总所周知。C++ STL中有个头文件,名为algorithm。即算法的意思。

The header<algorithm>defines a collection of functions especially designed to be used on ranges of elements.







template <class InputIterator, class UnaryPredicate>
bool all_of (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryPredicate pred);


Test condition on all elements in range

Returns true if pred returns true for all the elements in the range [first,last) or if the range is empty, and false otherwise.

检測区间[first, last)中是否全部的元素都满足一元推断表达式pred。全部的元素都满足条件返回true,否则返回false.


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::all_of
#include <array> // std::array int main () {
std::array<int,8> foo = {3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23}; if ( std::all_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](int i){return i%2;}) )
std::cout << "All the elements are odd numbers.\n"; return 0;
All the elements are odd numbers.



template <class InputIterator, class UnaryPredicate>
bool any_of (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryPredicate pred);


Test if any element in range fulfills condition

Returns true if pred returns true for any of the elements in the range [first,last), and false otherwise.


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::any_of
#include <array> // std::array int main () {
std::array<int,7> foo = {0,1,-1,3,-3,5,-5}; if ( std::any_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](int i){return i<0;}) )
std::cout << "There are negative elements in the range.\n"; return 0;
There are negative elements in the range.



template <class InputIterator, class UnaryPredicate>
bool none_of (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, UnaryPredicate pred);


Returns true if pred returns false for all the elements in the range [first,last) or if the range is empty, and false otherwise.


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::none_of
#include <array> // std::array int main () {
std::array<int,8> foo = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}; if ( std::none_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](int i){return i<0;}) )
std::cout << "There are no negative elements in the range.\n"; return 0;
There are no negative elements in the range.


permutation 名词 排列 、交换等意思。




template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
bool is_permutation (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
ForwardIterator2 first2);
template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class BinaryPredicate>
bool is_permutation (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
ForwardIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate pred);


Test whether range is permutation of another

Compares the elements in the range [first1,last1) with those in the range beginning at first2, and returns true if all of the elements in both ranges match, even in a different order.


#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <algorithm> // std::is_permutation
#include <array> // std::array int main () {
std::array<int,5> foo = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::array<int,5> bar = {3,1,4,5,2}; if ( std::is_permutation (foo.begin(), foo.end(), bar.begin()) )
std::cout << "foo and bar contain the same elements.\n"; return 0;
foo and bar contain the same elements.


The elements are compared using operator== (or pred)


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