Reorder List 题解




Given a singly linked list L: L0?L1?…?Ln-1?Ln,

reorder it to: L0?Ln?L1?Ln-1?L2?Ln-2?…

You must do this in-place without altering the nodes' values.

For example,

Given {1,2,3,4}, reorder it to {1,4,2,3}.


typedef struct ListNode ListNode;

// reverse linked list with head node
void reverseList(struct ListNode* head) {
if (head == NULL || head -> next == NULL || head -> next -> next == NULL)
return; ListNode *preNode = head -> next;
ListNode *tail = preNode;
ListNode *curNode = preNode -> next;
ListNode *nextNode;
while (curNode != NULL) {
nextNode = curNode -> next;
curNode -> next = preNode;
preNode = curNode;
curNode = nextNode;
} head -> next = preNode;
tail -> next = NULL;
} void reorderList(struct ListNode* head) {
if (head == NULL || head -> next == NULL || head -> next -> next == NULL)
ListNode *mid = head, *tail = head -> next;
while (tail && tail -> next) {
mid = mid -> next;
tail = tail -> next -> next;
ListNode *qNode = mid -> next, *qNextNode;
mid -> next = NULL;
ListNode *preNode = head;
ListNode *curNode = preNode -> next;
while (curNode != NULL) {
preNode -> next = qNode;
qNextNode = qNode -> next;
qNode -> next = curNode;
preNode = curNode;
curNode = curNode -> next;
qNode = qNextNode;
} preNode -> next = qNode;



  1. 快速找到链表中间节点
  2. 反转链表
  3. 链表合并

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