Shielding activation of petawatt laser facilities in Romania: a FLUKA preliminary evaluation



The FLUKA 2011.2c code was used to evaluate the activity induced in the irradiation chamber walls by secondary charged particles emitted during the interaction of 1 petawatt laser beam with the targets. The results have shown that, even in the most conservative approaches,i.e. 300 and 100 MeV secondary electrons and protons, respectively, the maximum equivalent dose rate, at 1 cm in front of the chamber wall, 1 min after the end of irradiation, was of ∼23 nSv h−1. Three minutes later, it falls at ∼60 pSv h−1, negligible with respect to the environmental radiation background of 90–110 nSv h−1, as reported for Romania.


FLUKA 2011.2c代码用于评价在1个petawatt激光束与靶相互作用期间发射的次级带电粒子在照射室壁中诱导的活性。 结果表明,即使在最保守的方法, 300和100 MeV二次电子和质子,在照射结束后1分钟,在室壁前面1cm处的最大当量剂量率为〜23nSv h -1。 三分钟后,它降至约60 pSv h-1,对于罗马尼亚报道的90-110nSv h-1的环境辐射背景可忽略不计。


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