Linux cshrc文件作用
Linux 文件755 代表什么权限
What is $*?
Will display all the commandline arguments that are passed to the script
What is the difference between a shell variable that is exported and the one that is not exported?
export LANG=C
will make the variable LANG the global variable, put it into the global environment. all other processes can use it.
will change the value only in the current script.
How will you list only the empty lines in a file (using grep)?
grep "^[ ]*$" filename.txt
In character set (between [ and ] one space and tab is given)
this command will gives all the blank line including those having space and tabs (if pressed)only
How do you read arguments in a shell program - $1, $2 ?
for i in $*
echo $i
On executig the above script with any number of command-line arguments it will display all the parametsrs.
How would you get the character positions 10-20 from a text file?
cut -c10-20 <filename.txt>
cat filename.txt | cut -c 10-20
- linux shell 中的sleep命令
开始还以为是这样的语法: sleep(1), 后面发现是: linux shell 中的sleep命令 分类: LINUX 在有的shell(比如linux中的bash)中sleep还支持睡眠(分,小 ...
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