A chess knight can move as indicated in the chess diagram below:


This time, we place our chess knight on any numbered key of a phone pad (indicated above), and the knight makes N-1 hops.  Each hop must be from one key to another numbered key.

Each time it lands on a key (including the initial placement of the knight), it presses the number of that key, pressing N digits total.

How many distinct numbers can you dial in this manner?

Since the answer may be large, output the answer modulo 10^9 + 7.

Example 1:

Input: 1
Output: 10

Example 2:

Input: 2
Output: 20

Example 3:

Input: 3
Output: 46


  • 1 <= N <= 5000



class Solution {
int mod = ;
int dp[],dp2[];
int knightDialer(int N) {
for(int i=;i<=;i++){
for(int i=;i<N;i++){
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = ((dp[]+dp[])%mod+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = ;
dp2[] = ((dp[]+dp[])%mod+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
dp2[] = (dp[]+dp[])%mod;
for(int j=;j<=;j++){
dp[j] = dp2[j];
int result = ;
for(int i=;i<=;i++){
cout<<dp[i]<< " ";
result += dp[i] %mod;
result %= mod;
return result;

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