
 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std; struct node {
int data;
node *next;
node() : data(), next(NULL) { }
node(int d) : data(d), next(NULL) { }
}; void push(node* &head, int k) {
node *new_node = new node(k);
new_node->next = head;
head = new_node;
} void print(node* head) {
while (head) {
cout << head->data << " ";
head = head->next;
cout << endl;
} void reverselist(node *&head) {
if (!head) return;
node *cur = head;
node *next = head->next;
if (!next) return;
cur->next->next = cur;
cur->next = NULL;
head = next;
} bool compare(node *first, node* second) {
while (first && second) {
if (first->data != second->data) return false;
first = first->next;
second = second->next;
return first == NULL && second == NULL;
} bool palin(node *head) {
if (!head || !head->next) return true;
node *p, *q, *pre;
p = q = pre = head;
node *midnode = NULL;
while (q && q->next) {
q = q->next->next;
pre = p;
p = p->next;
if (q) { //odd number
midnode = p;
p = p->next;
node *second = p;
pre->next = NULL;
bool ans = compare(head, second);
if (midnode) {
pre->next = midnode;
midnode->next = second;
else pre->next = second;
return ans;
} int main() {
node *head = NULL;
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
if (palin(head)) cout << "yes" << endl;
else cout << "no" << endl;
return ;


 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std; struct node {
int data;
node *next;
node() : data(), next(NULL) { }
node(int d) : data(d), next(NULL) { }
}; void push(node* &head, int k) {
node *new_node = new node(k);
new_node->next = head;
head = new_node;
} void print(node* head) {
while (head) {
cout << head->data << " ";
head = head->next;
cout << endl;
} bool palinhelp(node *&left, node *right) {
if (right == NULL) return true;
bool palin1 = palinhelp(left, right->next);
if (!palin1) return false;
bool palin2 = right->data == left->data;
left = left->next;
return palin2;
} bool palin(node *head) {
return palinhelp(head, head);
} int main() {
node *head = NULL;
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
push(head, );
if (palin(head)) cout << "yes" << endl;
else cout << "no" << endl;
return ;

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