1. 询问名字


1. Hi, may I have your name, please?

2. Could you please tell me your name?

3. Will it be convenient for you if I have your name?

4. your name?

5. What is your name?


  • 你想知道别人的叫啥的时候
  • 你想和别人搭话(搭讪)的时候

2. 小对话

A: We must have met before. Is it your name Bright?
B: No, my name is Amy.
A: Hi, Amy, nice to meet you.

3. 如何回答自己的名字


It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first.
姓:surname = last name = family name
名:first name = given name
中:middle name


  • Her name is Susan N. Armstrong.
  • N is the abbreviation of her middle name.



  • 英 [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌbrivɪ'eʃən] n. 缩写;缩写词


  • 英 [ə'briːvɪeɪt] 美 [ə'brivɪ'et] vt. 缩写,使省略;使简短 vi. 使用缩写词

abbreviate sth. = make sth. shorter

  1. This story is abbreviated.
  2. USA is the abbreviation of the United States of America.
  3. UN is the abbreviation of the United Nations.
  4. UK = United Kingdom of Great British and Northern Ireland

4. 自我介绍


    1. My name is Meixuan Kou.
2. Meixuan is my first name and Kou is my family name.
3. Just call my English name.
4. Just call me Amy.

5. 名字拼写问题


    1. How do you spell your first name?
2. Will you spell your name?
3. My first name is spelled M-e-i-x-u-a-n.
4. Will you spell your surname?
5. My surname is spelled K-o-u.

6. 名字读音问题

XX 句子
How do you pronounce your last name?
My last name is pronounced Amy.

7. 赞扬别人

Your name precedes you. 久闻大名

序号 句子
1 He precedes me to the rail way station.
2 Party was preceded by a speech.
3 In the preceding classes, we have learned.


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