledText — Scrolled Text Widget
24.5. turtle — Turtle graphics for Tk
24.6. IDLE
24.7. Other Graphical User Interface Packages
25. Development Tools---开发工具
25.1. pydoc — Documentation generator and online help system
25.2. doctest — Test interactive Python examples
25.3. unittest — Unit testing framework
25.4. 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation
25.5. test — Regression tests package for Python
25.6. test.test_support — Utility functions for tests
26. Debugging and Profiling---调试与优化
26.1. bdb — Debugger framework
26.2. pdb — The Python Debugger
26.3. Debugger Commands
26.4. The Python Profilers
26.5. hotshot — High performance logging profiler
26.6. timeit — Measure execution time of small code snippets
26.7. trace — Trace or track Python statement execution
27. Software Packaging and Distribution----软件打包与发布
27.1. distutils — Building and installing Python modules
27.2. ensurepip — Bootstrapping the pip installer
28. Python Runtime Services---Python运行时服务
28.1. sys — System-specific parameters and functions
28.2. sysconfig — Provide access to Python’s configuration information
28.3. __builtin__ — Built-in objects
28.4. future_builtins — Python 3 builtins
28.5. __main__ — Top-level script environment
28.6. warnings — Warning control
28.7. contextlib — Utilities for with-statement contexts
28.8. abc — Abstract Base Classes
28.9. atexit — Exit handlers
28.10. traceback — Print or retrieve a stack traceback
28.11. __future__ — Future statement definitions
28.12. gc — Garbage Collector interface
28.13. inspect — Inspect live objects
28.14. site — Site-specific configuration hook
28.15. user — User-specific configuration hook
28.16. fpectl — Floating point exception control
29. Custom Python Interpreters--Python解释器
29.1. code — Interpreter base classes
29.2. codeop — Compile Python code
30. Restricted Execution-----Deprecated
30.1. rexec — Restricted execution framework
30.2. Bastion — Restricting access to objects
31. Importing Modules----导入模块
31.1. imp — Access the import internals
31.2. importlib – Convenience wrappers for __import__()
31.3. imputil — Import utilities
31.4. zipimport — Import modules from Zip archives
31.5. pkgutil — Package extension utility
31.6. modulefinder — Find modules used by a script
31.7. runpy — Locating and executing Python modules
32. Python Language Services---语言本身的服务
32.1. parser — Access Python parse trees
32.2. ast — Abstract Syntax Trees
32.3. symtable — Access to the compiler’s symbol tables
32.4. symbol — Constants used with Python parse trees
32.5. token — Constants used with Python parse trees
32.6. keyword — Testing for Python keywords
32.7. tokenize — Tokenizer for Python source
32.8. tabnanny — Detection of ambiguous indentation
32.9. pyclbr — Python class browser support
32.10. py_compile — Compile Python source files
32.11. compileall — Byte-compile Python libraries
32.12. dis — Disassembler for Python bytecode
32.13. pickletools — Tools for pickle developers
33. Python compiler package----Python编译器包
33.1. The basic interface
33.2. Limitations
33.3. Python Abstract Syntax
33.4. Using Visitors to Walk ASTs
33.5. Bytecode Generation
34. Miscellaneous Services---多方面服务
34.1. formatter — Generic output formatting
35. MS Windows Specific Services---windows系统服务
35.1. msilib — Read and write Microsoft Installer files
35.2. msvcrt – Useful routines from the MS VC++ runtime
35.3. _winreg – Windows registry access
35.4. winsound — Sound-playing interface for Windows
36. Unix Specific Services---面向Unix的服务
36.1. posix — The most common POSIX system calls
36.2. pwd — The password database
36.3. spwd — The shadow password database
36.4. grp — The group database
36.5. crypt — Function to check Unix passwords
36.6. dl — Call C functions in shared objects
36.7. termios — POSIX style tty control
36.8. tty — Terminal control functions
36.9. pty — Pseudo-terminal utilities
36.10. fcntl — The fcntl and ioctl system calls
36.11. pipes — Interface to shell pipelines
36.12. posixfile — File-like objects with locking support
36.13. resource — Resource usage information
36.14. nis — Interface to Sun’s NIS (Yellow Pages)
36.15. syslog — Unix syslog library routines
36.16. commands — Utilities for running commands
37. Mac OS X specific services---面向OSx的服务
37.1. ic — Access to the Mac OS X Internet Config
37.2. MacOS — Access to Mac OS interpreter features
37.3. macostools — Convenience routines for file manipulation
37.4. findertools — The finder‘s Apple Events interface
37.5. EasyDialogs — Basic Macintosh dialogs
37.6. FrameWork — Interactive application framework
37.7. autoGIL — Global Interpreter Lock handling in event loops
37.8. Mac OS Toolbox Modules
37.9. ColorPicker — Color selection dialog
38. MacPython OSA Modules--This chapter describes the current implementation of the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA, also commonly referred to as AppleScript) for Python, allowing you to control scriptable applications from your Python program, and with a fairly pythonic interface. Development on this set of modules has stopped.
38.1. gensuitemodule — Generate OSA stub packages
38.2. aetools — OSA client support
38.3. aepack — Conversion between Python variables and AppleEvent data containers
38.4. aetypes — AppleEvent objects
38.5. MiniAEFrame — Open Scripting Architecture server support
39. SGI IRIX Specific Services---面向SGI系统的服务
39.1. al — Audio functions on the SGI
39.2. AL — Constants used with the al module
39.3. cd — CD-ROM access on SGI systems
39.4. fl — FORMS library for graphical user interfaces
39.5. FL — Constants used with the fl module
39.6. flp — Functions for loading stored FORMS designs
39.7. fm — Font Manager interface
39.8. gl — Graphics Library interface
39.9. DEVICE — Constants used with the gl module
39.10. GL — Constants used with the gl module
39.11. imgfile — Support for SGI imglib files
39.12. jpeg — Read and write JPEG files
40. SunOS Specific Services---面向SunOS的服务
40.1. sunaudiodev — Access to Sun audio hardware
40.2. SUNAUDIODEV — Constants used with sunaudiodev
41. Undocumented Modules
41.1. Miscellaneous useful utilities
41.2. Platform specific modules
41.3. Multimedia
41.4. Undocumented Mac OS modules
41.5. Obsolete
41.6. SGI-specific Extension modules


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    AngularJS实现二维码信息的集成思路        赠人玫瑰,手留余香.若您感觉此篇博文对您有用,请花费2秒时间点个赞,您的鼓励是我不断前进的动力,与君共勉!      注:点击此处进行知识充电 ...

  7. Android For JNI(二)——C语言中的数据类型,输出,输入函数以及操作内存地址,内存修改器

    Android For JNI(二)--C语言中的数据类型,输出,输入函数以及操作内存地址,内存修改器 当我们把Hello World写完之后,我们就可以迈入C的大门了,今天就来讲讲基本的一些数据类型 ...

  8. cygwin 下安装python MySQLdb

    cygwin 下安装python MySQLdb 1) cygwin 更新 运行 cygwin/setup-x86_64.exe a 输入mysql,选择下面的包安装: libmysqlclient- ...

  9. 总账追朔各模块SQL

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  10. 【Android 应用开发】AndroidUI设计 之 图片浏览器

    图片浏览器效果图 : 源码下载地址 : -- CSDN : http://download.csdn.net/detail/han1202012/6875083 -- GitHub : https:/ ...