July 10th, 2018. Tuesday, Week 28th
Winning isn't everything, but wanting it is.
From Arnold Palmer.
Compared to this quote, I believe that the quote from Vince Lombardi would be more famous, it goes as following:
Winning isn't everything, it is the only thing.
But is it true? Most people, including me, may choose to agree with this sentiment.
However, after a moment of reflection, it is clear that most don't in fact believe that this sentiment is true.
And those who do believe it should change their minds. Why?
First, due to many factors, even the most capable people may not win, but if we want to win, we may strive to win and pursue some excellent performance.
Second, winning is only valuable when it is accomplished in the right way.
So, wanting first, if we really make great efforts to ensure victory, we won't lose in the end.
Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
It is said that this quotation is from Napolenon Hill.
Is it true? Maybe. Because there is pure power in our thoughts.
What we think, we most certainly become.
But why is that? And how is that the mere concept of something held in our minds can be brought to be true through persistent applicantion over time?
Persistent efforts and continuous hard-working.
If we can foucs on things we believe, we can eventually achieve them no matter what the present circumstances or obstacles surrounding them.
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