
Do you want to work on a fast-cycle, high visibility, hardcore search team with ambitious goals? Internet search is one of the highest impact and most technically challenging projects in the computer industry. Our mission is to delight the customers by delivering the most relevant results with rich user experience. Bing Whole Page Relevance (WPR) team is looking for strong developers to join our fun and challenging journey. &nbsp

Whole Page Relevance is responsible for the final look & feel of every visible section on Bing Search Result Page (SERP). We own a wide variety of features, which are directly customer facing and involve broad range of technologies. &nbsp Specifically, our feature area includes

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Deep Link to extract and provide rich secondary navigational experience

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Answer Ranking to present answers in the most relevant way

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Rich Caption to bring compelling UX features along with organic data to light up algo results

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Whole Page Organization to best leverage entity pane and post-web triggering for overall optimal user engagement

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Monetization to come up with best UX and data feature on Ads and directly bring in revenue

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Answer Developer Experience to greatly expedite answer publishing and monitoring experience

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp UX Framework, which actually owns Bing core UX infrastructure to enrich the answer UX development experience

- &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And various Autopilot / Azure based tools systems

As a member of the WPR team, you will have a direct impact on the quality of our search results which in turn determines the experience of millions of user searches every day. In collaboration with researchers at MSR, we explore and invent cutting edge methods in statistics, information retrieval, data mining, machine learning, Bing core UX framework and distributed systems to solve hard problems. You will have enormous resources at your disposal; high-performance distributed systems with vast amounts (peta-bytes) of raw and processed data from our logs/index and the tools to work with this data. At the same time you will be working with low-level systems code to maximize our relevance while keeping user latencies at a minimum. You will have an opportunity to make a huge difference not only to Microsoft’s online business and bottom line, but to enhance search experience to allow everyone to find the information they need. You have the right environment and strong support to drive your favorite features to solution. We are an extremely agile team and we move very fast from ideas to experimentation, development and deployment through continuous releases throughout the year.

We are looking for cream of the crop - motivated engineers with excellent architecture, design, coding, and debugging skills.

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent required; MS/PhDs preferred.

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Familiar with at least one OOP language: C++/C#/Java

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Great design, problem solving, and data analysis skills, with demonstrated passion for quality, performance, and engineering excellence

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp At least two years of industry experiences in engineering or research is preferred.

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Experience in data mining/analysis, machine learning, information retrieval, large scale web server experience is a big plus.

- &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Motivated and able to work independently as well in a collaborative team setting to research innovative solutions to challenging technical/business problems.

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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