In this lesson, we covered the four properties of the box model: height and width, padding, borders, and margins. Understanding the box model is an important step towards learning more advanced HTML and CSS topics. Let's take a minute to review what you learned.

  1. The box model comprises a set of properties used to create space around and between HTML elements.
  2. The height and width of a content area can be set in pixels or percentage.
  3. Borders surround the content area and padding of an element. The color, style, and thickness of a border can be set with CSS properties.
  4. Padding is the space between the content area and the border. It can be set in pixels or percent.
  5. Margin is the amount of spacing outside of an element's border.
  6. Horizontal margins add, so the total space between the borders of adjacent elements is equal to the sum of the right margin of one element and the left margin of the adjacent element.
  7. Vertical margins collapse, so the space between vertically adjacent elements is equal to the larger margin.
  8. margin: 0 auto horizontally centers an element inside of its parent content area, if it has a width.
  9. The overflow property can be set to display, hide, or scroll, and dictates how HTML will render content that overflows its parent's content area.
  10. The visibility property can hide or show elements.


  1. CSS3与页面布局学习总结(二)——Box Model、边距折叠、内联与块标签、CSSReset

    一.盒子模型(Box Model) 盒子模型也有人称为框模型,HTML中的多数元素都会在浏览器中生成一个矩形的区域,每个区域包含四个组成部分,从外向内依次是:外边距(Margin).边框(Border ...

  2. Box Model,边距折叠,内联和块标签,CSSReset

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  4. CSS魔法堂:重新认识Box Model、IFC、BFC和Collapsing margins

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  5. CSS3与页面布局学习笔记(二)——盒子模型(Box Model)、边距折叠、内联与块标签、CSSReset

    一.盒子模型(Box Model) 盒子模型也有人称为框模型,HTML中的多数元素都会在浏览器中生成一个矩形的区域,每个区域包含四个组成部分,从外向内依次是:外边距(Margin).边框(Border ...

  6. CSS3与页面布局学习总结——Box Model、边距折叠、内联与块标签、CSSReset

    目录 一.盒子模型(Box Model) 1.1.宽度测试 1.2.溢出测试属性 1.4.利用CSS画图 二.边距折叠 2.1.概要 2.2.垂直方向外边距合并计算 三. ...

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  8. 重新认识Box Model、IFC、BFC和Collapsing margins

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  9. CSS 盒子模型(Box model)中的 padding 与 margin

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  10. Box model小心得

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