[React] Write a generic React Suspense Resource factory
Using Suspense within our component isn't exactly ergonomic. Let's put all that logic into a reusable function so we can create resources anytime we need them and for any asynchronous interaction in our app.
In previous post, https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/12006526.html, we have see how to use React.Suspense to handle data fetching, with fallback and ErrorBoundary.
In this post, we will refactor code to make a generic function to handle all use cases.
function createFetch(fetchFn) {
let status = 'pending'
let result
let error
let promise = fetchFn().then(
p => {
console.log('promise resolve')
status = 'success'
result = p
e => {
status = 'error'
error = e
) return {
read() {
if (status === 'error') {
throw error
} if (status === 'pending') {
throw promise // this API might change
} if (status === 'success') {
return result
const promise = createFetch(() => fetchPokemon('pikachu')) function PokemonInfo() {
console.log('PokemonInfo init') const pokemon = promise.read() return (
<div className="pokemon-info__img-wrapper">
<img src={pokemon.image} alt={pokemon.name} />
<PokemonDataView pokemon={pokemon} />
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