ElementType * seqList = new ElementType(myCapacity);
assert(seqList != NULL);
delete [] seqList;
上面三点说的还有所欠缺。Larry Nyhoff在《数据结构与算法分析》第253页中提到设计类时要记住的一条规则:
- 把动态分配的内存还给堆的析构函数。
- 编译器用来创建不同副本的复制构造函数。
- 程序员用来创建不同副本的赋值运算符。
// seqlist.h
#ifndef SEQLIST
#define SEQLIST #include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef int ElementType; class SeqList
SeqList(const int maxsize = );
virtual ~SeqList();
SeqList(const SeqList& origList); // 拷贝构造函数,记得防止浅拷贝
const SeqList& operator=(const SeqList& rightHandSide); // 重载赋值运算符,记得防止浅拷贝
bool empty() const;
void clear();
bool insert(const int pos, const ElementType val);
bool erase(const int pos);
void display() const;
bool setSeqList(const ElementType *tmpList, const int len);
int getLenOfList() const;
ElementType getItem(const int pos);
ElementType * getSeqList(); // 保留,不推荐使用,因为在使用过程中无法进行越界检查 private:
int myCapacity; // 自定义顺序表容量
int lenOfList; // 顺序表长度
ElementType * seqList; }; #endif
// seqlist.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "seqlist.h" using namespace std; SeqList::SeqList(const int maxsize)
// initialization
lenOfList = ;
myCapacity = maxsize;
seqList = new ElementType[myCapacity];
// assert(seqList != NULL);
if (seqList == NULL)
cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack." << endl;
throw bad_alloc();
} SeqList::~SeqList()
delete[] seqList;
} SeqList::SeqList(const SeqList& origList)
myCapacity = origList.myCapacity;
lenOfList = origList.lenOfList;
seqList = new ElementType[myCapacity];
// assert(seqList != NULL);
if (seqList == NULL)
cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack." << endl;
throw bad_alloc();
for (int i = ; i < lenOfList; i++)
seqList[i] = origList.seqList[i];
} const SeqList& SeqList::operator=(const SeqList& rightHandSide)
// 确保不是自我赋值
if (this != &rightHandSide)
// 如果需要,分配一个新数组
if (myCapacity != rightHandSide.myCapacity)
delete[] seqList;
myCapacity = rightHandSide.myCapacity;
seqList = new ElementType[myCapacity];
// assert(seqList != NULL);
if (seqList == NULL)
cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack." << endl;
throw bad_alloc();
} lenOfList = rightHandSide.lenOfList;
for (int i = ; i < lenOfList; i++)
seqList[i] = rightHandSide.seqList[i];
return *this;
} bool SeqList::empty() const
return lenOfList == ;
} void SeqList::clear()
lenOfList = ;
fill(seqList, seqList + myCapacity - , );
} bool SeqList::insert(const int pos, const ElementType val)
bool success = false;
// assert(lenOfList != CAPACITY); // 这里的assert分成两行写,是为了方便定位错误发生的地方
// assert(0 <= pos <= lenOfList);
if (lenOfList == myCapacity)
cerr << "No space for insertion!" << endl;
else if (pos < || pos > lenOfList)
cerr << "The position " << pos <<
" you want to insert is less than zero or exceeds the length of the list!" << endl;
throw out_of_range("throw out_of_range"); // 抛出一个越界异常
int tmpCount = lenOfList - pos;
for (int i = ; i < tmpCount; i++)
seqList[lenOfList - i] = seqList[lenOfList - i - ];
seqList[pos] = val;
success = true;
return success;
} bool SeqList::erase(const int pos)
bool success = false;
// assert(lenOfList != 0);
// assert(0 <= pos <= lenOfList);
if (lenOfList == )
cerr << "There is no elements in the list!" << endl;
else if (pos < || pos > lenOfList)
cerr << "The position " << pos <<
" you want to erase is less than zero or exceeds the length of the list!" << endl;
throw out_of_range("throw out_of_range"); // 抛出一个越界异常
int tmp = lenOfList - pos;
for (int i = ; i < tmp - ; i++)
seqList[pos + i] = seqList[pos + i + ];
seqList[lenOfList - ] = ;
success = true;
return success;
} void SeqList::display() const
cout << "***Start Displaying***" << endl;
if (lenOfList == )
cerr << "There is no element in the the list!" << endl;
for (int i = ; i < lenOfList; i++)
cout << i << " : " << seqList[i] << endl;
cout << "***End Displaying***" << endl;
} bool SeqList::setSeqList(const ElementType *tmpList, const int len)
// assert(len <= CAPACITY);
bool success = false;
if (len <= myCapacity)
for (int i = ; i < len; i++)
seqList[i] = *(tmpList++);
lenOfList = len;
success = true;
cerr << "The length of the array you set exceeds the CAPACITY." << endl;
throw out_of_range("throw out_of_range"); // 抛出一个越界异常
return success;
} int SeqList::getLenOfList() const
return lenOfList;
} ElementType SeqList::getItem(const int pos)
// assert(0 <= pos <= lenOfList);
if (pos < || pos > lenOfList)
cerr << "The item at " << pos << " you want to get does not exist!" << endl;
throw out_of_range("throw out_of_range"); // 抛出一个越界异常
return seqList[pos];
} ElementType * SeqList::getSeqList()
return seqList;
// BoostUnitTest.cpp
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE ArrayList_Test_Module #include "stdafx.h"
#include "D:\VSProject\Algorithm\List\SeqList\SeqList_BsedOnDynamicArray\SeqList\seqlist.h" struct ArrayList_Fixture
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Setup fixture");
testArrayList = new SeqList();
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Teardown fixture");
delete testArrayList;
} SeqList * testArrayList;
}; // BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(ArrayList_Test_Suite)
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(ArrayList_Test_Suite, ArrayList_Fixture) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ArrayList_Abnormal_Test)
// Set values to the array list
int testArray[] = { , , , , }; // 5 个元素
int testLenOfList = sizeof(testArray) / sizeof(int);
testArrayList->setSeqList(testArray, testLenOfList);
// BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->setArrayList(testArray, testLenOfList), out_of_range); // Method getItem-----------------------------------------------
// If the position of the item you want to get is less than zero
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->getItem(-), out_of_range);
// If the position of the item you want to get is larger than the length of the list
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->getItem(), out_of_range); // Method insert-------------------------------------------------
// If the inserting position is less than zero
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->insert(-, ), out_of_range);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList); // If the inserting position is larger than the length of the list
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->insert(, ), out_of_range);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList); // Method erase-------------------------------------------------
// If the erasing position is less than zero
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->erase(-), out_of_range);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList); // If the erasing position is larger than the length of the list
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->erase(), out_of_range);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ArrayList_Normal_Test)
bool expected;
bool actual;
// Method empty-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = testArrayList->empty();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual); // Set values to the array list
int testArray[] = { , , , , }; // 5 个元素
int testLenOfList = sizeof(testArray) / sizeof(int);
testArrayList->setSeqList(testArray, testLenOfList);
// BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->setArrayList(testArray, testLenOfList), out_of_range); // Method getItem-----------------------------------------------
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getItem() == testArray[]); // Method empty-------------------------------------------------
expected = false;
actual = testArrayList->empty();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual); // Method insert-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = testArrayList->insert(, );
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList + );
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getItem() == ); // Method erase-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = testArrayList->erase();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected, actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList);
BOOST_REQUIRE(testArrayList->getItem() == testArray[]); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ArrayList_CopyConstructor_Test)
bool expected;
bool actual;
// Set values to the array list
int testArray[] = { , , , , }; // 5 个元素
int testLenOfList = sizeof(testArray) / sizeof(int);
testArrayList->setSeqList(testArray, testLenOfList);
// BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->setArrayList(testArray, testLenOfList), out_of_range); // Copy constructor
//SeqList * copySeqList(testArrayList); // 极容易写成这样子。错误。
// 需要给copySeqList分配内存
SeqList * copySeqList = new SeqList(*testArrayList); // Method getItem-----------------------------------------------
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == testArray[]); // Method empty-------------------------------------------------
expected = false;
actual = copySeqList->empty();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual); // Method insert-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = copySeqList->insert(, );
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList + );
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == ); // Method erase-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = copySeqList->erase();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected, actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == testArray[]);
} BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ArrayList_EqualOperator_Test)
bool expected;
bool actual;
// Set values to the array list
int testArray[] = { , , , , }; // 5 个元素
int testLenOfList = sizeof(testArray) / sizeof(int);
testArrayList->setSeqList(testArray, testLenOfList);
// BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(testArrayList->setArrayList(testArray, testLenOfList), out_of_range); // Copy constructor
SeqList * copySeqList = new SeqList();
// copySeqList = testArrayList; // 极易犯的一个低级错误
*copySeqList = *testArrayList; // Method getItem-----------------------------------------------
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == testArray[]); // Method empty-------------------------------------------------
expected = false;
actual = copySeqList->empty();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual); // Method insert-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = copySeqList->insert(, );
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected == actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList + );
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == ); // Method erase-------------------------------------------------
expected = true;
actual = copySeqList->erase();
BOOST_REQUIRE(expected, actual);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getLenOfList() == testLenOfList);
BOOST_REQUIRE(copySeqList->getItem() == testArray[]);
本篇博文的代码均托管到Taocode : http://code.taobao.org/p/datastructureandalgorithm/src/.
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