who call out to the thieves in the dark?

A true story

Do you like stories?

I want to tell you a true story.

It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

While my friend George was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

After they had entered the house, they went into the dining-room.

It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.(手电筒)

Suddenly they heard a voice behind them,  'What's up?What's up!' someone called.

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.

Georage heared the noise and came downstairs quickly.

He turned on the light but he could't see anyone.

Thieves had already gone.

But George's parrot, Henry, was still there.

'What's up, Henry?' he called.

'Nothing, Henry,' George said and smiled.

'Go back to sleep.'

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