DataBase project physical design
DataBase physical design
create table student(
id int not null primary key, /*学号*/
name varchar(20) not null, /*姓名*/
college varchar(20) not null, /*学院*/
grade int not null, /*年级*/
gender varchar(6) not null, /*性别*/
age int not null /*年龄*/
Table student(学生信息)
id | name | college | grade | gender | age |
14001 | pual | CS | junior | male | 20 |
14002 | alice | AD | junjor | femele | 21 |
create table curriculum(
s_id int not null, /*学号*/
c_id int not null /*课程号*/
constraint c_id_fk foreign key (c_id) references course(c_id)
Table curriculum(课表)
s_id | c_id |
14001 | 9001 |
14001 | 9002 |
14002 | 9001 |
14002 | 9003 |
14003 | 9004 |
create table course(
c_id int not null constraint primary key, /*课程号*/
teacher varchar(20) not null, /*老师*/
credit int not null, /*学分*/
signed int not null, /*签到率*/
c_difficulty int not null /*课程难度*/
Table course
c_id | c_name | teacher | signed(10) | c_difficulty(10) |
9001 | DataBase | Dr.Guan JiHong | 10 | 8 |
9002 | Computer Graphic | Dr.Zhao Junqiao | 0 | 9 |
9003 | Computer Architecture | Dr.Qin Guofeng | 9 | 8 |
9004 | Operate System | Dr.Fang Yu | 0 | 8.5 |
create table task(
t_id varchar(7) not null constraint primary key,/*作业号(任务创立日期+编号)*/
/* 格式: Year+M + D + number
e.g 7 + 12 + 16 + 02 */
t_course int constraint t_c_fk
foreign key references course(c_id), /*作业所属课程*/
t_deadline datetime, /*20161210 最后期限*/
t_detail varchar(20), /*详情*/
t_amount int not null, /* 作业数量*/
t_difficulty int not null /* 作业难度*/
Table task
t_id | t_course | t_deadline | t_detail | t_amount(10) | t_difficulty(10) |
6121601 | 9001 | 2016-12-20 23:59:59 | P232,2/3/5 | 3 | 7 |
2 | 9002 | 2017-01-09 23:59:59 | Assignment3 | 2 | 9 |
create table message(
m_id int not null constraint primary key,/*信息号(任务创立日期+编号)
格式: Year+M + D + number
e.g 7 + 12 + 16 + 02 */
type varchar(10) not null, /*
details varchar(30), /*详情*/
m_deadline datetime, /*最后期限*/
duration datetime, /*持续时间*/
Emergency_index int not null /* 紧急程度*/
Table message
m_id | type | details | Start | End | Emergency_index(10) |
6120201 | interest | play piano | 2016-12-12 17:30:00 | 2016-12-12-17:59:59 | 9 |
6120201 | faith | go to the YangPu church | 2016-12-12 17:30:00 | 2016-12-12-17:59:59 | 9 |
create table birthday(
f_name varchar(20) not null constraint primary key, /*姓名*/
relation varchar(10) not null, /*关系*/
current_age int not null, /*当前年龄*/
f_gender varchar(6) not null, /*性别*/
f_birthdat datetime not null, /*生日*/
gift varchar(1) not null /*是否需要礼物*/
f_name | relation | current_age | f_gender | f_birthday | gift(Y/N) |
Bob | Faother | 34 | male | 2017-09-17 00:00:00 | Y |
Alice | sister | 23 | female | 2017-02-13 00:00:00 | Y |
Judy | friend | 20 | female | 2017-02-22 00:00:00 | Y |
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