Book Descripter

Core Animation is the technology underlying Apple’s iOS user interface. By unleashing the full power of Core Animation, you can enhance your app with impressive 2D and 3D visual effects and create exciting and unique new interfaces.

In this in-depth guide, iOS developer Nick Lockwood takes you step-by-step through the Core Animation framework, building up your understanding through sample code and diagrams together with comprehensive explanations and helpful tips. Lockwood demystifies the Core Animation APIs, and teaches you how to make use of
Layers and views, software drawing and hardware compositing Layer geometry, hit testing and clipping
Layer effects, transforms and 3D interfaces Video playback, text, tiled images, OpenGL, particles and reflections Implicit and explicit animations
Property animations, keyframes and transitions
Easing, frame-by-frame animation and physics
Performance tuning and much, much more!



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  5. IOS Core Animation Advanced Techniques的学习笔记(三)

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