A glossy magazine has lots of pictures of fashionable clothes and is printed on good quality paper.
A magazine containing many photographs of fashion is printed on fine glossy paper.

Preliminary results confirmed the scientist's prediction.
As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December.
The bare narration of the fact took two hours.
The two countries were on the point of war due to the diplomatic disputes.
They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it.
他们表现得极为克制, 未在电视上公开吵起来.
They showed a remarkable degree of moderation in not quarrelling publicly on television.
Can you give me a specimen of your handwriting?
kept the carved bone and displayed it as a curiosity.
The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist.
The lawyer set her client free with a mere slap on the wrist.
This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.
Both spouses had to take jobs in order to keep the wolf from the door.
The husband and wife had to work together to avoid hunger and cold
Are wages keeping pace with inflation?
Do you think the wage growth keep pace with inflation?
They called and warned me that they might be delayed.
They called and told me in advance that they might be delayed
He has logical arguments so people understand him clearly.
His logical reasoning ability is very strong, so everyone can clearly understand his meaning.
We have a boost of ego when we are successful and admired.
When we are successful or praised, we inflate ourselves.
Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls.
He's religious but he doesn't try to foist his beliefs on everyone.
Tea is made from healthy green foliage of tea plant.
Prayer fortified us during our crisis.
Prayer makes us strong at critical moments
There is only fragmentary evidence to support this theory.
The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger.


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