

[cpp] view plain copy MACHINE_START(MINI2440, "MINI2440")
.phys_io = S3C2410_PA_UART,
.io_pg_offst = (((u32)S3C24XX_VA_UART) >> ) & 0xfffc,
.boot_params = S3C2410_SDRAM_PA + 0x100,
.map_io = mini2440_map_io,
.init_machine = mini2440_init,
.init_irq = s3c24xx_init_irq,
.timer = &s3c24xx_timer,
[cpp] view plain copy /*
* Set of macros to define architecture features. This is built into
* a table by the linker.
#define MACHINE_START(_type,_name) \
static const struct machine_desc __mach_desc_##_type \
__used \
__attribute__((__section__(".arch.info.init"))) = { \
.nr = MACH_TYPE_##_type, \
.name = _name, #define MACHINE_END \
}; 由上代码可知这两个宏一起定义了一个类型为struct machine_desc的变量,结构体定义如下
[cpp] view plain copy struct machine_desc {
* Note! The first four elements are used
* by assembler code in head.S, head-common.S
unsigned int nr; /* architecture number */
unsigned int phys_io; /* start of physical io */
unsigned int io_pg_offst; /* byte offset for io
* page tabe entry */ const char *name; /* architecture name */
unsigned long boot_params; /* tagged list */ unsigned int video_start; /* start of video RAM */
unsigned int video_end; /* end of video RAM */ unsigned int reserve_lp0 :; /* never has lp0 */
unsigned int reserve_lp1 :; /* never has lp1 */
unsigned int reserve_lp2 :; /* never has lp2 */
unsigned int soft_reboot :; /* soft reboot */
void (*fixup)(struct machine_desc *,
struct tag *, char **,
struct meminfo *);
void (*map_io)(void);/* IO mapping function */
void (*init_irq)(void);
struct sys_timer *timer; /* system tick timer */
void (*init_machine)(void);
}; 这个类型的变量放在内核代码段.arch.info.init中,在内核运行初期,被函数lookup_machine_type(此函数用汇编实现,在汇编文件中)取出,读取流程为 Start_kernel() -> setup_arch() -> setup_machine() -> lookup_machine_type() 在函数setup_machine()中,利用这个结构体类型的变量初始化一些全局变量,以备内核运行时使用,比如 init_arch_irq = mdesc->init_irq; system_timer = mdesc->timer; init_machine = mdesc->init_machine; 这个结构体中,成员init_machine保存的是开发板资源注册的初始化代码,init_irq保存的是中断初始化指针,timer保存的是一个struct sys_timer类型的指针…..如果我们要给自己的开发板定制内核,那么我们必须自己实现以上成员函数,其中函数init_machine()是我们向内核传递开发板设备信息的重要的常规途径,分析mini2440开发板内核移植代码知道,在这个函数中,注册了开发板所用到的所有设备的相关硬件信息! [cpp] view plain copy static void __init mini2440_init(void)
struct mini2440_features_t features = { };
int i; printk(KERN_INFO "MINI2440: Option string mini2440=%s\n",
mini2440_features_str); /* Parse the feature string */
mini2440_parse_features(&features, mini2440_features_str); /* turn LCD on */
s3c_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPC(), S3C2410_GPC0_LEND); /* Turn the backlight early on */
WARN_ON(gpio_request(S3C2410_GPG(), "backlight"));
gpio_direction_output(S3C2410_GPG(), ); /* remove pullup on optional PWM backlight -- unused on 3.5 and 7"s */
s3c_gpio_setpull(S3C2410_GPB(), S3C_GPIO_PULL_UP);
s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPB(), );
s3c_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPB(), S3C2410_GPIO_INPUT); /* Make sure the D+ pullup pin is output */
WARN_ON(gpio_request(S3C2410_GPC(), "udc pup"));
gpio_direction_output(S3C2410_GPC(), ); /* mark the key as input, without pullups (there is one on the board) */
for (i = ; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_buttons); i++) {
s3c_gpio_setpull(mini2440_buttons[i].gpio, S3C_GPIO_PULL_UP);
s3c_gpio_cfgpin(mini2440_buttons[i].gpio, S3C2410_GPIO_INPUT);
if (features.lcd_index != -) {
int li; mini2440_fb_info.displays =
&mini2440_lcd_cfg[features.lcd_index]; printk(KERN_INFO "MINI2440: LCD");
for (li = ; li < ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_lcd_cfg); li++)
if (li == features.lcd_index)
printk(" [%d:%dx%d]", li,
printk(" %d:%dx%d", li,
} s3c24xx_udc_set_platdata(&mini2440_udc_cfg);
s3c_i2c0_set_platdata(NULL); i2c_register_board_info(, mini2440_i2c_devs,
ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_i2c_devs)); platform_add_devices(mini2440_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(mini2440_devices)); if (features.count) /* the optional features */
platform_add_devices(features.optional, features.count); } 那么成员函数init_machine什么时候被调用呢? 在函数setup_machine()中有一条语句init_machine = mdesc->init_machine;其中init_machine为全局函数指针变量,此变量在函数customize_machine()中被调用,代码如下所示:
[cpp] view plain copy static int __init customize_machine(void) { /* customizes platform devices, or adds new ones */ if (init_machine) init_machine(); return ; } arch_initcall(customize_machine); 在MACHINE_START与MACHINE_END之间还要填写一些参数,参照结构体注释小心填写即可,最好找个例子参考参考。


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