May 04th 2017 Week 18th Thursday
No matter how far you may fly, never forget where you come from.
I never forget where I come from, but obviously I haven't fly too far from the start point.
Staying still means falling behind, so it seems most of my peers, even most of the younger generation, have outstripped me both in life and in work.
Maybe I didn't comply with the basic rule of self-love.
I have said too many words of remorse, and today I don't want to say them again, because for one who can't keep his nose clean, words may have no effect.
Just write down a poem I have read before:
When you love who you are, you become a conduit of light.
Just drop into your heart space, and live life from this view.
For all of this doing is not who you are.
Listen to your heart’s soft whisper, this voice will show you the way.
Live life from your essence is what she will say.
See the light in yourself, and your world will be bright.
There is no need to worry, you are exactly as you should be;
Remember to love who you are, and love what you will see.
I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it so well that it becomes an art.
From Arsene Wenger.
When I looked at this name, I guessed that Arsene Wenger may be the famous football coach and manager of Arsenal in England.
Then I searched the name on wikipedia, yes, my guess was just right, it seems that Arsene Wenger was just born for the Arsenal Club.
Mr. Wenger has been the manager of Arsenal since 1996, where he has since become the club's longest-serving manager and most successful in terms of major titles won.
Maybe this is the creed of his life, or else he would not have maken so remarkable contributions to the Arsenal Club.
Compared to those outstanding people, like Arsene Wenger, most of us, the mediocre majority, can't become excellent and triumphant just because we always complete our tasks in a close-enough way and we always muddle along in our life.
Such attitudes always lead to some disappointing results, we may miss a lot of opportunities, such as promotion, starting our own business, creating our unique products, or meeting the right one in our life.
All understand that truth, but sadly, fewer of us can make some effective changes to improve our outcomes.
That is the reality, the very reality.
Let us continue our discussion about the difference between living alone and living with our parents.
4. Living alone, we may build a better relationship with our parents because we may cherish the time spent with them more.
Living with our parents, we may argue with our parents something or find them annoying.
That can be explained in the old saying: Distance can make things look more beautiful.
5. Living alone, we are solely responsible for the decision we make.
Living with our parents, they can give you lots of suggestions or directions.
Sometimes these suggestions or directions are very useful, but there are also some cases that you may think they are boresome.
To be continued.
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