C# 获取 mp3文件信息【包括:文件大小、歌曲长度、歌手、专辑】


// http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390392612
  string file = @"E:\滴答.mp3";

            ShellClass sh = new ShellClass();

            Folder dir = sh.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(file));

            FolderItem item = dir.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(file));

            string str = dir.GetDetailsOf(item, 27) ; // 获取歌曲时长。


// 如果执行过程中,出现是错误提示,通过Shell32 的 Embed Interop Types 属性设置为 False 即可;
//如果是1.0版本会报错请下载1.2版本 下载地址


调用结果,在Win2003,2008,xp上应使用dir.GetDetailsOf(item, 21) ,而在Vista,win7、win8,win10等系统应使用folder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem, 27) ,主要是因为不同系统下文件属性索引顺序不同造成。只要右键单击文件属性,能看到的媒体属性都能取到,可以换不同的索引值来取。如下所示,取出的时间长度是 00:03:52,目标完成。

shell 获取 文件详细信息


Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation


DLL的属性Embed Interop Type 设为False



ShellClass sh = new ShellClass();

Folder dir = sh.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(sFile));

FolderItem item = dir.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(sFile));

string det = dir.GetDetailsOf(item, iCol);

iCol 对应文件详细属性汇总


0   => Name

1   => Size     // MP3 文件大小

2   => Type

3   => Date modified

4   => Date created

5   => Date accessed

6   => Attributes

7   => Offline status

8   => Offline availability

9   => Perceived type

10  => Owner

11  => Kinds

12  => Date taken

13  => Artists   // MP3 歌手

14  => Album     // MP3 专辑

15  => Year

16  => Genre

17  => Conductors

18  => Tags

19  => Rating

20  => Authors

21  => Title     // MP3 歌曲名

22  => Subject

23  => Categories

24  => Comments

25  => Copyright

26  => #

27  => Length    // MP3 时长

28  => Bit rate

29  => Protected

30  => Camera model

31  => Dimensions

32  => Camera maker

33  => Company

34  => File description

35  => Program name

36  => Duration

37  => Is online

38  => Is recurring

39  => Location

40  => Optional attendee addresses

41  => Optional attendees

42  => Organizer address

43  => Organizer name

44  => Reminder time

45  => Required attendee addresses

46  => Required attendees

47  => Resources

48  => Free/busy status

49  => Total size

50  => Account name

51  => Computer

52  => Anniversary

53  => Assistant's name

54  => Assistant's phone

55  => Birthday

56  => Business address

57  => Business city

58  => Business country/region

59  => Business P.O. box

60  => Business postal code

61  => Business state or province

62  => Business street

63  => Business fax

64  => Business home page

65  => Business phone

66  => Callback number

67  => Car phone

68  => Children

69  => Company main phone

70  => Department

71  => E-mail Address

72  => E-mail2

73  => E-mail3

74  => E-mail list

75  => E-mail display name

76  => File as

77  => First name

78  => Full name

79  => Gender

80  => Given name

81  => Hobbies

82  => Home address

83  => Home city

84  => Home country/region

85  => Home P.O. box

86  => Home postal code


//第二种方式: 读取文件结构获取 MP3文件信息 [代码未验证]

 public struct Mp3Info
public string identify;//TAG,三个字节
public string Title;//歌曲名,30个字节
public string Artist;//歌手名,30个字节
public string Album;//所属唱片,30个字节
public string Year;//年,4个字符
public string Comment;//注释,28个字节
public char reserved1;//保留位,一个字节
public char reserved2;//保留位,一个字节
public char reserved3;//保留位,一个字节
/// <summary>
/// mp3类
/// </summary>
public class clsMP3
public void fLogSave(Page _sender, Hashtable _htUser)
{ }
private byte[] getLast128(string FileName)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Stream stream = fs;
stream.Seek(-128, SeekOrigin.End);
const int seekPos = 128;
int rl = 0;
byte[] Info = new byte[seekPos];
rl = stream.Read(Info, 0, seekPos);
return Info;
private Mp3Info getMp3Info(byte[] Info)
Mp3Info mp3Info = new Mp3Info();
string str = null;
int i;
int position = 0;//循环的起始值
int currentIndex = 0;//Info的当前索引值
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 3; i++)
str = str + (char)Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.identify = str;
str = null;
byte[] bytTitle = new byte[30];//将歌名部分读到一个单独的数组中
int j = 0;
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++)
bytTitle[j] = Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.Title = this.byteToString(bytTitle);
str = null;
j = 0;
byte[] bytArtist = new byte[30];//将歌手名部分读到一个单独的数组中
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++)
bytArtist[j] = Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.Artist = this.byteToString(bytArtist);
str = null;
j = 0;
byte[] bytAlbum = new byte[30];//将唱片名部分读到一个单独的数组中
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++)
bytAlbum[j] = Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.Album = this.byteToString(bytAlbum);
//获取年 (数组93-96)
str = null;
j = 0;
byte[] bytYear = new byte[4];//将年部分读到一个单独的数组中
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 4; i++)
bytYear[j] = Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.Year = this.byteToString(bytYear);
str = null;
j = 0;
byte[] bytComment = new byte[28];//将注释部分读到一个单独的数组中
for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 25; i++)
bytComment[j] = Info[i];
currentIndex = position;
mp3Info.Comment = this.byteToString(bytComment);
mp3Info.reserved1 = (char)Info[++position];
mp3Info.reserved2 = (char)Info[++position];
mp3Info.reserved3 = (char)Info[++position];
return mp3Info;
/// <summary>
/// 将字节数组转换成字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "b">字节数组</param>
/// <returns>返回转换后的字符串</returns>
private string byteToString(byte[] b)
Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
string str = enc.GetString(b);
str = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf('\0') >= 0 ? str.IndexOf('\0') : str.Length);//去掉无用字符
return str;

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