
我们只需要计算每增加一条线后穿过了几条已有的线即可。为了方便,我们令\(K \le N/2\),并且给每条线一个方向,即\(x\)到\((x+K) \; mod \; N\)。然后我们假设现在我们正在链接\(a\)到\((a+K) \; mod \; N\)这条线,于是他穿过的线就是从\((a-K,a+k)\)(模\(K\)意义下)$这段区间中点射出边的数目,拿个树状数组维护一下即可。

using namespace std; typedef long long ll;
#define lowbit(a) (a&-a)
const int maxn = 1000010;
int N,K,now,tree[maxn]; ll ans = 1LL; inline void ins(int a) { for (++a;a <= N;a += lowbit(a)) ++tree[a]; }
inline ll calc(int a) { int ret = 0; for (++a;a;a -= lowbit(a)) ret += tree[a]; return (ll)ret; } int main()
scanf("%d %d",&N,&K); if (N - K < K) K = N-K;
if (now+K-1<N)
ans += calc(now+K-1)-calc(now);
if (now - K < 0) ans += calc(now-1)+calc(N-1)-calc(now-K+N);
else ans += calc(now-1)-calc(now-K);
ans += calc(N-1)-calc(now)+calc(now+K-1-N);
if (now - K < 0) ans += calc(now-1)+calc(N-1)-calc(now-K+N);
else ans += calc(now-1)-calc(now-K);
ins(now); now += K; if (now >= N) now -= N;
printf("%lld ",++ans);
while (now);
fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);
return 0;

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