245. Subtree【LintCode java】
You have two very large binary trees: T1
, with millions of nodes, and T2
, with hundreds of nodes. Create an algorithm to decide if T2
is a subtree of T1
A tree T2 is a subtree of T1 if there exists a node n in T1 such that the subtree of n is identical to T2. That is, if you cut off the tree at node n, the two trees would be identical.
T2 is a subtree of T1 in the following case:
1 3
/ \ /
T1 = 2 3 T2 = 4
T2 isn't a subtree of T1 in the following case:
1 3
/ \ \
T1 = 2 3 T2 = 4
* Definition of TreeNode:
* public class TreeNode {
* public int val;
* public TreeNode left, right;
* public TreeNode(int val) {
* this.val = val;
* this.left = this.right = null;
* }
* }
*/ public class Solution {
* @param T1: The roots of binary tree T1.
* @param T2: The roots of binary tree T2.
* @return: True if T2 is a subtree of T1, or false.
public boolean equal(TreeNode T1, TreeNode T2){
if(T1 == null && T2 == null){
return true;
}else if(T1 == null && T2 != null || T1 != null && T2 == null||T1.val != T2.val){
return false;
return equal(T1.left, T2.left) && equal(T1.right, T2.right);
public boolean isSubtree(TreeNode T1, TreeNode T2) {
// write your code here
if(T2 == null)
return true;
if(T1 == null)
return false;
if(equal(T1 , T2))
return true;
else return isSubtree(T1.left, T2)||isSubtree(T1.right, T2);
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