GridSearchCV scoring 参考
- Scoring parameter: Model-evaluation tools using cross-validation (such as
) rely on an internal scoring strategy. This is discussed in the section The scoring parameter: defining model evaluation rules. For the most common use cases, you can designate a scorer object with the
parameter; the table below shows all possible values. All scorer objects follow the convention that higher return values are better than lower return values. Thus metrics which measure the distance between the model and the data, likemetrics.mean_squared_error
, are available as neg_mean_squared_error which return the negated value of the metric.Scoring Function Comment Classification ‘accuracy’ metrics.accuracy_score
‘average_precision’ metrics.average_precision_score
‘f1’ metrics.f1_score
for binary targets ‘f1_micro’ metrics.f1_score
micro-averaged ‘f1_macro’ metrics.f1_score
macro-averaged ‘f1_weighted’ metrics.f1_score
weighted average ‘f1_samples’ metrics.f1_score
by multilabel sample ‘neg_log_loss’ metrics.log_loss
requires predict_proba
support‘precision’ etc. metrics.precision_score
suffixes apply as with ‘f1’ ‘recall’ etc. metrics.recall_score
suffixes apply as with ‘f1’ ‘roc_auc’ metrics.roc_auc_score
Clustering ‘adjusted_rand_score’ metrics.adjusted_rand_score
Regression ‘neg_mean_absolute_error’ metrics.mean_absolute_error
‘neg_mean_squared_error’ metrics.mean_squared_error
‘neg_median_absolute_error’ metrics.median_absolute_error
‘r2’ metrics.r2_score
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