这种技术在Windows和Linux系统中都可以实现。它并非一个实际的文件系统,而是一种将实际的文件系统装入内存的机制,并且可以作为Linux的根文件系统。将一些经常被访问而又不会更改的文件 ( 如只读的根文件系统 ) 通过 Ramdisk放在内存中,可以明显地提高系统的性能。 在嵌入式环境中,我们将使用 RAMDisk 制作好的 rootfs 压缩后写入 Flash ,启动的时候由Bootloader装载到 RAM 中。在 Linux 的启动阶段, initrd 提供了一套机制,可以将内映像和根文件系统一起载入内存并解压缩,然后挂载到 /(根目录) 下。这种方法操作简单,但是在 RAM 中的文件系统不是压缩的,因此需要占用许多嵌入式系统中稀有资源 RAM。
要修改根文件系统,需去掉u-boot的文件头,解压映像并挂载至设定的挂载点,在其中完成文件及目录的修改,最终压缩并制作成系统所需的根文件系统映像。具体修改步骤 见下:
1. 使用文件转换命令dd来去除uramdisk的文件头,其中bs=4,skip=16意为4bytes作为单次读写的块大小,从文件的起始位置跳过16个这样的块(共64字节);
2. 准备压缩文件系统镜像前,先将当前工作目录从该镜像目录跳出再卸载;
3. mkimage制作ramdisk文件系统时,几个参数说明:-A 设置系统架构 -T 设置镜像类型 -C 设置文件压缩类型 -d 待加工的数据文件
- #!/bin/bash -e
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2018 by Yujiang Lin <lynyujiang@gmail.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # revised by Luego Zhang
- #
- #
- ###############################################################################
- # => Force locale language to be set to English. This avoids issues when doing
- # text and string processing.
- # => Help and information
- usage() {
- echo "Purpose: Modify Existing Ramdisk Image"
- echo "Version: 20191101v1.1"
- echo "Usage : $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE}) [option]"
- echo "options:"
- echo "--help: Display this help message"
- exit 0;
- }
- expr "$*" : ".*--help" > /dev/null && usage
- # => Setting The Development Environment Variables
- #if [ ! "${ZN_CONFIG_DONE}" ]; then
- # printf "\033[31m[ERROR]\033[0m Please source the settings64.sh script first\n"
- # exit 1
- #fi
- source ./common.sh
- # => Filename of the running script.
- ZN_SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE})"
- ###############################################################################
- # => The beginning
- print_info "[ $(date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ] Starting ${ZN_SCRIPT_NAME}\n"
- # => Check user input is correct
- [[ -f $1 ]] || error_exit "(u)ramdisk.image.gz not found\n"
- # => Set basic info
- REALPATH=$(realpath $1)
- read DIRNAME BASENAME <<<$(echo $(dirname ${REALPATH}) $(basename ${REALPATH}))
- read FILENAME EXTENSION <<<$(echo ${BASENAME%.*} ${BASENAME##*.})
- # => Check user input is correct again
- if [ "${BASENAME}" = "uramdisk.image.gz" ]; then
- echo_info "Unwrap the image with the u-boot header"
- dd if=${DIRNAME}/uramdisk.image.gz of=${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image.gz bs=64 skip=1
- else
- [[ "${BASENAME}" = "ramdisk.image.gz" ]] || error_exit "(u)ramdisk.image.gz - not fount"
- fi
- # =>
- echo_info "(1/6) Create a mount point for ramdisk.image"
- RAMDISK_MOUNTPOINT=$(mktemp -d ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.XXXXXX) || error_exit "Could not create a mount point"
- # =>
- echo_info "(2/6) Extract the initrd image from the gzip archive"
- gunzip ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image.gz && chmod u+rwx ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image
- # =>
- echo_info "(3/6) Mount the initrd image as a loop back device at ${RAMDISK_MOUNTPOINT}"
- sudo mount -o loop ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image ${RAMDISK_MOUNTPOINT}
- [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && gunzip ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image && error_exit "Could not mount the ramdisk"
- # => Make changes in the mounted filesystem.
- cat << EOF
- (4/6) Ready for anything, you can modify existing RAM disk image
- Note: When finished, enter "exit" to exit bash, then the script will handle other remaining work
- /bin/bash
- # =>
- echo_info "(5/6) Umount the initrd image and compress the image."
- sudo umount ${RAMDISK_MOUNTPOINT} && gzip ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image
- # =>
- echo_info "(6/6) Wrapping the image with a U-Boot header and remove temp files"
- if [ "${BASENAME}" = "uramdisk.image.gz" ]; then
- if type mkimage >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo_info "Wrapping the image with a U-Boot header"
- mkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C gzip -d ${DIRNAME}/ramdisk.image.gz \
- ${DIRNAME}/uramdisk.image.gz
- else
- error_exit "Missing mkimage command"
- fi
- fi
- # => The end
- print_info "[ $(date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ] Finished ${ZN_SCRIPT_NAME}\n"
- ################################################################
此处需注意制作的映像大小就与内核中的设置相匹配。(通过make menuconfig ARCH=ARM打开设置界面,Device Drivers => Block Devices => Default Ram Disk Size (kbytes), 修改选项前数字,本例已修改为64MB,即65536)
- #!/bin/bash
- ###############################################################################
- # 版 权:米联客
- # 技术社区:www.osrc.cn
- # 功能描述:一些常用函数
- # 版 本 号:V1.0
- ###############################################################################
- # => Writing a Warning Message to the Console Window
- echo_warn() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[33m[WARNING] \033[0m";
- printf "$msg\n";
- }
- export -f echo_warn
- # => Writing a Infomation Message to the Console Window
- echo_info() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[32m[INFO] \033[0m";
- printf "$msg\n";
- }
- export -f echo_info
- # => Writing a Error Message to the Console Window
- echo_error() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[31m[ERROR] \033[0m";
- printf "$msg\n";
- }
- export -f echo_error
- # => Writing a Warning Message to the Console Window
- print_warn() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[33m$msg\033[0m";
- }
- export -f print_warn
- # => Writing a Infomation Message to the Console Window
- print_info() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[32m$msg\033[0m";
- }
- export -f print_info
- # => Writing a Error Message to the Console Window
- print_error() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[31m$msg\033[0m";
- }
- export -f print_error
- # => Writing a Error Message to the Console Window and exit
- error_exit() {
- local msg="$1"
- printf "\033[31m[ERROR] \033[0m";
- printf "$msg\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- export -f error_exit
- #!/bin/bash -e
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2018 by Yujiang Lin <lynyujiang@gmail.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # history:
- # 191106 - This script has been verified.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- # => Force locale language to be set to English. This avoids issues when doing
- # text and string processing.
- # => Help and information
- usage() {
- printf "
- $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE}) - Create a new uramdisk.image.gz with a
- given folder of filesystem
- $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE}) [option]
- Create an empty image and eject the given rootfs into the image.
- Output the file like 'uramdisk.image.gz' finally.
- First copy the given filesystem to the path of the script and modify
- the relative files in advance. Then execute the script.
- --help Display this help message
- Version : 191107v1.2
- "
- exit 0;
- }
- expr "$*" : ".*--help" > /dev/null && usage
- # => Setting The Development Environment Variables
- #if [ ! "${ZN_CONFIG_DONE}" ]; then
- # printf "\033[31m[ERROR]\033[0m Please source the settings64.sh script first\n"
- # exit 1
- #fi
- source common.sh
- # => Filename of the running script.
- ZN_SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE})"
- ZN_SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE})"
- # => Check if the rootfs.tar.gz exists.
- [[ -f ${ZN_SCRIPT_PATH}/rootfs.tar.gz ]] || error_exit "rootfs.tar.gz is not found"
- ###############################################################################
- # expand capacity of the ramdisk image to 64MB 191106
- # => beginning
- echo "\033[32m[ $(date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ]\033[0m Starting ${ZN_SCRIPT_NAME}"
- MOUNT_POINT=$(mktemp -d $ZN_SCRIPT_PATH/ramdisk.XXXXXX)
- echo_info "Generate the Root filesystem"
- # =>
- echo_info "(1/8) Create an empty ramdisk image"
- dd if=/dev/zero of=./ramdisk.image bs=1024 count=$((${IMAGE_CAPACITY_MB}*1024))
- # =>
- echo_info "(2/8) Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system"
- sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -F ./ramdisk.image -L ramdisk -b 1024 -m 0
- # =>
- echo_info "(3/8) To disable fsck check on ./ramdisk.image"
- sudo tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 ./ramdisk.image
- # =>
- echo_info "(4/8) Mount the ramdisk image as a loop back device"
- sudo mount -o loop ./ramdisk.image ${MOUNT_POINT}
- # =>
- echo_info "(5/8) Make changes in the mounted filesystem"
- sudo tar zxf ./rootfs.tar.gz -C ${MOUNT_POINT}
- cat <<EOF
- Please check the root filesystem.
- Then enter "exit" to return the process.
- /bin/bash
- # =>
- echo_info "(6/8) Unmount the ramdisk and compress it"
- sudo umount ${MOUNT_POINT} && gzip ./ramdisk.image
- # =>
- echo_info "(7/8) Wrapping the image with a U-Boot header"
- type mkimage >/dev/null 2>&1 || error_exit "Missing mkimage command"
- mkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C gzip -d ./ramdisk.image.gz ./uramdisk.image.gz
- # =>
- echo_info "(8/8) Housekeeping..."
- sudo rm -f ./ramdisk.image.gz
- sudo rm -f ./ramdisk.image
- sudo rm -rf ${MOUNT_POINT}
- # => The end
- printf "\033[32m[ $(date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ]\033[0m Finished ${ZN_SCRIPT_NAME}\n"
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