When troubleshooting Ambari issues, it may be necessary to enable debug logging in the Ambari Server log /var/log/ambari-server/.


To enable debug logging in Ambari server follow the following steps:

1. Open the relevant configuration file in a UNIX text editor:

  • Ambari Server Log Configuration: /etc/ambari-server/conf/log4j.properties

2. Locate the entry "log4j.rootLogger":

[root@hawq20 conf]# grep rootLogger /etc/ambari-server/conf/log4j.properties
[root@hawq20 conf]# 

3. Replace "INFO" with "DEBUG":

[root@hawq20 conf]# grep rootLogger /etc/ambari-server/conf/log4j.properties
[root@hawq20 conf]#

4. Save the configuration file and close it.

5. Restart the Ambari server:

ambari-server restart


  1. The Ambari server logging level will only change on one host and will not affect other hosts in the cluster.
  2. The debug logging can be very verbose, available disk space should be checked before enabling debug logging and debug logging should be disabled as soon as troubleshooting is complete.

When troubleshooting Ambari issues, it may be necessary to enable debug logging in the Ambari Agent log /var/log/ambari-agent/.

[root@hawq20 conf]#

4. Save the configuration file and close it.

5. Restart Ambari agent:

ambari-agent restart

NOTE: Ambari agent logging level will only change on one host and will not affect the other hosts in the cluster.

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