
由于近期的降雨,雨水汇集在农民约翰的田地不同的地方。我们用一个 \(N\times M(1\leq N\leq 100, 1\leq M\leq 100)\) 的网格图表示。每个网格中有水(W) 或是旱地(.)。一个网格与其周围的八个网格相连,而一组相连的网格视为一个水坑。约翰想弄清楚他的田地已经形成了多少水坑。给出约翰田地的示意图,确定当中有多少水坑。

输入第 \(1\) 行:两个空格隔开的整数:\(N\) 和 \(M\)。

第 \(2\) 行到第 \(N+1\) 行:每行 \(M\) 个字符,每个字符是 W.,它们表示网格图中的一排。字符之间没有空格。



Due to recent rains, water has pooled in various places in Farmer John's field, which is represented by a rectangle of N x M (1 <= N <= 100; 1 <= M <= 100) squares. Each square contains either water ('W') or dry land ('.'). Farmer John would like to figure out how many ponds have formed in his field. A pond(池塘) is a connected set of squares with water in them, where a square is considered adjacent to all eight of its neighbors. Given a diagram of Farmer John's field, determine how many ponds he has.


Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M * Lines 2..N+1: M characters per line representing one row of Farmer John's field. Each character is either 'W' or '.'. The characters do not have spaces between them.


Line 1: The number of ponds in Farmer John's field.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

10 12

样例输出 #1



OUTPUT DETAILS: There are three ponds: one in the upper left, one in the lower left, and one along the right side.



using namespace std;
int n, m;//n为横向,m为纵向
const int maxn = 105;
int visited[maxn][maxn];//visited[i][j]为(坐标为(i,j))1代表访问过
char grid[maxn][maxn];//存储瓷砖内容
int res = 0;//统计水坑个数
int dx[8] = { -1,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,1 };
int dy[8] = { -1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1 };
void dfs(int x,int y) {//遍历的坐标
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int nx = x + dx[i];//nx为下一步的横坐标
int ny = y + dy[i];//ny为下一步的纵坐标
if (nx < 0 || nx >= n || ny < 0 || ny >= m) continue;
if (visited[nx][ny]) continue;
if (grid[nx][ny] == '.') continue;
visited[nx][ny] = 1;
dfs(nx, ny);
} }
int main()
cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%s", grid[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
if (!visited[i][j] && grid[i][j] == 'W') {
visited[i][j] = 1;
dfs(i, j);
cout << res;
return 0;

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