Codeforces C.Neko does Maths
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Neko loves divisors. During the latest number theory lesson, he got an interesting exercise from his math teacher.
Neko has two integers aa and bb. His goal is to find a non-negative integer kk such that the least common multiple of a+ka+k and b+kb+k is the smallest possible. If there are multiple optimal integers kk, he needs to choose the smallest one.
Given his mathematical talent, Neko had no trouble getting Wrong Answer on this problem. Can you help him solve it?
The only line contains two integers aa and bb (1≤a,b≤1091≤a,b≤109).
Print the smallest non-negative integer kk (k≥0k≥0) such that the lowest common multiple of a+ka+k and b+kb+k is the smallest possible.
If there are many possible integers kk giving the same value of the least common multiple, print the smallest one.
- 6 10
- 2
- 21 31
- 9
- 5 10
- 0
In the first test, one should choose k=2k=2, as the least common multiple of 6+26+2 and 10+210+2 is 2424, which is the smallest least common multiple possible.
刚开始拿到题:首先看了看1秒限时,时间快完了,我就抱着试一试的心态,用欧几里得求最大公约数的方法,把k从0一直循环到1000000(大概一秒钟)来求最大值,他时间要是够长我就一直算下去 ,看能够算到那一个测试点。
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace std;
- long long a;
- long long b;
- long long ab;
- long long k;
- long long gcd(long long a,long long b)
- {
- long long r = a%b;
- if(r==) return b;
- return gcd(b,r);
- }
- int main()
- {
- cin >> a >> b;
- if(a<b) swap(a,b);
- ab = a-b;
- //cout << "ab " << ab << endl;
- long long m = a*b/gcd(a,b);
- long long p = ;
- if(ab!=)
- {
- for(int i = ; i<=sqrt(ab)+; i++)
- {
- if(ab%i==)
- {
- //cout << i << endl;
- k = i-a%i;
- //cout << "k " << k << endl;
- long long nm = (a+k)*(b+k)/gcd(a+k,b+k);
- if(nm<m)
- {
- m = nm;
- p = k;
- }
- k = ab/i-a%(ab/i);
- //cout << "k" << endl;
- nm = (a+k)*(b+k)/gcd(a+k,b+k);
- if(nm<m)
- {
- m = nm;
- p = k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cout << p << endl;
- return ;
- }
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