class Solution {
public boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) {
for(int i=0; i<board.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<board[0].length; j++) {
if(exist(board, i, j, word, 0))
return true;
return false;
} public boolean exist(char[][] board, int x, int y, String word, int index) {
if(index == word.length()) return true;
if(x < 0 || y<0 || x>=board.length || y>=board[0].length || board[x][y] != word.charAt(index))
return false; board[x][y] ^= 128;
boolean exist = exist(board, x-1, y, word, index+1) ||
exist(board, x+1, y, word, index+1) ||
exist(board, x, y-1, word, index+1) ||
exist(board, x, y+1, word, index+1) ;
board[x][y] ^= 128;
return exist;


 class Solution:
def dfs(self,board,word,index,rows,coloums,visited,i,j):
if index >= len(word):
return True
if i >= rows or i < or j >= coloums or j < or visited[i][j] == or board[i][j] != word[index]:
return False
visited[i][j] =
result = self.dfs(board,word,index+,rows,coloums,visited,i+,j) or self.dfs(board,word,index+,rows,coloums,visited,i-,j) or self.dfs(board,word,index+,rows,coloums,visited,i,j+) or self.dfs(board,word,index+,rows,coloums,visited,i,j-) visited[i][j] = return result def exist(self, board: 'List[List[str]]', word: 'str') -> 'bool':
rows = len(board)
coloums = len(board[])
visited = [[ for a in range(coloums)] for b in range(rows)]
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(coloums):
if self.dfs(board,word,,rows,coloums,visited,i,j):
return True
return False


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