- /* -*- Mode:C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the Network Research
- * Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
- * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- /*
- *
- * Full-TCP : A two-way TCP very similar to the 4.4BSD version of Reno TCP.
- * This version also includes variants Tahoe, NewReno, and SACK.
- *
- * This code below has received a fairly major restructuring (Aug. 2001).
- * The ReassemblyQueue structure is now removed to a separate module and
- * entirely re-written.
- * Also, the SACK functionality has been re-written (almost) entirely.
- * -KF []
- *
- * This code below was motivated in part by code contributed by
- * Kathie Nichols ( The code below is based primarily
- * on the 4.4BSD TCP implementation. -KF []
- *
- * Kathie Nichols and Van Jacobson have contributed significant bug fixes,
- * especially with respect to the the handling of sequence numbers during
- * connection establishment/clearin. Additional fixes have followed
- * theirs.
- *
- * Fixes for gensack() and ReassemblyQueue::add() contributed by Richard
- * Mortier <>
- *
- * Some warnings and comments:
- * this version of TCP will not work correctly if the sequence number
- * goes above 2147483648 due to sequence number wrap
- *
- * this version of TCP by default sends data at the beginning of a
- * connection in the "typical" way... That is,
- * A ------> SYN ------> B
- * A <----- SYN+ACK ---- B
- * A ------> ACK ------> B
- * A ------> data -----> B
- *
- * there is no dynamic receiver's advertised window. The advertised
- * window is simulated by simply telling the sender a bound on the window
- * size (wnd_).
- *
- * in real TCP, a user process performing a read (via PRU_RCVD)
- * calls tcp_output each time to (possibly) send a window
- * update. Here we don't have a user process, so we simulate
- * a user process always ready to consume all the receive buffer
- *
- * Notes:
- * wnd_, wnd_init_, cwnd_, ssthresh_ are in segment units
- * sequence and ack numbers are in byte units
- *
- * Futures:
- * there are different existing TCPs with respect to how
- * ack's are handled on connection startup. Some delay
- * the ack for the first segment, which can cause connections
- * to take longer to start up than if we be sure to ack it quickly.
- *
- * some TCPs arrange for immediate ACK generation if the incoming segment
- * contains the PUSH bit
- *
- *
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static const char rcsid[] =
- "@(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcp/,v 1.130 2010/03/08 05:54:54 tom_henderson Exp $ (LBL)";
- #endif
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "tcp-full.h"
- #include "flags.h"
- #include "random.h"
- #include "template.h"
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif
- #ifndef FALSE
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
- /*
- * Tcl Linkage for the following:
- * Agent/TCP/FullTcp, Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Tahoe,
- * Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Newreno, Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Sack
- *
- * See tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl for init methods for
- * Tahoe, Newreno, and Sack
- */
- static class FullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- FullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/FullTcp") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new FullTcpAgent());
- }
- } class_full;
- static class TahoeFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- TahoeFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Tahoe") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- // ns-default sets reno_fastrecov_ to false
- return (new TahoeFullTcpAgent());
- }
- } class_tahoe_full;
- static class NewRenoFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- NewRenoFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Newreno") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- // ns-default sets open_cwnd_on_pack_ to false
- return (new NewRenoFullTcpAgent());
- }
- } class_newreno_full;
- static class SackFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- SackFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Sack") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- // ns-default sets reno_fastrecov_ to false
- // ns-default sets open_cwnd_on_pack_ to false
- return (new SackFullTcpAgent());
- }
- } class_sack_full;
- /*
- * Delayed-binding variable linkage
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all()
- {
- delay_bind_init_one("segsperack_");
- delay_bind_init_one("segsize_");
- delay_bind_init_one("tcprexmtthresh_");
- delay_bind_init_one("iss_");
- delay_bind_init_one("nodelay_");
- delay_bind_init_one("data_on_syn_");
- delay_bind_init_one("dupseg_fix_");
- delay_bind_init_one("dupack_reset_");
- delay_bind_init_one("close_on_empty_");
- delay_bind_init_one("signal_on_empty_");
- delay_bind_init_one("interval_");
- delay_bind_init_one("ts_option_size_");
- delay_bind_init_one("reno_fastrecov_");
- delay_bind_init_one("pipectrl_");
- delay_bind_init_one("open_cwnd_on_pack_");
- delay_bind_init_one("halfclose_");
- delay_bind_init_one("nopredict_");
- delay_bind_init_one("ecn_syn_");
- delay_bind_init_one("ecn_syn_wait_");
- delay_bind_init_one("debug_");
- delay_bind_init_one("spa_thresh_");
- TcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all();
- reset();
- }
- int
- FullTcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
- {
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "segsperack_", &segs_per_ack_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "segsize_", &maxseg_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "tcprexmtthresh_", &tcprexmtthresh_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "iss_", &iss_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "spa_thresh_", &spa_thresh_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "nodelay_", &nodelay_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "data_on_syn_", &data_on_syn_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "dupseg_fix_", &dupseg_fix_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "dupack_reset_", &dupack_reset_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "close_on_empty_", &close_on_empty_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "signal_on_empty_", &signal_on_empty_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_time(varName, localName, "interval_", &delack_interval_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "ts_option_size_", &ts_option_size_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "reno_fastrecov_", &reno_fastrecov_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "pipectrl_", &pipectrl_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "open_cwnd_on_pack_", &open_cwnd_on_pack_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "halfclose_", &halfclose_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "nopredict_", &nopredict_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "ecn_syn_", &ecn_syn_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "ecn_syn_wait_", &ecn_syn_wait_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "debug_", &debug_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- return TcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(varName, localName, tracer);
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all()
- {
- delay_bind_init_one("clear_on_timeout_");
- delay_bind_init_one("sack_rtx_cthresh_");
- delay_bind_init_one("sack_rtx_bthresh_");
- delay_bind_init_one("sack_block_size_");
- delay_bind_init_one("sack_option_size_");
- delay_bind_init_one("max_sack_blocks_");
- delay_bind_init_one("sack_rtx_threshmode_");
- FullTcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all();
- }
- int
- SackFullTcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
- {
- if (delay_bind_bool(varName, localName, "clear_on_timeout_", &clear_on_timeout_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "sack_rtx_cthresh_", &sack_rtx_cthresh_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "sack_rtx_bthresh_", &sack_rtx_bthresh_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "sack_rtx_threshmode_", &sack_rtx_threshmode_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "sack_block_size_", &sack_block_size_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "sack_option_size_", &sack_option_size_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- if (delay_bind(varName, localName, "max_sack_blocks_", &max_sack_blocks_, tracer)) return TCL_OK;
- return FullTcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(varName, localName, tracer);
- }
- int
- FullTcpAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- // would like to have some "connect" primitive
- // here, but the problem is that we get called before
- // the simulation is running and we want to send a SYN.
- // Because no routing exists yet, this fails.
- // Instead, see code in advance().
- //
- // listen can happen any time because it just changes state_
- //
- // close is designed to happen at some point after the
- // simulation is running (using an ns 'at' command)
- if (argc == ) {
- if (strcmp(argv[], "listen") == ) {
- // just a state transition
- listen();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[], "close") == ) {
- usrclosed();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- if (argc == ) {
- if (strcmp(argv[], "advance") == ) {
- advanceby(atoi(argv[]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[], "advanceby") == ) {
- advanceby(atoi(argv[]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[], "advance-bytes") == ) {
- advance_bytes(atoi(argv[]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- if (argc == ) {
- if (strcmp(argv[], "sendmsg") == ) {
- sendmsg(atoi(argv[]), argv[]);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (TcpAgent::command(argc, argv));
- }
- /*
- * "User Interface" Functions for Full TCP
- * advanceby(number of packets)
- * advance_bytes(number of bytes)
- * sendmsg(int bytes, char* buf)
- * listen
- * close
- */
- /*
- * the 'advance' interface to the regular tcp is in packet
- * units. Here we scale this to bytes for full tcp.
- *
- * 'advance' is normally called by an "application" (i.e. data source)
- * to signal that there is something to send
- *
- * 'curseq_' is the sequence number of the last byte provided
- * by the application. In the case where no data has been supplied
- * by the application, curseq_ is the iss_.
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::advanceby(int np)
- {
- // XXX hack:
- // because np is in packets and a data source
- // may pass a *huge* number as a way to tell us
- // to go forever, just look for the huge number
- // and if it's there, pre-divide it
- if (np >= 0x10000000)
- np /= maxseg_;
- advance_bytes(np * maxseg_);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * the byte-oriented interface: advance_bytes(int nbytes)
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::advance_bytes(int nb)
- {
- //
- // state-specific operations:
- // if CLOSED or LISTEN, reset and try a new active open/connect
- // if ESTABLISHED, queue and try to send more
- // if SYN_SENT or SYN_RCVD, just queue
- // if above ESTABLISHED, we are closing, so don't allow
- //
- switch (state_) {
- reset();
- curseq_ = iss_ + nb;
- connect(); // initiate new connection
- break;
- if (curseq_ < iss_)
- curseq_ = iss_;
- curseq_ += nb;
- break;
- default:
- if (debug_)
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::advance(%s): cannot advance while in state %s\n",
- now(), name(), statestr(state_));
- }
- if (state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED)
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If MSG_EOF is set, by setting close_on_empty_ to TRUE, we ensure that
- * a FIN will be sent when the send buffer emptys.
- * If DAT_EOF is set, the callback function done_data is called
- * when the send buffer empty
- *
- * When (in the future?) FullTcpAgent implements T/TCP, avoidance of 3-way
- * handshake can be handled in this function.
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::sendmsg(int nbytes, const char *flags)
- {
- if (flags && strcmp(flags, "MSG_EOF") == )
- close_on_empty_ = TRUE;
- if (flags && strcmp(flags, "DAT_EOF") == )
- signal_on_empty_ = TRUE;
- if (nbytes == -) {
- infinite_send_ = TRUE;
- advance_bytes();
- } else
- advance_bytes(nbytes);
- }
- /*
- * do an active open
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_usrreq, case PRU_CONNECT)
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::connect()
- {
- newstate(TCPS_SYN_SENT); // sending a SYN now
- sent(iss_, foutput(iss_, REASON_NORMAL));
- return;
- }
- /*
- * be a passive opener
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_usrreq, case PRU_LISTEN)
- * (for simulation, make this peer's ptype ACKs)
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::listen()
- {
- newstate(TCPS_LISTEN);
- type_ = PT_ACK; // instead of PT_TCP
- }
- /*
- * This function is invoked when the sender buffer is empty. It in turn
- * invokes the Tcl done_data procedure that was registered with TCP.
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::bufferempty()
- {
- signal_on_empty_=FALSE;
- Tcl::instance().evalf("%s done_data", this->name());
- }
- /*
- * called when user/application performs 'close'
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::usrclosed()
- {
- curseq_ = maxseq_ - ; // now, no more data
- infinite_send_ = FALSE; // stop infinite send
- switch (state_) {
- cancel_timers();
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSED);
- finish();
- break;
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSED);
- /* fall through */
- flags_ |= TF_NEEDFIN;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- break;
- newstate(TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1);
- flags_ |= TF_NEEDFIN;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- break;
- newstate(TCPS_LAST_ACK);
- flags_ |= TF_NEEDFIN;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- break;
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1:
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2:
- /* usr asked for a close more than once [?] */
- if (debug_)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f FullTcpAgent(%s): app close in bad state %s\n",
- now(), name(), statestr(state_));
- break;
- default:
- if (debug_)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f FullTcpAgent(%s): app close in unknown state %s\n",
- now(), name(), statestr(state_));
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Utility type functions
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::cancel_timers()
- {
- // cancel: rtx, burstsend, delsnd
- TcpAgent::cancel_timers();
- // cancel: delack
- delack_timer_.force_cancel();
- }
- void
- FullTcpAgent::newstate(int state)
- {
- //printf("%f(%s): state changed from %s to %s\n",
- //now(), name(), statestr(state_), statestr(state));
- state_ = state;
- }
- void
- FullTcpAgent::prpkt(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt); // TCP header
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(pkt); // common header (size, etc)
- //hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(pkt); // flags (CWR, CE, bits)
- hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- int datalen = th->size() - tcph->hlen(); // # payload bytes
- fprintf(stdout, " [%d:%d.%d>%d.%d] (hlen:%d, dlen:%d, seq:%d, ack:%d, flags:0x%x (%s), salen:%d, reason:0x%x)\n",
- th->uid(),
- iph->saddr(), iph->sport(),
- iph->daddr(), iph->dport(),
- tcph->hlen(),
- datalen,
- tcph->seqno(),
- tcph->ackno(),
- tcph->flags(), flagstr(tcph->flags()),
- tcph->sa_length(),
- tcph->reason());
- }
- char *
- FullTcpAgent::flagstr(int hflags)
- {
- // update this if tcp header flags change
- static char *flagstrs[] = {
- "<null>", "<FIN>", "<SYN>", "<SYN,FIN>", // 0-3
- "<?>", "<?,FIN>", "<?,SYN>", "<?,SYN,FIN>", // 4-7
- "<PSH>", "<PSH,FIN>", "<PSH,SYN>", "<PSH,SYN,FIN>", // 0x08-0x0b
- /* do not use <??, in next line because that's an ANSI trigraph */
- "<?>", "<?,FIN>", "<?,SYN>", "<?,SYN,FIN>", // 0x0c-0x0f
- "<ACK>", "<ACK,FIN>", "<ACK,SYN>", "<ACK,SYN,FIN>", // 0x10-0x13
- "<ACK>", "<ACK,FIN>", "<ACK,SYN>", "<ACK,SYN,FIN>", // 0x14-0x17
- "<PSH,ACK>", "<PSH,ACK,FIN>", "<PSH,ACK,SYN>", "<PSH,ACK,SYN,FIN>", // 0x18-0x1b
- };
- if (hflags < || (hflags > )) {
- /* Added strings for CWR and ECE -M. Weigle 6/27/02 */
- if (hflags == )
- return ("<ECE,PSH>");
- else if (hflags == )
- return ("<ECE,ACK>");
- else if (hflags == )
- return ("<ECE,PSH,ACK>");
- else if (hflags == )
- return ("<CWR,PSH,ACK>");
- else if (hflags == )
- return ("<CWR,PSH,ACK,FIN>");
- else
- return ("<invalid>");
- }
- return (flagstrs[hflags]);
- }
- char *
- FullTcpAgent::statestr(int state)
- {
- static char *statestrs[TCP_NSTATES] = {
- };
- if (state < || (state >= TCP_NSTATES))
- return ("INVALID");
- return (statestrs[state]);
- }
- void
- DelAckTimer::expire(Event *) {
- a_->timeout(TCP_TIMER_DELACK);
- }
- /*
- * reset to starting point, don't set state_ here,
- * because our starting point might be LISTEN rather
- * than CLOSED if we're a passive opener
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::reset()
- {
- cancel_timers(); // cancel timers first
- TcpAgent::reset(); // resets most variables
- rq_.clear(); // clear reassembly queue
- rtt_init(); // zero rtt, srtt, backoff
- last_ack_sent_ = -;
- rcv_nxt_ = -;
- pipe_ = ;
- rtxbytes_ = ;
- flags_ = ;
- t_seqno_ = iss_;
- maxseq_ = -;
- irs_ = -;
- last_send_time_ = -1.0;
- if (ts_option_)
- recent_ = recent_age_ = 0.0;
- else
- recent_ = recent_age_ = -1.0;
- fastrecov_ = FALSE;
- closed_ = ;
- close_on_empty_ = FALSE;
- if (ecn_syn_)
- ecn_syn_next_ = ;
- else
- ecn_syn_next_ = ;
- }
- /*
- * This function is invoked when the connection is done. It in turn
- * invokes the Tcl finish procedure that was registered with TCP.
- * This function mimics tcp_close()
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::finish()
- {
- Tcl::instance().evalf("%s done", this->name());
- }
- /*
- * headersize:
- * how big is an IP+TCP header in bytes; include options such as ts
- * this function should be virtual so others (e.g. SACK) can override
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::headersize()
- {
- int total = tcpip_base_hdr_size_;
- if (total < ) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): warning: tcpip hdr size is only %d bytes\n",
- now(), name(), tcpip_base_hdr_size_);
- }
- if (ts_option_)
- total += ts_option_size_;
- return (total);
- }
- /*
- * flags that are completely dependent on the tcp state
- * these are used for the next outgoing packet in foutput()
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_fsm.h, the "tcp_outflags" array)
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::outflags()
- {
- // in real TCP an RST is added in the CLOSED state
- static int tcp_outflags[TCP_NSTATES] = {
- TH_ACK, /* 0, CLOSED */
- , /* 1, LISTEN */
- TH_SYN, /* 2, SYN_SENT */
- TH_ACK, /* 5, CLOSE_WAIT */
- TH_FIN|TH_ACK, /* 6, FIN_WAIT_1 */
- TH_FIN|TH_ACK, /* 8, LAST_ACK */
- TH_ACK, /* 9, FIN_WAIT_2 */
- /* 10, TIME_WAIT --- not used in simulator */
- };
- if (state_ < || (state_ >= TCP_NSTATES)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f FullTcpAgent(%s): invalid state %d\n",
- now(), name(), state_);
- return (0x0);
- }
- return (tcp_outflags[state_]);
- }
- /*
- * reaass() -- extract the appropriate fields from the packet
- * and pass this info the ReassemblyQueue add routine
- *
- * returns the TCP header flags representing the "or" of
- * the flags contained in the adjacent sequence # blocks
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::reass(Packet* pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- int start = tcph->seqno();
- int end = start + th->size() - tcph->hlen();
- int tiflags = tcph->flags();
- int fillshole = (start == rcv_nxt_);
- int flags;
- // end contains the seq of the last byte of
- // in the packet plus one
- if (start == end && (tiflags & TH_FIN) == ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s)::reass() -- bad condition - adding non-FIN zero-len seg\n",
- now(), name());
- abort();
- }
- flags = rq_.add(start, end, tiflags, );
- //present:
- //
- // If we've never received a SYN (unlikely)
- // or this is an out of order addition, no reason to coalesce
- //
- if (TCPS_HAVERCVDSYN(state_) == || !fillshole) {
- return (0x00);
- }
- //
- // If we get some data in SYN_RECVD, no need to present to user yet
- //
- if (state_ == TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED && (end > start))
- return (0x00);
- // clear out data that has been passed, up to rcv_nxt_,
- // collects flags
- flags |= rq_.cleartonxt();
- return (flags);
- }
- /*
- * utility function to set rcv_next_ during inital exchange of seq #s
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::rcvseqinit(int seq, int dlen)
- {
- return (seq + dlen + );
- }
- /*
- * build a header with the timestamp option if asked
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::build_options(hdr_tcp* tcph)
- {
- int total = ;
- if (ts_option_) {
- tcph->ts() = now();
- tcph->ts_echo() = recent_;
- total += ts_option_size_;
- } else {
- tcph->ts() = tcph->ts_echo() = -1.0;
- }
- return (total);
- }
- /*
- * pack() -- is the ACK a partial ACK? (not past recover_)
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::pack(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- /* Added check for fast recovery. -M. Weigle 5/2/02 */
- return (fastrecov_ && tcph->ackno() >= highest_ack_ &&
- tcph->ackno() < recover_);
- }
- /*
- * baseline reno TCP exists fast recovery on a partial ACK
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::pack_action(Packet*)
- {
- if (reno_fastrecov_ && fastrecov_ && cwnd_ > double(ssthresh_)) {
- cwnd_ = double(ssthresh_); // retract window if inflated
- }
- fastrecov_ = FALSE;
- //printf("%f: EXITED FAST RECOVERY\n", now());
- dupacks_ = ;
- }
- /*
- * ack_action -- same as partial ACK action for base Reno TCP
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::ack_action(Packet* p)
- {
- FullTcpAgent::pack_action(p);
- }
- /*
- * sendpacket:
- * allocate a packet, fill in header fields, and send
- * also keeps stats on # of data pkts, acks, re-xmits, etc
- *
- * fill in packet fields. Agent::allocpkt() fills
- * in most of the network layer fields for us.
- * So fill in tcp hdr and adjust the packet size.
- *
- * Also, set the size of the tcp header.
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::sendpacket(int seqno, int ackno, int pflags, int datalen, int reason, Packet *p)
- {
- if (!p) p = allocpkt();
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(p);
- hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(p);
- /* build basic header w/options */
- tcph->seqno() = seqno;
- tcph->ackno() = ackno;
- tcph->flags() = pflags;
- tcph->reason() |= reason; // make tcph->reason look like ns1 pkt->flags?
- tcph->sa_length() = ; // may be increased by build_options()
- tcph->hlen() = tcpip_base_hdr_size_;
- tcph->hlen() += build_options(tcph);
- /*
- * Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) related:
- * Bits in header:
- * ECT (EC Capable Transport),
- * ECNECHO (ECHO of ECN Notification generated at router),
- * CWR (Congestion Window Reduced from RFC 2481)
- * States in TCP:
- * ecn_: I am supposed to do ECN if my peer does
- * ect_: I am doing ECN (ecn_ should be T and peer does ECN)
- */
- if (datalen > && ecn_ ){
- // set ect on data packets
- fh->ect() = ect_; // on after mutual agreement on ECT
- } else if (ecn_ && ecn_syn_ && ecn_syn_next_ && (pflags & TH_SYN) && (pflags & TH_ACK)) {
- // set ect on syn/ack packet, if syn packet was negotiating ECT
- fh->ect() = ect_;
- } else {
- /* Set ect() to 0. -M. Weigle 1/19/05 */
- fh->ect() = ;
- }
- if (ecn_ && ect_ && recent_ce_ ) {
- // This is needed here for the ACK in a SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK
- // sequence.
- pflags |= TH_ECE;
- }
- // fill in CWR and ECE bits which don't actually sit in
- // the tcp_flags but in hdr_flags
- if ( pflags & TH_ECE) {
- fh->ecnecho() = ;
- } else {
- fh->ecnecho() = ;
- }
- if ( pflags & TH_CWR ) {
- fh->cong_action() = ;
- }
- else {
- /* Set cong_action() to 0 -M. Weigle 1/19/05 */
- fh->cong_action() = ;
- }
- /* actual size is data length plus header length */
- hdr_cmn *ch = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- ch->size() = datalen + tcph->hlen();
- if (datalen <= )
- ++nackpack_;
- else {
- ++ndatapack_;
- ndatabytes_ += datalen;
- last_send_time_ = now(); // time of last data
- }
- if (reason == REASON_TIMEOUT || reason == REASON_DUPACK || reason == REASON_SACK) {
- ++nrexmitpack_;
- nrexmitbytes_ += datalen;
- }
- last_ack_sent_ = ackno;
- //if (state_ != TCPS_ESTABLISHED) {
- //printf("%f(%s)[state:%s]: sending pkt ", now(), name(), statestr(state_));
- //prpkt(p);
- //}
- send(p, );
- return;
- }
- //
- // reset_rtx_timer: called during a retransmission timeout
- // to perform exponential backoff. Also, note that because
- // we have performed a retransmission, our rtt timer is now
- // invalidated (indicate this by setting rtt_active_ false)
- //
- void
- FullTcpAgent::reset_rtx_timer(int /* mild */)
- {
- // cancel old timer, set a new one
- /* if there is no outstanding data, don't back off rtx timer *
- * (Fix from T. Kelly.) */
- if (!(highest_ack_ == maxseq_ && restart_bugfix_)) {
- rtt_backoff(); // double current timeout
- }
- set_rtx_timer(); // set new timer
- rtt_active_ = FALSE; // no timing during this window
- }
- /*
- * see if we should send a segment, and if so, send it
- * (may be ACK or data)
- * return the number of data bytes sent (count a SYN or FIN as 1 each)
- *
- * simulator var, desc (name in real TCP)
- * --------------------------------------
- * maxseq_, largest seq# we've sent plus one (snd_max)
- * flags_, flags regarding our internal state (t_state)
- * pflags, a local used to build up the tcp header flags (flags)
- * curseq_, is the highest sequence number given to us by "application"
- * highest_ack_, the highest ACK we've seen for our data (snd_una-1)
- * seqno, the next seq# we're going to send (snd_nxt)
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::foutput(int seqno, int reason)
- {
- // if maxseg_ not set, set it appropriately
- // Q: how can this happen?
- if (maxseg_ == )
- maxseg_ = size_ - headersize();
- else
- size_ = maxseg_ + headersize();
- int is_retransmit = (seqno < maxseq_);
- int quiet = (highest_ack_ == maxseq_);
- int pflags = outflags();
- int syn = (seqno == iss_);
- int emptying_buffer = FALSE;
- int buffered_bytes = (infinite_send_) ? TCP_MAXSEQ :
- curseq_ - highest_ack_ + ;
- int win = window() * maxseg_; // window (in bytes)
- int off = seqno - highest_ack_; // offset of seg in window
- int datalen;
- //int amtsent = 0;
- // be careful if we have not received any ACK yet
- if (highest_ack_ < ) {
- if (!infinite_send_)
- buffered_bytes = curseq_ - iss_;;
- off = seqno - iss_;
- }
- if (syn && !data_on_syn_)
- datalen = ;
- else if (pipectrl_)
- datalen = buffered_bytes - off;
- else
- datalen = min(buffered_bytes, win) - off;
- if ((signal_on_empty_) && (!buffered_bytes) && (!syn))
- bufferempty();
- //
- // in real TCP datalen (len) could be < 0 if there was window
- // shrinkage, or if a FIN has been sent and neither ACKd nor
- // retransmitted. Only this 2nd case concerns us here...
- //
- if (datalen < ) {
- datalen = ;
- } else if (datalen > maxseg_) {
- datalen = maxseg_;
- }
- //
- // this is an option that causes us to slow-start if we've
- // been idle for a "long" time, where long means a rto or longer
- // the slow-start is a sort that does not set ssthresh
- //
- if (slow_start_restart_ && quiet && datalen > ) {
- if (idle_restart()) {
- slowdown(CLOSE_CWND_INIT);
- }
- }
- //
- // see if sending this packet will empty the send buffer
- // a dataless SYN packet counts also
- //
- if (!infinite_send_ && ((seqno + datalen) > curseq_ ||
- (syn && datalen == ))) {
- emptying_buffer = TRUE;
- //
- // if not a retransmission, notify application that
- // everything has been sent out at least once.
- //
- if (!syn) {
- idle();
- if (close_on_empty_ && quiet) {
- flags_ |= TF_NEEDCLOSE;
- }
- }
- pflags |= TH_PUSH;
- //
- // if close_on_empty set, we are finished
- // with this connection; close it
- //
- } else {
- /* not emptying buffer, so can't be FIN */
- pflags &= ~TH_FIN;
- }
- if (infinite_send_ && (syn && datalen == ))
- pflags |= TH_PUSH; // set PUSH for dataless SYN
- /* sender SWS avoidance (Nagle) */
- if (datalen > ) {
- // if full-sized segment, ok
- if (datalen == maxseg_)
- goto send;
- // if Nagle disabled and buffer clearing, ok
- if ((quiet || nodelay_) && emptying_buffer)
- goto send;
- // if a retransmission
- if (is_retransmit)
- goto send;
- // if big "enough", ok...
- // (this is not a likely case, and would
- // only happen for tiny windows)
- if (datalen >= ((wnd_ * maxseg_) / 2.0))
- goto send;
- }
- if (need_send())
- goto send;
- /*
- * send now if a control packet or we owe peer an ACK
- * TF_ACKNOW can be set during connection establishment and
- * to generate acks for out-of-order data
- */
- if ((flags_ & (TF_ACKNOW|TF_NEEDCLOSE)) ||
- (pflags & (TH_SYN|TH_FIN))) {
- goto send;
- }
- /*
- * No reason to send a segment, just return.
- */
- return ;
- send:
- // is a syn or fin?
- syn = (pflags & TH_SYN) ? : ;
- int fin = (pflags & TH_FIN) ? : ;
- /* setup ECN syn and ECN SYN+ACK packet headers */
- if (ecn_ && syn && !(pflags & TH_ACK)){
- pflags |= TH_ECE;
- pflags |= TH_CWR;
- }
- if (ecn_ && syn && (pflags & TH_ACK)){
- pflags |= TH_ECE;
- pflags &= ~TH_CWR;
- }
- else if (ecn_ && ect_ && cong_action_ &&
- (!is_retransmit || SetCWRonRetransmit_)) {
- /*
- * Don't set CWR for a retranmitted SYN+ACK (has ecn_
- * and cong_action_ set).
- * -M. Weigle 6/19/02
- *
- * SetCWRonRetransmit_ was changed to true,
- * allowing CWR on retransmitted data packets.
- * See test ecn_burstyEcn_reno_full
- * in test-suite-ecn-full.tcl.
- * - Sally Floyd, 6/5/08.
- */
- /* set CWR if necessary */
- pflags |= TH_CWR;
- /* Turn cong_action_ off: Added 6/5/08, Sally Floyd. */
- cong_action_ = FALSE;
- }
- /* moved from sendpacket() -M. Weigle 6/19/02 */
- //
- // although CWR bit is ordinarily associated with ECN,
- // it has utility within the simulator for traces. Thus, set
- // it even if we aren't doing ECN
- //
- if (datalen > && cong_action_ && !is_retransmit) {
- pflags |= TH_CWR;
- }
- /* set ECE if necessary */
- if (ecn_ && ect_ && recent_ce_ ) {
- pflags |= TH_ECE;
- }
- /*
- * Tack on the FIN flag to the data segment if close_on_empty_
- * was previously set-- avoids sending a separate FIN
- */
- if (flags_ & TF_NEEDCLOSE) {
- flags_ &= ~TF_NEEDCLOSE;
- if (state_ <= TCPS_ESTABLISHED && state_ != TCPS_CLOSED)
- {
- pflags |=TH_FIN;
- fin = ; /* FIN consumes sequence number */
- newstate(TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1);
- }
- }
- sendpacket(seqno, rcv_nxt_, pflags, datalen, reason);
- /*
- * Data sent (as far as we can tell).
- * Any pending ACK has now been sent.
- */
- flags_ &= ~(TF_ACKNOW|TF_DELACK);
- /*
- * if we have reacted to congestion recently, the
- * slowdown() procedure will have set cong_action_ and
- * sendpacket will have copied that to the outgoing pkt
- * CWR field. If that packet contains data, then
- * it will be reliably delivered, so we are free to turn off the
- * cong_action_ state now If only a pure ACK, we keep the state
- * around until we actually send a segment
- */
- int reliable = datalen + syn + fin; // seq #'s reliably sent
- /*
- * Don't reset cong_action_ until we send new data.
- * -M. Weigle 6/19/02
- */
- if (cong_action_ && reliable > && !is_retransmit)
- cong_action_ = FALSE;
- // highest: greatest sequence number sent + 1
- // and adjusted for SYNs and FINs which use up one number
- int highest = seqno + reliable;
- if (highest > maxseq_) {
- maxseq_ = highest;
- //
- // if we are using conventional RTT estimation,
- // establish timing on this segment
- //
- if (!ts_option_ && rtt_active_ == FALSE) {
- rtt_active_ = TRUE; // set timer
- rtt_seq_ = seqno; // timed seq #
- rtt_ts_ = now(); // when set
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set retransmit timer if not currently set,
- * and not doing an ack or a keep-alive probe.
- * Initial value for retransmit timer is smoothed
- * round-trip time + 2 * round-trip time variance.
- * Future values are rtt + 4 * rttvar.
- */
- if (rtx_timer_.status() != TIMER_PENDING && reliable) {
- set_rtx_timer(); // no timer pending, schedule one
- }
- return (reliable);
- }
- /*
- *
- * send_much: send as much data as we are allowed to. This is
- * controlled by the "pipectrl_" variable. If pipectrl_ is set
- * to FALSE, then we are working as a normal window-based TCP and
- * we are allowed to send whatever the window allows.
- * If pipectrl_ is set to TRUE, then we are allowed to send whatever
- * pipe_ allows us to send. One tricky part is to make sure we
- * do not overshoot the receiver's advertised window if we are
- * in (pipectrl_ == TRUE) mode.
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::send_much(int force, int reason, int maxburst)
- {
- int npackets = ; // sent so far
- //if ((int(t_seqno_)) > 1)
- //printf("%f: send_much(f:%d, win:%d, pipectrl:%d, pipe:%d, t_seqno:%d, topwin:%d, maxseq_:%d\n",
- //now(), force, win, pipectrl_, pipe_, int(t_seqno_), topwin, int(maxseq_));
- if (!force && (delsnd_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING))
- return;
- while () {
- /*
- * note that if output decides to not actually send
- * (e.g. because of Nagle), then if we don't break out
- * of this loop, we can loop forever at the same
- * simulated time instant
- */
- int amt;
- int seq = nxt_tseq();
- if (!force && !send_allowed(seq))
- break;
- // Q: does this need to be here too?
- if (!force && overhead_ != &&
- (delsnd_timer_.status() != TIMER_PENDING)) {
- delsnd_timer_.resched(Random::uniform(overhead_));
- return;
- }
- if ((amt = foutput(seq, reason)) <= )
- break;
- if ((outflags() & TH_FIN))
- --amt; // don't count FINs
- sent(seq, amt);
- force = ;
- if ((outflags() & (TH_SYN|TH_FIN)) ||
- (maxburst && ++npackets >= maxburst))
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * base TCP: we are allowed to send a sequence number if it
- * is in the window
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::send_allowed(int seq)
- {
- int win = window() * maxseg_;
- int topwin = curseq_; // 1 seq number past the last byte we can send
- if ((topwin > highest_ack_ + win) || infinite_send_)
- topwin = highest_ack_ + win;
- return (seq < topwin);
- }
- /*
- * Process an ACK
- * this version of the routine doesn't necessarily
- * require the ack to be one which advances the ack number
- *
- * if this ACKs a rtt estimate
- * indicate we are not timing
- * reset the exponential timer backoff (gamma)
- * update rtt estimate
- * cancel retrans timer if everything is sent and ACK'd, else set it
- * advance the ack number if appropriate
- * update segment to send next if appropriate
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::newack(Packet* pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- register int ackno = tcph->ackno();
- int progress = (ackno > highest_ack_);
- if (ackno == maxseq_) {
- cancel_rtx_timer(); // all data ACKd
- } else if (progress) {
- set_rtx_timer();
- }
- // advance the ack number if this is for new data
- if (progress)
- highest_ack_ = ackno;
- // if we have suffered a retransmit timeout, t_seqno_
- // will have been reset to highest_ ack. If the
- // receiver has cached some data above t_seqno_, the
- // new-ack value could (should) jump forward. We must
- // update t_seqno_ here, otherwise we would be doing
- // go-back-n.
- if (t_seqno_ < highest_ack_)
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_; // seq# to send next
- /*
- * Update RTT only if it's OK to do so from info in the flags header.
- * This is needed for protocols in which intermediate agents
- * in the network intersperse acks (e.g., ack-reconstructors) for
- * various reasons (without violating e2e semantics).
- */
- hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(pkt);
- if (!fh->no_ts_) {
- if (ts_option_) {
- recent_age_ = now();
- recent_ = tcph->ts();
- rtt_update(now() - tcph->ts_echo());
- if (ts_resetRTO_ && (!ect_ || !ecn_backoff_ ||
- !hdr_flags::access(pkt)->ecnecho())) {
- // From Andrei Gurtov
- //
- // Don't end backoff if still in ECN-Echo with
- // a congestion window of 1 packet.
- t_backoff_ = ;
- }
- } else if (rtt_active_ && ackno > rtt_seq_) {
- // got an RTT sample, record it
- // "t_backoff_ = 1;" deleted by T. Kelly.
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- rtt_update(now() - rtt_ts_);
- }
- if (!ect_ || !ecn_backoff_ ||
- !hdr_flags::access(pkt)->ecnecho()) {
- /*
- * Don't end backoff if still in ECN-Echo with
- * a congestion window of 1 packet.
- * Fix from T. Kelly.
- */
- t_backoff_ = ;
- ecn_backoff_ = ;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * this is the simulated form of the header prediction
- * predicate. While not really necessary for a simulation, it
- * follows the code base more closely and can sometimes help to reveal
- * odd behavior caused by the implementation structure..
- *
- * Here's the comment from the real TCP:
- *
- * Header prediction: check for the two common cases
- * of a uni-directional data xfer. If the packet has
- * no control flags, is in-sequence, the window didn't
- * change and we're not retransmitting, it's a
- * candidate. If the length is zero and the ack moved
- * forward, we're the sender side of the xfer. Just
- * free the data acked & wake any higher level process
- * that was blocked waiting for space. If the length
- * is non-zero and the ack didn't move, we're the
- * receiver side. If we're getting packets in-order
- * (the reassembly queue is empty), add the data to
- * the socket buffer and note that we need a delayed ack.
- * Make sure that the hidden state-flags are also off.
- * Since we check for TCPS_ESTABLISHED above, it can only
- * be TF_NEEDSYN.
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::predict_ok(Packet* pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(pkt);
- /* not the fastest way to do this, but perhaps clearest */
- int p1 = (state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED); // ready
- int p2 = ((tcph->flags() & (TH_SYN|TH_FIN|TH_ACK)) == TH_ACK); // ACK
- int p3 = ((flags_ & TF_NEEDFIN) == ); // don't need fin
- int p4 = (!ts_option_ || fh->no_ts_ || (tcph->ts() >= recent_)); // tsok
- int p5 = (tcph->seqno() == rcv_nxt_); // in-order data
- int p6 = (t_seqno_ == maxseq_); // not re-xmit
- int p7 = (!ecn_ || fh->ecnecho() == ); // no ECN
- int p8 = (tcph->sa_length() == ); // no SACK info
- return (p1 && p2 && p3 && p4 && p5 && p6 && p7 && p8);
- }
- /*
- * fast_retransmit using the given seqno
- * perform fast RTX, set recover_, set last_cwnd_action
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::fast_retransmit(int seq)
- {
- // we are now going to fast-retransmit and willtrace that event
- trace_event("FAST_RETX");
- recover_ = maxseq_; // recovery target
- last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_DUPACK;
- return(foutput(seq, REASON_DUPACK)); // send one pkt
- }
- /*
- * real tcp determines if the remote
- * side should receive a window update/ACK from us, and often
- * results in sending an update every 2 segments, thereby
- * giving the familiar 2-packets-per-ack behavior of TCP.
- * Here, we don't advertise any windows, so we just see if
- * there's at least 'segs_per_ack_' pkts not yet acked
- *
- * also, provide for a segs-per-ack "threshold" where
- * we generate 1-ack-per-seg until enough stuff
- * (spa_thresh_ bytes) has been received from the other side
- * This idea came from vj/kmn in BayTcp. Added 8/21/01.
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::need_send()
- {
- if (flags_ & TF_ACKNOW)
- return TRUE;
- int spa = (spa_thresh_ > && ((rcv_nxt_ - irs_) < spa_thresh_)) ?
- : segs_per_ack_;
- return ((rcv_nxt_ - last_ack_sent_) >= (spa * maxseg_));
- }
- /*
- * determine whether enough time has elapsed in order to
- * conclude a "restart" is necessary (e.g. a slow-start)
- *
- * for now, keep track of this similarly to how rtt_update() does
- */
- int
- FullTcpAgent::idle_restart()
- {
- if (last_send_time_ < 0.0) {
- // last_send_time_ isn't set up yet, we shouldn't
- // do the idle_restart
- return ();
- }
- double tao = now() - last_send_time_;
- if (!ts_option_) {
- double tickoff = fmod(last_send_time_ + boot_time_,
- tcp_tick_);
- tao = int((tao + tickoff) / tcp_tick_) * tcp_tick_;
- }
- return (tao > t_rtxcur_); // verify this CHECKME
- }
- /*
- * tcp-full's version of set_initial_window()... over-rides
- * the one in
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::set_initial_window()
- {
- syn_ = TRUE; // full-tcp always models SYN exchange
- TcpAgent::set_initial_window();
- }
- /*
- * main reception path -
- * called from the agent that handles the data path below in its muxing mode
- * advance() is called when connection is established with size sent from
- * user/application agent
- *
- * This is a fairly complex function. It operates generally as follows:
- * do header prediction for simple cases (pure ACKS or data)
- * if in LISTEN and we get a SYN, begin initializing connection
- * if in SYN_SENT and we get an ACK, complete connection init
- * trim any redundant data from received dataful segment
- * deal with ACKS:
- * if in SYN_RCVD, complete connection init then go on
- * see if ACK is old or at the current highest_ack
- * if at current high, is the threshold reached or not
- * if so, maybe do fast rtx... otherwise drop or inflate win
- * deal with incoming data
- * deal with FIN bit on in arriving packet
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::recv(Packet *pkt, Handler*)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt); // TCP header
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(pkt); // common header (size, etc)
- hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(pkt); // flags (CWR, CE, bits)
- int needoutput = FALSE;
- int ourfinisacked = FALSE;
- int dupseg = FALSE; // recv'd dup data segment
- int todrop = ; // duplicate DATA cnt in seg
- last_state_ = state_;
- int datalen = th->size() - tcph->hlen(); // # payload bytes
- int ackno = tcph->ackno(); // ack # from packet
- int tiflags = tcph->flags() ; // tcp flags from packet
- //if (state_ != TCPS_ESTABLISHED || (tiflags&(TH_SYN|TH_FIN))) {
- //fprintf(stdout, "%f(%s)in state %s recv'd this packet: ", now(), name(), statestr(state_));
- //prpkt(pkt);
- //}
- /*
- * Acknowledge FIN from passive closer even in TCPS_CLOSED state
- * (since we lack TIME_WAIT state and RST packets,
- * the loss of the FIN packet from the passive closer will make that
- * endpoint retransmit the FIN forever)
- * -F. Hernandez-Campos 8/6/00
- */
- if ( (state_ == TCPS_CLOSED) && (tiflags & TH_FIN) ) {
- goto dropafterack;
- }
- /*
- * Don't expect to see anything while closed
- */
- if (state_ == TCPS_CLOSED) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcp(%s): recv'd pkt in CLOSED state: ",
- now(), name());
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto drop;
- }
- /*
- * Process options if not in LISTEN state,
- * else do it below
- */
- if (state_ != TCPS_LISTEN)
- dooptions(pkt);
- /*
- * if we are using delayed-ACK timers and
- * no delayed-ACK timer is set, set one.
- * They are set to fire every 'interval_' secs, starting
- * at time t0 = (0.0 + k * interval_) for some k such
- * that t0 > now
- */
- if (delack_interval_ > 0.0 &&
- (delack_timer_.status() != TIMER_PENDING)) {
- int last = int(now() / delack_interval_);
- delack_timer_.resched(delack_interval_ * (last + 1.0) - now());
- }
- /*
- * Try header prediction: in seq data or in seq pure ACK
- * with no funny business
- */
- if (!nopredict_ && predict_ok(pkt)) {
- /*
- * If last ACK falls within this segment's sequence numbers,
- * record the timestamp.
- * See RFC1323 (now RFC1323 bis)
- */
- if (ts_option_ && !fh->no_ts_ &&
- tcph->seqno() <= last_ack_sent_) {
- /*
- * this is the case where the ts value is newer than
- * the last one we've seen, and the seq # is the one
- * we expect [seqno == last_ack_sent_] or older
- */
- recent_age_ = now();
- recent_ = tcph->ts();
- }
- //
- // generate a stream of ecnecho bits until we see a true
- // cong_action bit
- //
- if (ecn_) {
- if (fh->ce() && fh->ect()) {
- // no CWR from peer yet... arrange to
- // keep sending ECNECHO
- recent_ce_ = TRUE;
- } else if (fh->cwr()) {
- // got CWR response from peer.. stop
- // sending ECNECHO bits
- recent_ce_ = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Header predication basically looks to see
- // if the incoming packet is an expected pure ACK
- // or an expected data segment
- if (datalen == ) {
- // check for a received pure ACK in the correct range..
- // also checks to see if we are wnd_ limited
- // (we don't change cwnd at all below), plus
- // not being in fast recovery and not a partial ack.
- // If we are in fast
- // recovery, go below so we can remember to deflate
- // the window if we need to
- if (ackno > highest_ack_ && ackno < maxseq_ &&
- cwnd_ >= wnd_ && !fastrecov_) {
- newack(pkt); // update timers, highest_ack_
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- Packet::free(pkt);
- return;
- }
- } else if (ackno == highest_ack_ && rq_.empty()) {
- // check for pure incoming segment
- // the next data segment we're awaiting, and
- // that there's nothing sitting in the reassem-
- // bly queue
- // give to "application" here
- // note: DELACK is inspected only by
- // tcp_fasttimo() in real tcp. Every 200 ms
- // this routine scans all tcpcb's looking for
- // DELACK segments and when it finds them
- // changes DELACK to ACKNOW and calls tcp_output()
- rcv_nxt_ += datalen;
- flags_ |= TF_DELACK;
- recvBytes(datalen); // notify application of "delivery"
- //
- // special code here to simulate the operation
- // of a receiver who always consumes data,
- // resulting in a call to tcp_output
- Packet::free(pkt);
- if (need_send())
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- return;
- }
- } /* header prediction */
- //
- // header prediction failed
- // (e.g. pure ACK out of valid range, SACK present, etc)...
- // do slow path processing
- //
- // the following switch does special things for these states:
- //
- switch (state_) {
- /*
- * If the segment contains an ACK then it is bad and do reset.
- * If it does not contain a SYN then it is not interesting; drop it.
- * Otherwise initialize tp->rcv_nxt, and tp->irs, iss is already
- * selected, and send a segment:
- * Initialize tp->snd_nxt to tp->iss.
- * Enter SYN_RECEIVED state, and process any other fields of this
- * segment in this state.
- */
- case TCPS_LISTEN: /* awaiting peer's SYN */
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): warning: recv'd ACK while in LISTEN: ",
- now(), name());
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- // don't want ACKs in LISTEN
- goto dropwithreset;
- }
- if ((tiflags & TH_SYN) == ) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): warning: recv'd NON-SYN while in LISTEN\n",
- now(), name());
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- // any non-SYN is discarded
- goto drop;
- }
- /*
- * must by a SYN (no ACK) at this point...
- * in real tcp we would bump the iss counter here also
- */
- dooptions(pkt);
- irs_ = tcph->seqno();
- t_seqno_ = iss_; /* tcp_sendseqinit() macro in real tcp */
- rcv_nxt_ = rcvseqinit(irs_, datalen);
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- // check for a ECN-SYN with ECE|CWR
- if (ecn_ && fh->ecnecho() && fh->cong_action()) {
- ect_ = TRUE;
- }
- if (fid_ == ) {
- // XXX: sort of hack... If we do not
- // have a special flow ID, pick up that
- // of the sender (active opener)
- hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- fid_ = iph->flowid();
- }
- newstate(TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED);
- goto trimthenstep6;
- /*
- * If the state is SYN_SENT:
- * if seg contains an ACK, but not for our SYN, drop the input.
- * if seg does not contain SYN, then drop it.
- * Otherwise this is an acceptable SYN segment
- * initialize tp->rcv_nxt and tp->irs
- * if seg contains ack then advance tp->snd_una
- * if SYN has been acked change to ESTABLISHED else SYN_RCVD state
- * arrange for segment to be acked (eventually)
- * continue processing rest of data/controls, beginning with URG
- */
- case TCPS_SYN_SENT: /* we sent SYN, expecting SYN+ACK (or SYN) */
- /* drop if it's a SYN+ACK and the ack field is bad */
- if ((tiflags & TH_ACK) &&
- ((ackno <= iss_) || (ackno > maxseq_))) {
- // not an ACK for our SYN, discard
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::recv(%s): bad ACK for our SYN: ",
- now(), name());
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto dropwithreset;
- }
- if ((tiflags & TH_SYN) == ) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::recv(%s): no SYN for our SYN: ",
- now(), name());
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto drop;
- }
- /* looks like an ok SYN or SYN+ACK */
- // If ecn_syn_wait is set to 2:
- // Check if CE-marked SYN/ACK packet, then just send an ACK
- // packet with ECE set, and drop the SYN/ACK packet.
- // Don't update TCP state.
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK)
- {
- if (ecn_ && fh->ecnecho() && !fh->cong_action() && ecn_syn_wait_ == )
- // if SYN/ACK packet and ecn_syn_wait_ == 2
- {
- if ( fh->ce() )
- // If SYN/ACK packet is CE-marked
- {
- //cancel_rtx_timer();
- //newack(pkt);
- set_rtx_timer();
- sendpacket(t_seqno_, rcv_nxt_, TH_ACK|TH_ECE, , );
- goto drop;
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- cancel_rtx_timer(); // cancel timer on our 1st SYN [does this belong!?]
- #endif
- irs_ = tcph->seqno(); // get initial recv'd seq #
- rcv_nxt_ = rcvseqinit(irs_, datalen);
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK) {
- // SYN+ACK (our SYN was acked)
- if (ecn_ && fh->ecnecho() && !fh->cong_action()) {
- ect_ = TRUE;
- if ( fh->ce() )
- recent_ce_ = TRUE;
- }
- highest_ack_ = ackno;
- cwnd_ = initial_window();
- #ifdef notdef
- /*
- * if we didn't have to retransmit the SYN,
- * use its rtt as our initial srtt & rtt var.
- */
- if (t_rtt_) {
- double tao = now() - tcph->ts();
- rtt_update(tao);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * if there's data, delay ACK; if there's also a FIN
- * ACKNOW will be turned on later.
- */
- if (datalen > ) {
- flags_ |= TF_DELACK; // data there: wait
- } else {
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW; // ACK peer's SYN
- }
- /*
- * Received <SYN,ACK> in SYN_SENT[*] state.
- * Transitions:
- * SYN_SENT* --> FIN_WAIT_1
- */
- if (flags_ & TF_NEEDFIN) {
- newstate(TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1);
- flags_ &= ~TF_NEEDFIN;
- tiflags &= ~TH_SYN;
- } else {
- }
- // special to ns:
- // generate pure ACK here.
- // this simulates the ordinary connection establishment
- // where the ACK of the peer's SYN+ACK contains
- // no data. This is typically caused by the way
- // the connect() socket call works in which the
- // entire 3-way handshake occurs prior to the app
- // being able to issue a write() [which actually
- // causes the segment to be sent].
- sendpacket(t_seqno_, rcv_nxt_, TH_ACK, , );
- } else {
- // Check ECN-SYN packet
- if (ecn_ && fh->ecnecho() && fh->cong_action())
- ect_ = TRUE;
- // SYN (no ACK) (simultaneous active opens)
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- newstate(TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED);
- /*
- * decrement t_seqno_: we are sending a
- * 2nd SYN (this time in the form of a
- * SYN+ACK, so t_seqno_ will have been
- * advanced to 2... reduce this
- */
- t_seqno_--; // CHECKME
- }
- trimthenstep6:
- /*
- * advance the seq# to correspond to first data byte
- */
- tcph->seqno()++;
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK)
- goto process_ACK;
- goto step6;
- /*
- * The only way we're in LAST_ACK is if we've already
- * received a FIN, so ignore all retranmitted FINS.
- * -M. Weigle 7/23/02
- */
- if (tiflags & TH_FIN) {
- goto drop;
- }
- break;
- break;
- } /* end switch(state_) */
- /*
- * States other than LISTEN or SYN_SENT.
- * First check timestamp, if present.
- * Then check that at least some bytes of segment are within
- * receive window. If segment begins before rcv_nxt,
- * drop leading data (and SYN); if nothing left, just ack.
- *
- * RFC 1323 PAWS: If we have a timestamp reply on this segment
- * and it's less than ts_recent, drop it.
- */
- if (ts_option_ && !fh->no_ts_ && recent_ && tcph->ts() < recent_) {
- if ((now() - recent_age_) > TCP_PAWS_IDLE) {
- /*
- * this is basically impossible in the simulator,
- * but here it is...
- */
- /*
- * Invalidate ts_recent. If this segment updates
- * ts_recent, the age will be reset later and ts_recent
- * will get a valid value. If it does not, setting
- * ts_recent to zero will at least satisfy the
- * requirement that zero be placed in the timestamp
- * echo reply when ts_recent isn't valid. The
- * age isn't reset until we get a valid ts_recent
- * because we don't want out-of-order segments to be
- * dropped when ts_recent is old.
- */
- recent_ = 0.0;
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): dropped pkt due to bad ts\n",
- now(), name());
- goto dropafterack;
- }
- }
- // check for redundant data at head/tail of segment
- // note that the 4.4bsd [Net/3] code has
- // a bug here which can cause us to ignore the
- // perfectly good ACKs on duplicate segments. The
- // fix is described in (Stevens, Vol2, p. 959-960).
- // This code is based on that correction.
- //
- // In addition, it has a modification so that duplicate segments
- // with dup acks don't trigger a fast retransmit when dupseg_fix_
- // is enabled.
- //
- // Yet one more modification: make sure that if the received
- // segment had datalen=0 and wasn't a SYN or FIN that
- // we don't turn on the ACKNOW status bit. If we were to
- // allow ACKNOW to be turned on, normal pure ACKs that happen
- // to have seq #s below rcv_nxt can trigger an ACK war by
- // forcing us to ACK the pure ACKs
- //
- // Update: if we have a dataless FIN, don't really want to
- // do anything with it. In particular, would like to
- // avoid ACKing an incoming FIN+ACK while in CLOSING
- //
- todrop = rcv_nxt_ - tcph->seqno(); // how much overlap?
- if (todrop > && ((tiflags & (TH_SYN)) || datalen > )) {
- //printf("%f(%s): trim 1..todrop:%d, dlen:%d\n",now(), name(), todrop, datalen);
- if (tiflags & TH_SYN) {
- tiflags &= ~TH_SYN;
- tcph->seqno()++;
- th->size()--; // XXX Must decrease packet size too!!
- // Q: Why?.. this is only a SYN
- todrop--;
- }
- //
- // see Stevens, vol 2, p. 960 for this check;
- // this check is to see if we are dropping
- // more than this segment (i.e. the whole pkt + a FIN),
- // or just the whole packet (no FIN)
- //
- if ((todrop > datalen) ||
- (todrop == datalen && ((tiflags & TH_FIN) == ))) {
- //printf("%f(%s): trim 2..todrop:%d, dlen:%d\n",now(), name(), todrop, datalen);
- /*
- * Any valid FIN must be to the left of the window.
- * At this point the FIN must be a duplicate or out
- * of sequence; drop it.
- */
- tiflags &= ~TH_FIN;
- /*
- * Send an ACK to resynchronize and drop any data.
- * But keep on processing for RST or ACK.
- */
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- todrop = datalen;
- dupseg = TRUE; // *completely* duplicate
- }
- /*
- * Trim duplicate data from the front of the packet
- */
- tcph->seqno() += todrop;
- th->size() -= todrop; // XXX Must decrease size too!!
- // why? [kf]..prob when put in RQ
- datalen -= todrop;
- } /* data trim */
- /*
- * If we are doing timstamps and this packet has one, and
- * If last ACK falls within this segment's sequence numbers,
- * record the timestamp.
- * See RFC1323 (now RFC1323 bis)
- */
- if (ts_option_ && !fh->no_ts_ && tcph->seqno() <= last_ack_sent_) {
- /*
- * this is the case where the ts value is newer than
- * the last one we've seen, and the seq # is the one we expect
- * [seqno == last_ack_sent_] or older
- */
- recent_age_ = now();
- recent_ = tcph->ts();
- }
- if (tiflags & TH_SYN) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::recv(%s) received unexpected SYN (state:%d): ",
- now(), name(), state_);
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto dropwithreset;
- }
- if ((tiflags & TH_ACK) == ) {
- /*
- * Added check for state != SYN_RECEIVED. We will receive a
- * duplicate SYN in SYN_RECEIVED when our SYN/ACK was dropped.
- * We should just ignore the duplicate SYN (our timeout for
- * resending the SYN/ACK is about the same as the client's
- * timeout for resending the SYN), but give no error message.
- * -M. Weigle 07/24/01
- */
- if (state_ != TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::recv(%s) got packet lacking ACK (state:%d): ",
- now(), name(), state_);
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- }
- goto drop;
- }
- /*
- * Ack processing.
- */
- switch (state_) {
- case TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED: /* want ACK for our SYN+ACK */
- if (ackno < highest_ack_ || ackno > maxseq_) {
- // not in useful range
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): ack(%d) not in range while in SYN_RECEIVED: ",
- now(), name(), ackno);
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto dropwithreset;
- }
- if (ecn_ && ect_ && ecn_syn_ && fh->ecnecho() && ecn_syn_wait_ == )
- {
- // The SYN/ACK packet was ECN-marked.
- // Reset the rtx timer, send another SYN/ACK packet
- // immediately, and drop the ACK packet.
- // Do not move to TCPS_ESTB state or update TCP variables.
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- ecn_syn_next_ = ;
- foutput(iss_, REASON_NORMAL);
- wnd_init_option_ = ;
- wnd_init_ = ;
- goto drop;
- }
- if (ecn_ && ect_ && ecn_syn_ && fh->ecnecho() && ecn_syn_wait_ < ) {
- // The SYN/ACK packet was ECN-marked.
- if (ecn_syn_wait_ == ) {
- // A timer will be called in ecn().
- cwnd_ = ;
- use_rtt_ = ; //KK, wait for timeout() period
- } else {
- // Congestion window will be halved in ecn().
- cwnd_ = ;
- }
- } else {
- cwnd_ = initial_window();
- }
- /*
- * Make transitions:
- */
- if (flags_ & TF_NEEDFIN) {
- newstate(TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1);
- flags_ &= ~TF_NEEDFIN;
- } else {
- }
- /* fall into ... */
- /*
- * In ESTABLISHED state: drop duplicate ACKs; ACK out of range
- * ACKs. If the ack is in the range
- * tp->snd_una < ti->ti_ack <= tp->snd_max
- * then advance tp->snd_una to ti->ti_ack and drop
- * data from the retransmission queue.
- *
- * note that state TIME_WAIT isn't used
- * in the simulator
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1:
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2:
- //
- // look for ECNs in ACKs, react as necessary
- //
- if (fh->ecnecho() && (!ecn_ || !ect_)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcp(%s): warning, recvd ecnecho but I am not ECN capable!\n",
- now(), name());
- }
- //
- // generate a stream of ecnecho bits until we see a true
- // cong_action bit
- //
- if (ecn_) {
- if (fh->ce() && fh->ect())
- recent_ce_ = TRUE;
- else if (fh->cwr())
- recent_ce_ = FALSE;
- }
- //
- // If ESTABLISHED or starting to close, process SACKS
- //
- if (state_ >= TCPS_ESTABLISHED && tcph->sa_length() > ) {
- process_sack(tcph);
- }
- //
- // ACK indicates packet left the network
- // try not to be fooled by data
- //
- if (fastrecov_ && (datalen == || ackno > highest_ack_))
- pipe_ -= maxseg_;
- // look for dup ACKs (dup ack numbers, no data)
- //
- // do fast retransmit/recovery if at/past thresh
- if (ackno <= highest_ack_) {
- // a pure ACK which doesn't advance highest_ack_
- if (datalen == && (!dupseg_fix_ || !dupseg)) {
- /*
- * If we have outstanding data
- * this is a completely
- * duplicate ack,
- * the ack is the biggest we've
- * seen and we've seen exactly our rexmt
- * threshhold of them, assume a packet
- * has been dropped and retransmit it.
- *
- * We know we're losing at the current
- * window size so do congestion avoidance.
- *
- * Dup acks mean that packets have left the
- * network (they're now cached at the receiver)
- * so bump cwnd by the amount in the receiver
- * to keep a constant cwnd packets in the
- * network.
- */
- if ((rtx_timer_.status() != TIMER_PENDING) ||
- ackno < highest_ack_) {
- // Q: significance of timer not pending?
- // ACK below highest_ack_
- oldack();
- } else if (++dupacks_ == tcprexmtthresh_) {
- // ACK at highest_ack_ AND meets threshold
- //trace_event("FAST_RECOVERY");
- dupack_action(); // maybe fast rexmt
- goto drop;
- } else if (dupacks_ > tcprexmtthresh_) {
- // ACK at highest_ack_ AND above threshole
- //trace_event("FAST_RECOVERY");
- extra_ack();
- // send whatever window allows
- send_much(, REASON_DUPACK, maxburst_);
- goto drop;
- }
- } else {
- // non zero-length [dataful] segment
- // with a dup ack (normal for dataful segs)
- // (or window changed in real TCP).
- if (dupack_reset_) {
- dupacks_ = ;
- fastrecov_ = FALSE;
- }
- }
- break; /* take us to "step6" */
- } /* end of dup/old acks */
- /*
- * we've finished the fast retransmit/recovery period
- * (i.e. received an ACK which advances highest_ack_)
- * The ACK may be "good" or "partial"
- */
- process_ACK:
- if (ackno > maxseq_) {
- // ack more than we sent(!?)
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent::recv(%s) too-big ACK (maxseq:%d): ",
- now(), name(), int(maxseq_));
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- goto dropafterack;
- }
- /*
- * If we have a timestamp reply, update smoothed
- * round trip time. If no timestamp is present but
- * transmit timer is running and timed sequence
- * number was acked, update smoothed round trip time.
- * Since we now have an rtt measurement, cancel the
- * timer backoff (cf., Phil Karn's retransmit alg.).
- * Recompute the initial retransmit timer.
- *
- * If all outstanding data is acked, stop retransmit
- * If there is more data to be acked, restart retransmit
- * timer, using current (possibly backed-off) value.
- */
- newack(pkt); // handle timers, update highest_ack_
- /*
- * if this is a partial ACK, invoke whatever we should
- * note that newack() must be called before the action
- * functions, as some of them depend on side-effects
- * of newack()
- */
- int partial = pack(pkt);
- if (partial)
- pack_action(pkt);
- else
- ack_action(pkt);
- /*
- * if this is an ACK with an ECN indication, handle this
- * but not if it is a syn packet
- */
- if (fh->ecnecho() && !(tiflags&TH_SYN) )
- if (fh->ecnecho()) {
- // Note from Sally: In one-way TCP,
- // ecn() is called before newack()...
- ecn(highest_ack_); // updated by newack(), above
- // "set_rtx_timer();" from T. Kelly.
- if (cwnd_ < )
- set_rtx_timer();
- }
- // CHECKME: handling of rtx timer
- if (ackno == maxseq_) {
- needoutput = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * If no data (only SYN) was ACK'd,
- * skip rest of ACK processing.
- */
- if (ackno == (highest_ack_ + ))
- goto step6;
- // if we are delaying initial cwnd growth (probably due to
- // large initial windows), then only open cwnd if data has
- // been received
- // Q: check when this happens
- /*
- * When new data is acked, open the congestion window.
- * If the window gives us less than ssthresh packets
- * in flight, open exponentially (maxseg per packet).
- * Otherwise open about linearly: maxseg per window
- * (maxseg^2 / cwnd per packet).
- */
- if ((!delay_growth_ || (rcv_nxt_ > )) &&
- last_state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED) {
- if (!partial || open_cwnd_on_pack_) {
- if (!ect_ || !hdr_flags::access(pkt)->ecnecho())
- opencwnd();
- }
- }
- if ((state_ >= TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1) && (ackno == maxseq_)) {
- ourfinisacked = TRUE;
- }
- //
- // special additional processing when our state
- // is one of the closing states:
- switch (state_) {
- /*
- * In FIN_WAIT_1 STATE in addition to the processing
- * for the ESTABLISHED state if our FIN is now acknowledged
- * then enter FIN_WAIT_2.
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1: /* doing active close */
- if (ourfinisacked) {
- // got the ACK, now await incoming FIN
- newstate(TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2);
- cancel_timers();
- needoutput = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * In CLOSING STATE in addition to the processing for
- * the ESTABLISHED state if the ACK acknowledges our FIN
- * then enter the TIME-WAIT state, otherwise ignore
- * the segment.
- */
- case TCPS_CLOSING: /* simultaneous active close */;
- if (ourfinisacked) {
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSED);
- cancel_timers();
- }
- break;
- /*
- * In LAST_ACK, we may still be waiting for data to drain
- * and/or to be acked, as well as for the ack of our FIN.
- * If our FIN is now acknowledged,
- * enter the closed state and return.
- */
- case TCPS_LAST_ACK: /* passive close */
- // K: added state change here
- if (ourfinisacked) {
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSED);
- finish(); // cancels timers, erc
- reset(); // for connection re-use (bug fix from ns-users list)
- goto drop;
- } else {
- // should be a FIN we've seen
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s)::received non-ACK (state:%d): ",
- now(), name(), state_);
- prpkt(pkt);
- }
- }
- break;
- /* no case for TIME_WAIT in simulator */
- } // inner state_ switch (closing states)
- } // outer state_ switch (ack processing)
- step6:
- /*
- * Processing of incoming DATAful segments.
- * Code above has already trimmed redundant data.
- *
- * real TCP handles window updates and URG data here also
- */
- /* dodata: this label is in the "real" code.. here only for reference */
- if ((datalen > || (tiflags & TH_FIN)) &&
- TCPS_HAVERCVDFIN(state_) == ) {
- //
- // the following 'if' implements the "real" TCP
- // TCP_REASS macro
- //
- if (tcph->seqno() == rcv_nxt_ && rq_.empty()) {
- // got the in-order packet we were looking
- // for, nobody is in the reassembly queue,
- // so this is the common case...
- // note: in "real" TCP we must also be in
- // ESTABLISHED state to come here, because
- // data arriving before ESTABLISHED is
- // queued in the reassembly queue. Since we
- // don't really have a process anyhow, just
- // accept the data here as-is (i.e. don't
- // require being in ESTABLISHED state)
- flags_ |= TF_DELACK;
- rcv_nxt_ += datalen;
- tiflags = tcph->flags() & TH_FIN;
- // give to "application" here
- // in "real" TCP, this is sbappend() + sorwakeup()
- if (datalen)
- recvBytes(datalen); // notify app. of "delivery"
- needoutput = need_send();
- } else {
- // see the "tcp_reass" function:
- // not the one we want next (or it
- // is but there's stuff on the reass queue);
- // do whatever we need to do for out-of-order
- // segments or hole-fills. Also,
- // send an ACK (or SACK) to the other side right now.
- // Note that we may have just a FIN here (datalen = 0)
- int rcv_nxt_old_ = rcv_nxt_; // notify app. if changes
- tiflags = reass(pkt);
- if (rcv_nxt_ > rcv_nxt_old_) {
- // if rcv_nxt_ has advanced, must have
- // been a hole fill. In this case, there
- // is something to give to application
- recvBytes(rcv_nxt_ - rcv_nxt_old_);
- }
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- if (tiflags & TH_PUSH) {
- //
- // ???: does this belong here
- // K: APPLICATION recv
- needoutput = need_send();
- }
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * we're closing down or this is a pure ACK that
- * wasn't handled by the header prediction part above
- * (e.g. because cwnd < wnd)
- */
- // K: this is deleted
- tiflags &= ~TH_FIN;
- }
- /*
- * if FIN is received, ACK the FIN
- * (let user know if we could do so)
- */
- if (tiflags & TH_FIN) {
- if (TCPS_HAVERCVDFIN(state_) == ) {
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- rcv_nxt_++;
- }
- switch (state_) {
- /*
- * enter the CLOSE_WAIT state.
- * (passive close)
- */
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT);
- break;
- /*
- * If still in FIN_WAIT_1 STATE FIN has not been acked so
- * enter the CLOSING state.
- * (simultaneous close)
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1:
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSING);
- break;
- /*
- * In FIN_WAIT_2 state enter the TIME_WAIT state,
- * starting the time-wait timer, turning off the other
- * standard timers.
- * (in the simulator, just go to CLOSED)
- * (completion of active close)
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2:
- newstate(TCPS_CLOSED);
- cancel_timers();
- break;
- }
- } /* end of if FIN bit on */
- if (needoutput || (flags_ & TF_ACKNOW))
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- else if (curseq_ >= highest_ack_ || infinite_send_)
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- // K: which state to return to when nothing left?
- if (!halfclose_ && state_ == TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT && highest_ack_ == maxseq_)
- usrclosed();
- Packet::free(pkt);
- // haoboy: Is here the place for done{} of active close?
- // It cannot be put in the switch above because we might need to do
- // send_much() (an ACK)
- if (state_ == TCPS_CLOSED)
- Tcl::instance().evalf("%s done", this->name());
- return;
- //
- // various ways of dropping (some also ACK, some also RST)
- //
- dropafterack:
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, maxburst_);
- goto drop;
- dropwithreset:
- /* we should be sending an RST here, but can't in simulator */
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK) {
- sendpacket(ackno, , 0x0, , REASON_NORMAL);
- } else {
- int ack = tcph->seqno() + datalen;
- if (tiflags & TH_SYN)
- ack--;
- sendpacket(, ack, TH_ACK, , REASON_NORMAL);
- }
- drop:
- Packet::free(pkt);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Dupack-action: what to do on a DUP ACK. After the initial check
- * of 'recover' below, this function implements the following truth
- * table:
- *
- * bugfix ecn last-cwnd == ecn action
- *
- * 0 0 0 full_reno_action
- * 0 0 1 full_reno_action [impossible]
- * 0 1 0 full_reno_action
- * 0 1 1 1/2 window, return
- * 1 0 0 nothing
- * 1 0 1 nothing [impossible]
- * 1 1 0 nothing
- * 1 1 1 1/2 window, return
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::dupack_action()
- {
- int recovered = (highest_ack_ > recover_);
- fastrecov_ = TRUE;
- rtxbytes_ = ;
- if (recovered || (!bug_fix_ && !ecn_)
- || (last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_DUPACK)
- || ( highest_ack_ == )) {
- goto full_reno_action;
- }
- if (ecn_ && last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_ECN) {
- slowdown(CLOSE_CWND_HALF);
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- (void)fast_retransmit(highest_ack_);
- return;
- }
- if (bug_fix_) {
- /*
- * The line below, for "bug_fix_" true, avoids
- * problems with multiple fast retransmits in one
- * window of data.
- */
- return;
- }
- full_reno_action:
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- recover_ = maxseq_;
- (void)fast_retransmit(highest_ack_);
- // we measure cwnd in packets,
- // so don't scale by maxseg_
- // as real TCP does
- cwnd_ = double(ssthresh_) + double(dupacks_);
- return;
- }
- void
- FullTcpAgent::timeout_action()
- {
- recover_ = maxseq_;
- if (cwnd_ < 1.0) {
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s):: resetting cwnd from %f to 1\n",
- now(), name(), double(cwnd_));
- }
- cwnd_ = 1.0;
- }
- if (last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_ECN) {
- slowdown(CLOSE_CWND_ONE);
- } else {
- last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_TIMEOUT;
- }
- reset_rtx_timer();
- t_seqno_ = (highest_ack_ < ) ? iss_ : int(highest_ack_);
- fastrecov_ = FALSE;
- dupacks_ = ;
- }
- /*
- * deal with timers going off.
- * 2 types for now:
- * retransmission timer (rtx_timer_)
- * delayed ack timer (delack_timer_)
- * delayed send (randomization) timer (delsnd_timer_)
- *
- * real TCP initializes the RTO as 6 sec
- * (A + 2D, where A=0, D=3), [Stevens p. 305]
- * and thereafter uses
- * (A + 4D, where A and D are dynamic estimates)
- *
- * note that in the simulator t_srtt_, t_rttvar_ and t_rtt_
- * are all measured in 'tcp_tick_'-second units
- */
- void
- FullTcpAgent::timeout(int tno)
- {
- /*
- * Due to F. Hernandez-Campos' fix in recv(), we may send an ACK
- * while in the CLOSED state. -M. Weigle 7/24/01
- */
- if (state_ == TCPS_LISTEN) {
- // shouldn't be getting timeouts here
- if (debug_) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s): unexpected timeout %d in state %s\n",
- now(), name(), tno, statestr(state_));
- }
- return;
- }
- switch (tno) {
- /* retransmit timer */
- ++nrexmit_;
- timeout_action();
- /* fall thru */
- /* for phase effects */
- send_much(, PF_TIMEOUT, maxburst_);
- break;
- if (flags_ & TF_DELACK) {
- flags_ &= ~TF_DELACK;
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, );
- }
- delack_timer_.resched(delack_interval_);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s) Unknown Timeout type %d\n",
- now(), name(), tno);
- }
- return;
- }
- void
- FullTcpAgent::dooptions(Packet* pkt)
- {
- // interesting options: timestamps (here),
- // CC, CCNEW, CCECHO (future work perhaps?)
- hdr_flags *fh = hdr_flags::access(pkt);
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- if (ts_option_ && !fh->no_ts_) {
- if (tcph->ts() < 0.0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s) warning: ts_option enabled in this TCP, but appears to be disabled in peer\n",
- now(), name());
- } else if (tcph->flags() & TH_SYN) {
- flags_ |= TF_RCVD_TSTMP;
- recent_ = tcph->ts();
- recent_age_ = now();
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- //
- // this shouldn't ever happen
- //
- void
- FullTcpAgent::process_sack(hdr_tcp*)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s) Non-SACK capable FullTcpAgent received a SACK\n",
- now(), name());
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ****** Tahoe ******
- *
- * for TCP Tahoe, we force a slow-start as the dup ack
- * action. Also, no window inflation due to multiple dup
- * acks. The latter is arranged by setting reno_fastrecov_
- * false [which is performed by the Tcl init function for Tahoe in
- * ns-default.tcl].
- */
- /*
- * Tahoe
- * Dupack-action: what to do on a DUP ACK. After the initial check
- * of 'recover' below, this function implements the following truth
- * table:
- *
- * bugfix ecn last-cwnd == ecn action
- *
- * 0 0 0 full_tahoe_action
- * 0 0 1 full_tahoe_action [impossible]
- * 0 1 0 full_tahoe_action
- * 0 1 1 1/2 window, return
- * 1 0 0 nothing
- * 1 0 1 nothing [impossible]
- * 1 1 0 nothing
- * 1 1 1 1/2 window, return
- */
- void
- TahoeFullTcpAgent::dupack_action()
- {
- int recovered = (highest_ack_ > recover_);
- fastrecov_ = TRUE;
- rtxbytes_ = ;
- if (recovered || (!bug_fix_ && !ecn_) || highest_ack_ == ) {
- goto full_tahoe_action;
- }
- if (ecn_ && last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_ECN) {
- // slow start on ECN
- last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_DUPACK;
- slowdown(CLOSE_CWND_ONE);
- set_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- return;
- }
- if (bug_fix_) {
- /*
- * The line below, for "bug_fix_" true, avoids
- * problems with multiple fast retransmits in one
- * window of data.
- */
- return;
- }
- full_tahoe_action:
- // slow-start and reset ssthresh
- trace_event("FAST_RETX");
- recover_ = maxseq_;
- last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_DUPACK;
- slowdown(CLOSE_SSTHRESH_HALF|CLOSE_CWND_ONE); // cwnd->1
- set_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- send_much(, REASON_NORMAL, );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ****** Newreno ******
- *
- * for NewReno, a partial ACK does not exit fast recovery,
- * and does not reset the dup ACK counter (which might trigger fast
- * retransmits we don't want). In addition, the number of packets
- * sent in response to an ACK is limited to recov_maxburst_ during
- * recovery periods.
- */
- NewRenoFullTcpAgent::NewRenoFullTcpAgent() : save_maxburst_(-)
- {
- bind("recov_maxburst_", &recov_maxburst_);
- }
- void
- NewRenoFullTcpAgent::pack_action(Packet*)
- {
- (void)fast_retransmit(highest_ack_);
- cwnd_ = double(ssthresh_);
- if (save_maxburst_ < ) {
- save_maxburst_ = maxburst_;
- maxburst_ = recov_maxburst_;
- }
- return;
- }
- void
- NewRenoFullTcpAgent::ack_action(Packet* p)
- {
- if (save_maxburst_ >= ) {
- maxburst_ = save_maxburst_;
- save_maxburst_ = -;
- }
- FullTcpAgent::ack_action(p);
- return;
- }
- /*
- *
- * ****** SACK ******
- *
- * for Sack, receiver part must report SACK data
- * sender part maintains a 'scoreboard' (sq_) that
- * records what it hears from receiver
- * sender fills holes during recovery and obeys
- * "pipe" style control until recovery is complete
- */
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::reset()
- {
- sq_.clear(); // no SACK blocks
- /* Fixed typo. -M. Weigle 6/17/02 */
- sack_min_ = h_seqno_ = -; // no left edge of SACK blocks
- FullTcpAgent::reset();
- }
- int
- SackFullTcpAgent::hdrsize(int nsackblocks)
- {
- int total = FullTcpAgent::headersize();
- // use base header size plus SACK option size
- if (nsackblocks > ) {
- total += ((nsackblocks * sack_block_size_)
- + sack_option_size_);
- }
- return (total);
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::dupack_action()
- {
- int recovered = (highest_ack_ > recover_);
- fastrecov_ = TRUE;
- rtxbytes_ = ;
- pipe_ = maxseq_ - highest_ack_ -;
- //printf("%f: SACK DUPACK-ACTION:pipe_:%d, sq-total:%d, bugfix:%d, cwnd:%d, highest_ack:%d, recover_:%d\n",
- //now(), pipe_,, bug_fix_, int(cwnd_), int(highest_ack_), recover_);
- if (recovered || (!bug_fix_ && !ecn_)) {
- goto full_sack_action;
- }
- if (ecn_ && last_cwnd_action_ == CWND_ACTION_ECN) {
- /*
- * Received ECN notification and 3 DUPACKs in same
- * window. Don't cut cwnd again, but retransmit lost
- * packet. -M. Weigle 6/19/02
- */
- last_cwnd_action_ = CWND_ACTION_DUPACK;
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- int amt = fast_retransmit(highest_ack_);
- pipectrl_ = TRUE;
- h_seqno_ = highest_ack_ + amt;
- send_much(, REASON_DUPACK, maxburst_);
- return;
- }
- if (bug_fix_) {
- /*
- * The line below, for "bug_fix_" true, avoids
- * problems with multiple fast retransmits in one
- * window of data.
- */
- //printf("%f: SACK DUPACK-ACTION BUGFIX RETURN:pipe_:%d, sq-total:%d, bugfix:%d, cwnd:%d\n",
- //now(), pipe_,, bug_fix_, int(cwnd_));
- return;
- }
- full_sack_action:
- trace_event("FAST_RECOVERY");
- cancel_rtx_timer();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- // these initiate SACK-style "pipe" recovery
- pipectrl_ = TRUE;
- recover_ = maxseq_; // where I am when recovery starts
- int amt = fast_retransmit(highest_ack_);
- h_seqno_ = highest_ack_ + amt;
- //printf("%f: FAST-RTX seq:%d, h_seqno_ is now:%d, pipe:%d, cwnd:%d, recover:%d\n",
- //now(), int(highest_ack_), h_seqno_, pipe_, int(cwnd_), recover_);
- send_much(, REASON_DUPACK, maxburst_);
- return;
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::pack_action(Packet*)
- {
- if (!sq_.empty() && sack_min_ < highest_ack_) {
- sack_min_ = highest_ack_;
- sq_.cleartonxt();
- }
- pipe_ -= maxseg_; // see comment in
- if (h_seqno_ < highest_ack_)
- h_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::ack_action(Packet*)
- {
- //printf("%f: EXITING fast recovery, recover:%d\n",
- //now(), recover_);
- fastrecov_ = pipectrl_ = FALSE;
- if (!sq_.empty() && sack_min_ < highest_ack_) {
- sack_min_ = highest_ack_;
- sq_.cleartonxt();
- }
- dupacks_ = ;
- /*
- * Update h_seqno_ on new ACK (same as for partial ACKS)
- * -M. Weigle 6/3/05
- */
- if (h_seqno_ < highest_ack_)
- h_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- }
- //
- // receiver side: if there are things in the reassembly queue,
- // build the appropriate SACK blocks to carry in the SACK
- //
- int
- SackFullTcpAgent::build_options(hdr_tcp* tcph)
- {
- int total = FullTcpAgent::build_options(tcph);
- if (!rq_.empty()) {
- int nblk = rq_.gensack(&tcph->sa_left(), max_sack_blocks_);
- tcph->sa_length() = nblk;
- total += (nblk * sack_block_size_) + sack_option_size_;
- } else {
- tcph->sa_length() = ;
- }
- return (total);
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::timeout_action()
- {
- FullTcpAgent::timeout_action();
- //
- // original SACK spec says the sender is
- // supposed to clear out its knowledge of what
- // the receiver has in the case of a timeout
- // (on the chance the receiver has renig'd).
- // Here, this happens when clear_on_timeout_ is
- // enabled.
- //
- if (clear_on_timeout_) {
- sq_.clear();
- sack_min_ = highest_ack_;
- }
- return;
- }
- void
- SackFullTcpAgent::process_sack(hdr_tcp* tcph)
- {
- //
- // Figure out how many sack blocks are
- // in the pkt. Insert each block range
- // into the scoreboard
- //
- if (max_sack_blocks_ <= ) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s) warning: received SACK block but I am not SACK enabled\n",
- now(), name());
- return;
- }
- int slen = tcph->sa_length(), i;
- for (i = ; i < slen; ++i) {
- /* Added check for FIN -M. Weigle 5/21/02 */
- if (((tcph->flags() & TH_FIN) == ) &&
- tcph->sa_left(i) >= tcph->sa_right(i)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: FullTcpAgent(%s) warning: received illegal SACK block [%d,%d]\n",
- now(), name(), tcph->sa_left(i), tcph->sa_right(i));
- continue;
- }
- sq_.add(tcph->sa_left(i), tcph->sa_right(i), );
- }
- return;
- }
- int
- SackFullTcpAgent::send_allowed(int seq)
- {
- // not in pipe control, so use regular control
- if (!pipectrl_)
- return (FullTcpAgent::send_allowed(seq));
- // don't overshoot receiver's advertised window
- int topawin = highest_ack_ + int(wnd_) * maxseg_;
- if (seq >= topawin) {
- //printf("%f: SEND(%d) NOT ALLOWED DUE TO AWIN:%d, pipe:%d, cwnd:%d\n",
- //now(), seq, topawin, pipe_, int(cwnd_));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * If not in ESTABLISHED, don't send anything we don't have
- * -M. Weigle 7/18/02
- */
- if (state_ != TCPS_ESTABLISHED && seq > curseq_)
- return FALSE;
- // don't overshoot cwnd_
- int cwin = int(cwnd_) * maxseg_;
- return (pipe_ < cwin);
- }
- //
- // Calculate the next seq# to send by send_much. If we are recovering and
- // we have learned about data cached at the receiver via a SACK,
- // we may want something other than new data (t_seqno)
- //
- int
- SackFullTcpAgent::nxt_tseq()
- {
- int in_recovery = (highest_ack_ < recover_);
- int seq = h_seqno_;
- if (!in_recovery) {
- //if (int(t_seqno_) > 1)
- //printf("%f: non-recovery nxt_tseq called w/t_seqno:%d\n",
- //now(), int(t_seqno_));
- //sq_.dumplist();
- return (t_seqno_);
- }
- int fcnt; // following count-- the
- // count field in the block
- // after the seq# we are about
- // to send
- int fbytes; // fcnt in bytes
- //if (int(t_seqno_) > 1)
- //printf("%f: recovery nxt_tseq called w/t_seqno:%d, seq:%d, mode:%d\n",
- //now(), int(t_seqno_), seq, sack_rtx_threshmode_);
- //sq_.dumplist();
- while ((seq = sq_.nexthole(seq, fcnt, fbytes)) > ) {
- // if we have a following block
- // with a large enough count
- // we should use the seq# we get
- // from nexthole()
- if (sack_rtx_threshmode_ == ||
- (sack_rtx_threshmode_ == && fcnt >= sack_rtx_cthresh_) ||
- (sack_rtx_threshmode_ == && fbytes >= sack_rtx_bthresh_) ||
- (sack_rtx_threshmode_ == && (fcnt >= sack_rtx_cthresh_ || fbytes >= sack_rtx_bthresh_)) ||
- (sack_rtx_threshmode_ == && (fcnt >= sack_rtx_cthresh_ && fbytes >= sack_rtx_bthresh_))) {
- //if (int(t_seqno_) > 1)
- //printf("%f: nxt_tseq<hole> returning %d\n",
- //now(), int(seq));
- // adjust h_seqno, as we may have
- // been "jumped ahead" by learning
- // about a filled hole
- if (seq > h_seqno_)
- h_seqno_ = seq;
- return (seq);
- } else if (fcnt <= )
- break;
- else {
- seq += maxseg_;
- }
- }
- //if (int(t_seqno_) > 1)
- //printf("%f: nxt_tseq<top> returning %d\n",
- //now(), int(t_seqno_));
- return (t_seqno_);
- }
- 现代互联网的TCP拥塞控制(CC)算法评谈
动机 写这篇文章本质上的动机是因为前天发了一个朋友圈,见最后的写在最后,但实际上,我早就想总结总结TCP拥塞控制算法点点滴滴了,上周总结了一张图,这周接着那些,写点文字. 前些天,Linux中国微信公 ...
- TCP的.cc文件代码解释(中文)
#ifndef lint static const char rcsid[] = "@(#) $Header: /nfs/jade/vint/CVSROOT/ns-2/tcp/tcp ...
- (转)TCP注册端口号大全
分类: 网络与安全 cisco-sccp 2000/tcp Cisco SCCPcisco-sccp 2000/udp Cisco SCCp# Dan Wing <dwing&cisco ...
- TCP三次握手那些事
临近5月,春招和实习招聘逐渐进入尾声.本文主要讨论面试中经常提问的TCP连接的机制,附带一些扩展知识. 参加面试的时候,过半的面试官都会问TCP相关问题,而最常见的问题就是:讲一下TCP三次握手(四次 ...
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[root@test1:Standby] config # [root@test1:Standby] config # [root@test1:Standby] config # [root@test ...
- TCP常用网络和木马使用端口对照表,常用和不常用端口一览表
[开始-运行- CMD , 输入 netstat -an 然后回车就可以查看端口] 端口: 服务:Reserved 说明:通常用于分析操作系统.这一方法能够工作是因为在一些系统中“”是无效端口,当你试 ...
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from: 写的比较详细,但是vm版本较旧. 2:通过共享文件夹功能 虚拟机VMware提供了在宿主机与 ...
- linux查看端口及端口详解
今天现场查看了TCP端口的占用情况,如下图 红色部分是IP,现场那边问我是不是我的程序占用了tcp的链接,,我远程登陆现场查看了一下,这种类型的tcp链接占用了400多个,,后边查了一下资料,说E ...
- vue 深度响应初步了解(检测data对象数据变化)
当你把一个普通的 JavaScript 对象传给 Vue 实例的 data 选项,Vue 将遍历此对象所有的属性,并使用Object.defineProperty把这些属性全部转为 getter/se ...
- 卸载Windows,安装纯Linux
操作步骤 下载安装一键GHOST优盘版 参考帮助文档,安装U盘启动 重启电脑,F12进入模式选择界面,选择USB device 选择DOS 工具 进入Disk Genius 删除掉除主分区(0)外的其 ...
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布隆过滤器(bloom filter,BF): 二进制向量数据结构,时空效率很好,尤其是空间效率极高.作用:检测某个元素在某个巨量集合中存在. 构造: 查询: 不会发生漏判(false negativ ...
- Http请求响应模型
主要用到以下四个部分: Client API DB API 场景:登录 1.Client发起请求到API接口层 1.1用户在客户端输入登录信息,点击登录,发送请求 2.API接受用户发起的 ...
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在配置nginx的时候,有一个需求,访问m.XXX.com的时候,需要实际访问,并且域名不能发生变化. 达成这个需求有两种做法: 第一种就是301跳转,使用rewrite来跳 ...
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一.注解说明 1.@RequestBody 作用:@RequestBody注解用于读取http请求的内容(字符串),通过springmvc提供的HttpMessageConverter接口将读到的内 ...
- bzoj 5252: [2018多省省队联测]林克卡特树
Description 小L 最近沉迷于塞尔达传说:荒野之息(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild)无法自拔,他尤其喜欢游戏中的迷你挑战. 游戏中有一个叫做& ...
- Js的小技巧
感谢好友破狼提供的这篇好文章,也感谢写这些知识点的作者们和将他们整理到一起的作者.这是github上的一篇文章,在这里本兽也就只做翻译,由于本兽英语水平和编程能力都不咋地,如有不好的地方也请多理解体谅 ...
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