As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.


When making friends with others, please be a little more careful.

Hold yourself aloof from those people who are full of negative energy but still pay enough respects to them.

Besides, maybe more important, make sure that you can grow up into the kind of people who have some attractive traits and who are worthy of being friends to others.

You know, if you are valuable and capable of tackling well with every challenge, there must be numerous people who want to make friends with you.

So, master as much knowledge as I can, and hone my skills to gain confidence and appreciation from myself and others.

Sin bravely... We will never have all the facts to make a perfect judgement.


From Russell R. Mclntyre.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because he who never makes mistakes most often turns out to be with no use.

Sometimes a cold and hard medicine of reality, in the form of a disappointment and frustration, will make us feel pain at first.

And then what happens is that we just get stronger, only if we are not freightened by the difficulties and we hadn't chosen to give up.

Those bad feelings and experience bring us face to face with some of our most serious weaknesses.

This will provide us with the awareness and opportunity to grow stronger in ways that really count.

The experience of being ineffective often helps us to see new ways in which we can be more effective.

When we are clearer about what doesn't work, we would be closer to understanding about what does work.

Bear in mind that there is always some positive value in every experience.

That is especially true when it comes to disappointing moments.

Look at those moments as our chance to come back even stronger.

Then pick ourselves up and do precisely that.

Try to plunge first into life, give it all we've got, then life will give all ti has to you.

To this point, I am adamant about it.

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