* Building QT projects from the command line
* 说明:
* 很多时候都是通过Qtcreator进行项目的创建以及编译,但是有时候可能
* 会遇到一些编译小问题,这时候命令行创建工程、编译工程可以作为测试、验证
* 的一种手段。
* 2016-3-2 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋
***********************************************************************/ 一、参考文档:
Building QT projects from the command line
http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Building_QT_Projects 二、基本操作流程:
. After Installing your host Ubuntu and then the SDK on your host machine: [How to install Ubuntu and your SDK]
. Create a new directory on your Ubuntu 10.04 host.
user@user-desktop:~$mkdir hello-world
. Change to that directory
进入刚刚创建的目录 。
user@user-desktop:~$cd hello-world
. Source the environment setup to get access to qmake and the gcc compiler
user@user-desktop:~/hello-world$ source /home/user/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-
. Create a new file: hello-world.cpp and copy in the following source code to hello-world.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel> int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv); QLabel label("Hello World!");
label.show(); return app.exec();
. Execute the following commands: (If you already have a project file skip step )
[linux-devkit]:~/hello-world> qmake -project // The first command creates a project file: hello-world.pro.
[linux-devkit]:~/hello-world> qmake // The second generates a makefile based on the project file.
[linux-devkit]:~/hello-world> make // The third compiles and builds the project. . This is what you have just created
[linux-devkit]:~/hello-world> ls
hello-world hello-world.cpp hello-world.o hello-world.pro Makefile
. copy the hello-world binary over to your file system and run hello-world on your target.

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