Meeting time:   2015.October.20th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.Mitaka Murano Session

   Date:    Friday October 30, 2015

   Time:     9:00am - 12:20pm, 2:00pm - 5:30pm

Place:     Ohka(樱花) Room B


      (1) Community App Catalog, Glance v3 (Artifacts) and Murano

      (2) Murano Service API


2.Murano Service API V2.0

Desc:   Murano new API is the most important feature in the Mitaka version.

      There are two important work to make a decide.

      (1) Murano API design spec.

         The PTL would prefer to design parts of the features,

        and give the contributers the opportunity to add the new api function.

      (2) Select a new wsgi framework.

         At present, Murano use WSME framework to publish the REST Service.

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