

int cnt,sz=,f[*][],c[][],id[][],vis[][],n,m,a[],b[],ans[*],d[*];
int read(){
char ch=getchar();int f=,t=;
while (ch<''||ch>'') {if (ch=='-') f=-;ch=getchar();}
while (''<=ch&&ch<=''){t=t*+ch-'';ch=getchar();}
return t*f;
void dfs(int x,int y){
int dx=x+a[c[x][y]],dy=y+b[c[x][y]];
if (dx<||dx>n||dy<||dy>m) f[id[x][y]][c[x][y]]=id[x][y];
if (!vis[dx][dy]) {vis[dx][dy]=;dfs(dx,dy);}
for (int i=;i<=;i++)
if (i!=c[x][y])
int main(){
n=read();m=read();int T=read();cnt=;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++){
char s[];
for (int j=;j<=m;j++){
   char s[1000005];
for (int i=;i<=;i++)
for (int i=;i<=n;i++)
for (int j=;j<=m;j++)
if (!vis[i][j]){
}while (T--){
scanf("%s",s+);bool flag=false;
for (int i=;i<=sz;i++){
int x=ans[i];
for (int j=;j<=strlen(s+);j++){
x=f[x][s[j]-''];if (x<=) break;
if (x>) {flag=true;break;}
if (flag) printf("YES\n");else printf("NO\n");

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