What about jigsaw puzzle design for visually handicapped?

Length is 50cm, and then the depth is ... well, it's very little.

OK. It's the next bit that I'm really not sure what to put.
It's just a chance for you to say anything about the equipment, and problems you envisage.

"Well, we would really like help with making plastic instead of wooden pieces."

And the other thing is, we'd like to develop a range of sizes.

Well, we've got a lot of work on at the moment and we want to get it as good as we can.

Glad to be of help. Very best of luck to you both.

Today I'd like to introduce Ted Hunter, who used to rear sheep and poultry.

It means that all the sessions will be half-price between 9am and 12 noon on weekdays.

So, what exactly are the facilities? What sports can you play here?

On the other side of the reception area there is the dance studio.

This is our newest facility, only completed in the Spring, but it's already proving to be one of the most popular.

As well as all these facilities available here on the campus, we also have an arrangement with the local tennis club.

So, I think that there should be something here for everybody, and I hope to see all of you at the Centre, making use of the facilities.

I just wondered if you could help me with this entry form for the Young Electronic Engineer competition.

Oh, you've made the jigsaw for blind children, with the bleeper.

OK, let's have a look at the form.

Ann helped me with some of the electronics work.

When you look at international restaurant menus and supermarkets they all tend to feature the same range of meats — beef, lamb, chicken, pork, that sort of thing.

The kangaroo is one animal that's now being farmed for its meat and eaten outside Australia, where it comes from.
It looks and tastes rather like rabbit, though it's slightly darker in colour.

Crocodiles are also being farmed for their meat.

This is rather like chicken, pale and tender, and it's getting quite fashionable.

Some people also find it's rather fatty, but I think it makes a really tasty sandwich.

Most people think of ostriches as wild animals, but in fact ostriches have been farmed in South Africa since around 1860.

At first they were produced for their feathers.

Later, feather fans and big decorated hats went out of fashion but ostriches were still bred, this time for their hide.

At the same time, some of the meat was used for biltong — the air-dried strips of meat popular in South Africa as a sort of fast food.

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