version : xwork-2.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by OpenSymphony
* All rights reserved.
package com.opensymphony.xwork2; import;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStack;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.Logger;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.LoggerFactory; /**
* Provides a default implementation for the most common actions.
* See the documentation for all the interfaces this class implements for more detailed information.
public class ActionSupport implements Action, Validateable, ValidationAware, TextProvider, LocaleProvider, Serializable { protected static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActionSupport.class); private final transient TextProvider textProvider = new TextProviderFactory().createInstance(getClass(), this);
private final ValidationAwareSupport validationAware = new ValidationAwareSupport(); public void setActionErrors(Collection errorMessages) {
} public Collection getActionErrors() {
return validationAware.getActionErrors();
} public void setActionMessages(Collection messages) {
} public Collection getActionMessages() {
return validationAware.getActionMessages();
} /**
* @deprecated Use {@link #getActionErrors()}.
public Collection getErrorMessages() {
return getActionErrors();
} /**
* @deprecated Use {@link #getFieldErrors()}.
public Map getErrors() {
return getFieldErrors();
} public void setFieldErrors(Map errorMap) {
} public Map getFieldErrors() {
return validationAware.getFieldErrors();
} public Locale getLocale() {
ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
if (ctx != null) {
return ctx.getLocale();
} else {
LOG.debug("Action context not initialized");
return null;
} public String getText(String aTextName) {
return textProvider.getText(aTextName);
} public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue) {
return textProvider.getText(aTextName, defaultValue);
} public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue, String obj) {
return textProvider.getText(aTextName, defaultValue, obj);
} public String getText(String aTextName, List args) {
return textProvider.getText(aTextName, args);
} public String getText(String key, String[] args) {
return textProvider.getText(key, args);
} public String getText(String aTextName, String defaultValue, List args) {
return textProvider.getText(aTextName, defaultValue, args);
} public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args) {
return textProvider.getText(key, defaultValue, args);
} public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, List args, ValueStack stack) {
return textProvider.getText(key, defaultValue, args, stack);
} public String getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack) {
return textProvider.getText(key, defaultValue, args, stack);
} public ResourceBundle getTexts() {
return textProvider.getTexts();
} public ResourceBundle getTexts(String aBundleName) {
return textProvider.getTexts(aBundleName);
} public void addActionError(String anErrorMessage) {
} public void addActionMessage(String aMessage) {
} public void addFieldError(String fieldName, String errorMessage) {
validationAware.addFieldError(fieldName, errorMessage);
} public String input() throws Exception {
return INPUT;
} public String doDefault() throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;
} /**
* A default implementation that does nothing an returns "success".
* <p/>
* Subclasses should override this method to provide their business logic.
* <p/>
* See also {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action#execute()}.
* @return returns {@link #SUCCESS}
* @throws Exception can be thrown by subclasses.
public String execute() throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;
} public boolean hasActionErrors() {
return validationAware.hasActionErrors();
} public boolean hasActionMessages() {
return validationAware.hasActionMessages();
} public boolean hasErrors() {
return validationAware.hasErrors();
} public boolean hasFieldErrors() {
return validationAware.hasFieldErrors();
} /**
* Clears field errors. Useful for Continuations and other situations
* where you might want to clear parts of the state on the same action.
public void clearFieldErrors() {
} /**
* Clears action errors. Useful for Continuations and other situations
* where you might want to clear parts of the state on the same action.
public void clearActionErrors() {
} /**
* Clears messages. Useful for Continuations and other situations
* where you might want to clear parts of the state on the same action.
public void clearMessages() {
} /**
* Clears all errors. Useful for Continuations and other situations
* where you might want to clear parts of the state on the same action.
public void clearErrors() {
} /**
* Clears all errors and messages. Useful for Continuations and other situations
* where you might want to clear parts of the state on the same action.
public void clearErrorsAndMessages() {
} /**
* A default implementation that validates nothing.
* Subclasses should override this method to provide validations.
public void validate() {
} public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
} /**
* <!-- START SNIPPET: pause-method -->
* Stops the action invocation immediately (by throwing a PauseException) and causes the action invocation to return
* the specified result, such as {@link #SUCCESS}, {@link #INPUT}, etc.
* <p/>
* The next time this action is invoked (and using the same continuation ID), the method will resume immediately
* after where this method was called, with the entire call stack in the execute method restored.
* <p/>
* Note: this method can <b>only</b> be called within the {@link #execute()} method.
* <!-- END SNIPPET: pause-method -->
* @param result the result to return - the same type of return value in the {@link #execute()} method.
public void pause(String result) {
} }
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