

§ 找到httpd.conf用记事本打开httpd.conf,然后将

1. <Directory />

2.     Options FollowSymLinks

3.     AllowOverride None

4.     Order deny,allow

5.     Deny from all

6. </Directory>


1. <Directory />

2.     Options FollowSymLinks

3.     AllowOverride None

4.     Order deny,allow

5.     Allow from all

6. </Directory>


1. # onlineoffline tag - don't remove

2. Order Deny,Allow

3. Deny from all

4. Allow from

5. </Directory>

Deny from all改为:Allow from all  ,然后重新启动所有服务。

现在打开localhost或127.0.0.1时发现可以访问了,但访问phpmyadmin时候,出现“You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.”的提示。

§ 解决方法,打开如下文件:

wamp/alias/phpmyadmin.conf //这个就是你的wamp的安装目录下的内容,用编辑器打开


1. <Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">

2.     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

3.     AllowOverride all

4.         Order Deny,Allow

5. Allow from all

6.     Allow from

7. </Directory>







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