Upon startup of the newer Cisco IP Communicator clients (especially on Windows Vista/7), sometimes you’ll get an error: Unable to initialize support for Cisco Emergency Responder service

To prevent this message on start-up, you’ll need to do this simple workaround.

1) On your Windows Vista/7 machine, click start and type ‘regedit’
2) When regedit.exe appears at the top of the list, right-click on it and run it as an Administrator
3) Then in the registry, go to:

Windows 7 64-bit  >
            HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Communicator

Windows 8 32-bit  >
            HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Communicator

4) Create a new DWORD key called ‘EnableCDP’ (no spaces) and give it the value of 0 (zero)

Close and re-open your IP Communicator software and the error will go away.

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