在以往的分布式开发当中,各个服务节点的监控必不可少。监控包含有很多方面,比如说:内存占用情况,节点是否健康等。在spring-boot会给我们提供相关资源监控叫做spring-boot-actuator, 通过执行器可以帮我管理和监控生产环境下的应用服务。
dependencies {
ID | Description | Enabled by default |
Exposes audit events information for the current application. |
Yes |
Displays a complete list of all the Spring beans in your application. |
Yes |
Shows the conditions that were evaluated on configuration and auto-configuration classes and the reasons why they did or did not match. |
Yes |
Displays a collated list of all |
Yes |
Exposes properties from Spring’s |
Yes |
Shows any Flyway database migrations that have been applied. |
Yes |
Shows application health information. |
Yes |
Displays HTTP trace information (by default, the last 100 HTTP request-response exchanges). |
Yes |
Displays arbitrary application info. |
Yes |
Shows and modifies the configuration of loggers in the application. |
Yes |
Shows any Liquibase database migrations that have been applied. |
Yes |
Shows ‘metrics’ information for the current application. |
Yes |
Displays a collated list of all |
Yes |
Displays the scheduled tasks in your application. |
Yes |
Allows retrieval and deletion of user sessions from a Spring Session-backed session store. Not available when using Spring Session’s support for reactive web applications. |
Yes |
Lets the application be gracefully shutdown. |
No |
Performs a thread dump. |
Yes |
1). 我们访问的端点监控的地址规范是:/actuator/{ID}的方式访问,比如说:health端点默认被映射的路径就是/actuator/health
2) 并不是所有端点都可以通过http请求访问,以下表格列举了各个端点的状态值:
ID | JMX | Web |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
No |
N/A |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
4) 我们也可以自己定义监视路径,默认情况是:/actuator/xxx,通过如下属性可以设置:
5) 关于保护敏感端点,首先我们要添加对spring-security的依赖,并设置进行安全验证的用户名,密码以及角色,如果不使用spring-security就要慎重考虑暴露端口的端点了
- health端点用于检测我们运行程序的健康状态,当程序宕机时,可以提供给开发人员相关的提示信息
- 默认情况下该端点只是显示简略的监控信息,不过我们可以通过management.endpoint.health.show-details属性来让其显示详细的监控信息
- 端点有如下几种状态: UP DOWN UNKNOW-SERVICE 从字面上我们很好理解
- 实现自定义健康监控:
package com.bdqn.lyrk.springboot.study.monitor; import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.Health;
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.HealthIndicator;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component
public class SelfMonitor implements HealthIndicator {
public Health health() {
return Health.up().withDetail("health","next").build();
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