• 增量统计日志行数(只统计上一秒)


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
  3. import datetime
  4. import re
  5. import os
  6. log_files = './dns_logs' #填写要分析的源日志
  7. seek_files = './seek_log.tmp' #生成的临时文件,只用于保存位置seek信息,建议放/tmp/下
  8. last_second = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) #取上一秒的时间,因为当前秒可能日志取不全
  9. current_time = last_second.strftime('%d-%b-%Y %T') #时间格式根据日志格式做修改
  10. #current_time = '17-Jun-2016 14:17:20'
  11. if not os.path.exists(seek_files):
  12. with open(seek_files, 'w+') as s:
  13. s.write(str(0))
  14. def write_file_end(log_files, seek_files):
  15. with open(log_files, 'r') as f: #先找到log的最后字节位置
  16. f.seek(0, 2) #seek(0)移动到文件起始、(0,2)移动到结尾
  17. end_seek = f.tell()
  18. with open(seek_files, 'w+') as s:
  19. s.write(str(end_seek)) #把log的最后字节位置记录到seek文件
  20. def get_count(log_files, begin):
  21. count = 0
  22. dns_pattern = re.compile(current_time+r'\.(\w+)(\s+)'+"queries: info: client") #这个正则要根据你的日志格式来,可以放到前边,声明一个变量,我这图省事了
  23. with open(log_files, 'r') as f: #打开log,并移位到seek中记录的地方,从那开始读取行数并做累加,读完以后在更新seek文件到最新点
  24. f.seek(begin)
  25. for line in f.xreadlines():
  26. if dns_pattern.match(line):
  27. count += 1
  28. print(count)
  29. if __name__ == '__main__':
  30. try:
  31. with open(seek_files, 'r') as t:
  32. if len(t.read()) == 0: #seek文件为空,强制begin=0,不为空,begin就等于seek
  33. begin = 0
  34. else:
  35. t.seek(0)
  36. begin = int(t.read())
  37. with open(log_files, 'r') as f: #拿到end,end值为log文件的最后位置
  38. f.seek(0, 2)
  39. end = f.tell()
  40. if end < begin: #因为日志定期会切分,切分后log的end将为0,此时begin强制为0,不然输出的count将为0
  41. begin = 0
  42. get_count(log_files, begin) #得到上一秒的总行数
  43. write_file_end(log_files, seek_files) #把日志最后的位置保存给seek文件,用于下一秒的获取
  44. except Exception, e:
  45. print(0)



  1. # 运行脚本
  2. /usr/bin/python2.6 dns_qps.py


  • 增量统计日志(tcpdump出来的数据)并排序,记录日志


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
  3. import datetime
  4. import re
  5. import os
  6. import logging
  7. import sys
  8. master_dir = "/Data/logs/dns_qps/tcpdump_53" #把tcpdump的数据放这个目录里,原生的tcpdump数据
  9. today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
  10. log_files = os.path.join(master_dir, today+'.log'),
  11. log_files = log_files[0]
  12. if not os.path.exists(log_files):
  13. sys.exit('Can not find logfile')
  14. # for tcpdump
  15. seek_files = '/tmp/seek_log_4_tcpdump_53.tmp' #同理存放seek信息的
  16. last_second = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) #取上一秒的时间,因为当前秒可能日志取不全
  17. current_time = last_second.strftime('%T')
  18. #current_time = '16:54:17'
  19. warning_num = 4 #设定阈值
  20. warning_log = "/Data/logs/dns_qps/dns_warning_sort.log" #生成的排序ip的日志
  21. def Mylogger(msg, logfile, level='info'):
  22. logging.basicConfig(
  23. level=logging.INFO,
  24. format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
  25. filename=logfile,
  26. filemode='a+')
  27. if level == 'critical':
  28. logging.critical(msg)
  29. elif level == 'error':
  30. logging.error(msg)
  31. elif level == 'warn':
  32. logging.warn(msg)
  33. elif level == 'info':
  34. logging.info(msg)
  35. else:
  36. logging.debug(msg)
  37. if not os.path.exists(seek_files):
  38. with open(seek_files, 'w+') as s:
  39. s.write(str(0))
  40. def write_file_end(log_files, seek_files):
  41. with open(log_files, 'r') as f: #先找到log的最后字节位置
  42. f.seek(0, 2)
  43. end_seek = f.tell()
  44. with open(seek_files, 'w+') as s:
  45. s.write(str(end_seek)) #把log的最后字节位置记录到seek文件
  46. def get_count(log_files, begin):
  47. dns_pattern = re.compile(current_time+r'\.\d+ IP (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+[\s\S]*')
  48. ip_list = []
  49. with open(log_files, 'r') as f: #打开log,并移位到seek中记录的地方,从那开始读取行数并做累加,读完以后在更新seek文件到最新点
  50. f.seek(begin)
  51. for line in f.xreadlines():
  52. if dns_pattern.match(line):
  53. ip_list.append(dns_pattern.match(line).groups()[0]) #groups()[0]是匹配的ip字段
  54. for item in set(ip_list): #最后得到一个大列表,里边放着一秒内的多个ip,可能有重叠,set()去重并循环它,每个item就是一个ip
  55. if ip_list.count(item) >= warning_num: #列表中出现的ip的数量超过阈值就记录日志
  56. Mylogger("%s %s 此IP: %s 访问达到 %d 次" % (today, current_time, item, ip_list.count(item)),
  57. warning_log, level='warn')
  58. if __name__ == '__main__':
  59. try:
  60. with open(seek_files, 'r') as t:
  61. if len(t.read()) == 0:
  62. begin = 0
  63. else:
  64. t.seek(0)
  65. begin = int(t.read())
  66. with open(log_files, 'r') as f:
  67. f.seek(0, 2)
  68. end = f.tell()
  69. if end < begin: #因为日志定期会切分,切分后log的end将为0,此时begin强制为0,不然输出的count将为0
  70. begin = 0
  71. get_count(log_files, begin)
  72. write_file_end(log_files, seek_files)
  73. except Exception, e:
  74. pass




  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. master_dir="/Data/logs/dns_qps/tcpdump_53"
  3. device="em1"
  4. mkdir -p ${master_dir}
  5. chown -R zabbix.zabbix ${master_dir}
  6. sudo /bin/kill -9 `ps -ef|grep tcpdump|grep -v grep|awk '{print$2}'` 2>/dev/null
  7. today=`date +%Y%m%d`
  8. sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -i ${device} -nn udp port 53|grep "> 10.*\.53:" >> ${master_dir}/${today}.log &


  1. 00 00 * * * cd /Data/shell && sh while_53.sh #这个每天重启一次tcpdump用于按天分割日志
  2. * * * * * cd /Data/shell && /usr/bin/python dns_request_sort.py #没那么敏感的要求,一分钟跑一次足矣
  1. # 看下生成的日志
  2. 2016-08-26 16:20:01,568 [WARNING] 20160826 16:20:00 IP: 访问达到 70
  3. 2016-08-26 16:21:01,616 [WARNING] 20160826 16:21:00 IP: 访问达到 67
  4. 2016-08-26 16:22:01,665 [WARNING] 20160826 16:22:00 IP: 访问达到 68
  5. 2016-08-26 16:23:01,714 [WARNING] 20160826 16:23:00 IP: 访问达到 65
  6. 2016-08-26 16:24:01,766 [WARNING] 20160826 16:24:00 IP: 访问达到 100
  7. 2016-08-26 16:24:01,766 [WARNING] 20160826 16:24:00 IP: 访问达到 72
  8. 2016-08-26 16:25:01,815 [WARNING] 20160826 16:25:00 IP: 访问达到 59


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